League of legends general /lolg/
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league of legends
The hell is with her early damage? I always seem to underestimate it.
why does Twitch do more damage than Vayne from a longer range to multiple people and have stealth
What the fuck is the point of Vayne
Soraka has a super tight unicorn pussy. Futafags pls go.
I wanna bully the one on the left.
>ywn pleasure twitch until he is twitching
kill me
Oh, that's nice, thank you.
And sorry if this is too insolent, but, a-are you single?
>be plat 1 83 LP
>my entire team is diamond 5 ~20 LP playing offrole off meta shit, all of them have sub 48% winrates
>enemy team is all plat 1 70+ LP trying their fucking hardest on their best champs, hungry as fuck to get into diamond
>half the games have 85% winrate challenger smurfs boosters on them just shitstomping their way to diamond 1/masters
this is the truest of ELO hells, nothing fucking compares to how awful matchmaking is at this MMR
Release SG Ahri, right NOW
>being this gay
you just have to be much better and consistent than the average player or you can play twitch
just luckshit into getting the smurfs on your team. It's easy
>It's me! Hahahahaa!
>Sewer skewers for everybody!
I mean our entire view into a champion's personality is based around the barebones lore samples and their voicelines. So it's hard to flesh out a character with outdated lore and doesn't speak except telepathically to "Summoners". Usually the community flanderizes their personality and people roll with it. Like Ahri isn't actually a cock-gobbling slut and only slightly teases at the idea of sex. And Soraka isn't actually your timid, submissive character, that's just what people pull from her playstyle.
Just on the surface though Sona is a 'lady' and all that entails. Dainty, feminine, meek, etc...etc... Tons of normal men find that appealing. Different strokes for different folks. Confident women can be just as sexy as shy ones. Doesn't mean I'm looking to lock Sona up in a rape dungeon. That's reserved for Riven.
>She does have powerful legs and a fondness for guidance, after all.
>You start to penetrate her but find her incredible tightness resisting a lot
>You think you should go slow so as not to hurt her
>You also don't know if you can handle going in any faster
>She giggles knowingly before pushing on your back with her legs
>The force of her legs suddenly hilts you inside her
>You almost can't breathe from the sudden pleasure
>She smiles knowingly at you as you both adjust to each other
>Like Ahri isn't actually a cock-gobbling slut
Soraka wears it better
I love Camille
Ban any champs that uses SG.
WHERE THE FUCK IS MY ARTILLERY CHAMPION ?! HUH ?! Literally every stereotype but no soldier squad or tank or robot artillery, this is just stupid
Soraka and Janna are great star guardians
>people talking about shitty waifubait champions
>people talking about waifu lore
kill me
battlecast kogmaw
>no Star Guardian Twitch
>implying touchconnors garbage isn't 10x as bad
Nice thread on /v/ got fucked by autists and furfags. What do you consider a good character design ? I like Janna and Yasuo
Yeah, in any case, you have to do a bit of inventing, not to mention you're going to add attributes that you would want them to have. And in Sona's case, she basically doesn't have lore right now. But when all you care about is cowtits, and you don't even try to come up with any real depth, you don't actually love your waifu, you're just being a sad, strange person.
I actually imagine Soraka to be somewhat confident, just because she heals doesn't mean she's timid. I can't imagine a formerly divine being actually being embarrassed over trivial things.
It's really just about whether or not you put a real character and attributes onto your waifu or if you're literally just attracted to big tits/wide hips/lul she has a clone/i want to be killed/emasculated.
Why not?
You would do the same thing too even if she is your waifu.
>ywn lick kledposters furry boipussy
cut my dick into a pussy please
Yo I'm completely new and I'm having an issue with the free heroes rotation. Whenever I join a match the heroes under the free rotation tab don't show up on the select screen. Is there something I need to do for them to show up?
It wasn't done blasphemously early this time? I'll appluad that a little.
>the greenhorns
I like it.
I like Kin- Lamb as a whole (Wolf's cool, but that's besides the point), but a butt doens't need to be big to be nice. It has a nice shape and the way it moves with her legs is splendid, more so.
>intrauterine device
But why? Why do this?
>I like Janna and Yasuo
make sure you don't have anything typed into the search bar
>liking pussy is gay
>if you're literally just attracted to big tits/wide hips/lul she has a clone/i want to be killed/emasculated.
Literally all the waifu/husbandoposters in /lolg/.
>But why? Why do this?
Raising children is torture.
It's to make up for her lacking in mobility moves, movement speed and as such, ease of protection too. Xayah is not to be outdamaged early on, but out maneuvered.
This is where a Janna or Soraka can engage/set up for their ADC to run her over rather than just hanging back. Many other supports are already about doing just that primarily, so I didn't mention them.
