>Interactive map
>Weapon stats
>How do I git gud?
>Interactive map
>Weapon stats
>How do I git gud?
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So I rebound my use button to something else but when i press F it still opens doors/uses shit even though it says its not bound. Anyone else have this problem?
daily reminder not to reply to the TPP shitposter. please and thank you
Chad drops are a meme
the other thead is not even on bump limit what the fuck?
I just said migrate when full because it's almost there but apparently nobody has reading comprehension.
lemme just make the next thread now, migrate when this one's full
you dumb nigger
These FPP vs TPP (you) wars is as fucking retarded as the console wars over at /v/.
Can we just accept that neither mode is perfect and neither mode requires more skill than the other? Just play what you fucking enjoy please.
>expecting people to be reasonable in this time and age
Why is this game so addictive?
Because it can pander to faggots that want to just go full rambo mode and kill everything and then proceed to die before top 50 (a.k.a "chads") and patrician taste people that play tactically and sneak on everyone in order to win or place top 10 (a.k.a "virgins")
>shood strim
>plane goes stalber > primorsk
>duo game
>he goes to school with his buttbuddy
>no one land there
>1 loser goes to apartments
>4 guys at rozhok
>no one pushing pochinki
... guys? what the fuck?
in FPP you can't peek using the TPP cam like a bitch tho
so you're kinda factually fucking wrong
Because everybody now understand that this is not CoD. Only streamers and people that aren't tired of queuing up to die in the first minute are going to plant or military base.
Please guys don't give real (you)s to these faggots.
my very first win..definitely didn't expect it. dropped by pochinki, only found a mini uzi and s12k entire game
its literally the first time that i see this happening, streams or playing myself.
tfw you have a AWM with 8x and suppressor and 35 shots
> Queue up with random squad
> This british sounding guy with a character that looks like a faggot says we are doing the demolition derby strategy
> Everybody gets their own car and goes around running people over and taking their shit
> Switching to new cars whenever we out of fuel
> This one guy keeps shooting his handgun on the air to aggro enemies
> mfw it works surprisingly well, we wipe out at least 3 squads and we end up on the top 20
I killed a guy who also had an AWM and took his ammo
>another mini-heart attack from surprise early game shotgun.
If I get some heart attack im going to fucking sue bluehole.
>2nd zone
>not a soul around
>run into farmhouse, all doors closed, loot everywhere
>go upstairs, open bathroom door
>pick up m16 and 90 rounds on floor, sweet
>guy standing behind bathroom door blasted me with shotgun
i had a simultaneous heart attack/rage fit to throw my monitor
Is there a better feeling?
>drop alone
>check surroundings just in case
>check again
>nothing again
>start looting
>go upstairs
>cheeky cunt was waiting for me with a S12K downstairs and leaves me with 2 pixels of health left
what the fuck
how do these people get there
i'm sure he didn't land with me so how the fuck did he get there
HE probably landed somewhere near you and ran straight to you after he found the SK12
(aka "virgins")
I think you meant to say (aka: baddies)
>camp outside of circle and get blued
>move early to get into a good position and get killed by guy who's going to die from the blue anyway
>luckily have the circle land on you all game
Those are your options.
>t. chad dropper.
Still enjoy killing you faggots from behind with a shotgun and stealing all the loot you worked so hard for ;).
This is how chads roll, kids.
>land in a good loot area, loot everything you can and kill all the newbies then get a car and drive to a house in the middle of the 2nd circle.
Never fails, also. make sure to check out for open doors and always nade the fucking bathrooms because people like are waiting for your precious loot.
Or you get a vehicle and stop being a scared pussy who stands still all the time
there's only 3 car spawns in pochinki and the ONE that does spawn is usually taken by some virgin right off the bat
>from behind
LOL fpp shitter detected .
188316761 stop trying to create another perspective war you faggot, we already had a thread-long perspective wars, probably thanks to you.
funny thing that TPP fags get BTFO everytime but they still come back for more beating.
i think its masochism at this point. but yeah i agree with you no more of camera perspective bullshit.
>i think its masochism at this point
Well why do you think the trannies keep playing TPP?
>see the numerous articles about AFK farming matches
>realize this is my chance to pad my shit stats
>my idea works
And it's nice because you're pretty much given a random drop area to get creative with how you plan on killing AFKers. Find a car, loot a machete, or just superman punch.
Come on, lets stop talking about FPP vs TPP
It just leads to everyone crying and screaming like babies, and if I wanted to listen a bunch of babies, I'd play Squads TPP
>people that aren't tired of queuing up to die in the first minute are going to plant or military base.
I want garbage players to leave this general.
you first.
>oh no i cant peak over walls
>oh wait neither can they...
>oh yeah i can peak over walls boom chaka laka
>oh wait so can they...
Try again please
>dropping butt fuck no where and looting an m16 with 30 bullets and a holoscope
>mfw you start shooting at me with my lvl 2 vest, lvl 3 helm and 4x scope.
youre such a retarded faggot you dont even deserve an argument to that shit post.
neck yourself
>provided with facts
>sperg out
Fantastic job, user.
This. Is the most sound argument to be possibly made about pubg perspectives.
TPP autists and FPP shitters can literally not refute this.
Why is it always TPPtists who have to make this a battle? Just play whatever you want.
FPP brainlets and TPP autists are terrible of equal measure.
CanadianKevin pls
why are there SMG suppressors everywhere
Picking up an SMG is a good way to make them disappear
but they just keep appearing
just got the sickest fucking 1v5
who cares, games RNG anyway
who here /red dot only/
>everytime I kill people they usually have a ar/sr suppressor
Why do I get cucked by rng
no it was the first minute of the game, i got slightly lucky, ump with a reddot and a COAT immediatly, so i ran outside to catch the dude looting next house which i heard, and as i killed him i attracted everyone else who also landed there (pochinki) and heard footsteps coming from the front, so i ran to the front of the store and popped him, then heard steps from the back, ran into the inventory room and popped him, and then another guy came 4-5 seconds later and i popped him aswell.
i got one more kill but it was slightly later, but those first 4 was in the timespan of like 15 seconds
because you're a pussy and you're not chad dropping? Just a guess? Faggot?
red dot and 8x only masterrace
oh so you killed a bunch of people without weapons, gj. The man to contest grimmmz himself
yeah they heard shooting and came running towards me with fists, sure
they had the same shit i had, 1 gun without attachments
im just FUCKING HYPED ok dont ruin this for me
and i have had 5 - 10 in KD through all resets with 40+ games in most of them, so i am basically a "shinigami" death lord yes.
holo fags disgust me
> be me
> doing well
> few kills
> get to top 10
> suddenly start shaking
> concentration goes out the window
> andrenaline rush
> do something stupid like come out of cover because I'm not thinking straight
> die
every damn time
4x fags disgust me more.
This is a game, where there was an invitational for legit money, a game that is supposed to be release in ~3 months, added paid crates for >muh income to fix stuff... and player models arent rendering
PLAYER MODELS, DO NOT RENDER. hahahahah fucking classic EA garbage game
to a kar98k insta headshot on a lev 2 head aswell
I have never once had a player model not render, upgrade your toaster
I didn't know someone could get punched out so easily.
Lesson Learned.
get better at shitposting. 1/10
>all players load in at the same time in the pre-game lobby
makes you think
you cannot shoot people in water?
they can't, he was cheating.
>they cant
>he gets 2 headshots
You people are retarded, especially the guy who posted the webm
If you hadn't crouched while looting, he wouldn't have been able to punch you in the head
>press the f key multiple times
>the character won't pick the fucking thing up
I hate this game
this. he put his head at hand height and got punched easily. The guy even flailed like a retard uncessarily, when it was soooo easy to do.
use tab retard
>Use tab
>it still takes multiple tries to pick something up
I hate this game
idk why you respond to the euro/korean shitposters user
I've been eyeing this game and streams of it look pretty fun. Is the "optimal" way to play this game really putting everything on very low and using a third-party post-processing effects program? Doesn't that spell out to be very sad for the developer?
>putting everything on very low
well, not everything
>using Reshade
this one's purely on you
>Doesn't that spell out to be very sad for the developer?
blame PU for not knowing how to properly structure a game and Butthole for being korean
Confirmed no aussie servers from cuckhole anytime soon.
Looks like aussies arent allwoed the full game they paid for xD
where the fuck are the SA FPP servers
fuck the straya cunts
Need more active players.
Most people play FPP and you'll probably be made fun of for playing 3PP.
What if i don't have a choice on my home server and i'm forced to play TPP?
No reason to play on your own server. You desync regardless of your ping.
What's the point of playing when I can watch better players on twitch? I don't get it
>being this cucked and insecure of your own skill
>cut the video short so that others cant see how pussy you play
>0 kills barely visible at the last frame
Streamers are full-time professionals who provide a much better experience than I ever could, why should I waste my time trying to scrape a win together when I can just watch shroud win every single match
>downed next to a cliff
>circle is essentially on the cliff
>squad looks like it is going to wipe
>crawl over the edge of the cliff into the blue
>die in blue
>enemy squad wont get my mk14 now