I'm almost 100% positive I didn't but thanks, I'll make sure next time.
I also had some people tell me not to buy anything until I've gone like 20 levels against bots. Is that good advice?
ok guys i'm done with twitch we got a divorce i am looking for a new support waifu for CLIMBing and waifuposting 1 decides or the twitch posting will continue
holy fuck why does battlecast Kog'maw feel 10,000,000 more smoother to play than his other skins.?
He feels like dog shit to play on all of his others, or is it just me? .
>Literally all the waifu/husbandoposters in /lolg/.
Considering some of the discussion that just happened, while this is certainly true for some waifufags, it's not for all of them.
Tomo pĆ³ster are you on? Please accept my firend request.
different people's interpretations of a champion's lore and voicelines are pretty interesting.
I'm making a LoL fan comic right now and Katarina in it isn't a hardass edgy cunt like she appears to be, I like her more as a young girl putting up a tough front.
Ryze is still the best character though.
kled is so cute... so pure... so wholesome... and also my boyfriend!
Holy shit, that gif.
I would advise that you don't level against bots, but then again I haven't leveled up an account in seven years +
>doesn't appreciate cocks
Of course. You appreciate the ONE you have.
Bootfag, is that you?
The answer to that question should be obvious and I'm sure if I answer it I'm gonna be bullied.
Also, second promo (and last game of the day) to get out of Silver V! Bets?
Our teamcomp sucks balls and I think we're gonna get plowed or that Jax might carry us all.
Ekko is the Promo Slayer.
No, I'm a different Elementalist Luxfag. I don't get bootfag's obsession with the boots. It's kinda weird.
literally the only action scene in the whole thing
Waifu Rek'sai and she will be waifu'd with purity
>ywn feel twitch caressing your neck and biting it slightly
>She smiles knowingly at you as you both adjust to each other
To be sure everything prior made for a fine thought, however, when it becomes a moment of more than just loving what you've come to know, but coming to love and to understand anew, in even the smallest way, emotionally, mentally of physically ...that's too fine a fantasy not to envision.
Considering League's lore is half a joke and half incomplete, I don't mind people taking some liberty with champion personalities.
I wanna cuddle Jinx
>spend all day calling people on lan stupid spics
>notification pops up, think i finally got punished
>get this
they could at least pretend to give a shit about the third world servers
>gets killed by twitch with no counterplay
Yeah, that's basically what I did. Wanted it to be about the characters overcoming the impulse to be an asshole.
So not much action and a whole lot of talking, I'm afraid
I want Jinx to cuddle my dick
Why is every pro player a twink? Last non fag looking player was Dyrus
Who knows? Soon, some Anons will start posting champs like Sivir or Vayne if they encounter this general.
Woah dude you are do funny! Make america greet again amirite?
broxah is quite swole i believe
although he's absolute trash if soaz isn't reking lane
Veeky Forums +1 rando
>Alistar Top
Blue Team.
Why cant i be racist without being branded as (insert any radical group of racists here)? fuck off and die
>nami tries to kill you with water
>activate free bf sword
>kill nami in one combo
>randuin's has the Demacian sigil on it
>is anti-AD as opposed to anti magic
Way to drop the ball on that one rito
>support and adc are getting chased after killing the enemy toplaner
>its gotten to the point where one will have to sacrifice so the other can escape
>the support does his very best to fuck over the midlaner to survive
>support flashes to the blasting cone and knocks mid back into the enemy team
>they take all 3 turrets in midlane because the support has 0 waveclear
Why are all support playing so fucking stupid
Vayne is pretty tight though
i got some racist skin drawings i can hit u up senpai
>all ad
>all noxus
Place 'em
Demacia is a nation built upon the idea of the evils of magic. Not built around being Noxus' rival.
How the fuck am I supposed to carry teams that go 0/10 in the first 10 min? My last 10 games are full of these fuckers and I have no idea what to do.
>you have to do a bit of inventing
>you're going to add attributes that you would want them to have
This is why spinning a story and keeping well in mind that lore could change it is the more enjoyable way.
It lowers the temptation to just play personality dress-up and even compels you to add unappealing traits, or at the very least keep you from turning into a rabid, dogmatic "best waifu" debater.
>Raising children is torture.
So assuming that you're the same person, you literally meant just having sex. Two questions come to mind:
-How accustomed is Sona to using her healing under pain?
-Would Sona be just as happy adopting or even prefer it at first?
I don't think we've gotten much about Sona's interactions with the wounded, citizen or soldier. Adopting at first might very well be to her delight considering her unique communicaiton, or lack of it. So many questions.
Jinx is probably so tight that's the only way to actually fuck her, thrusting doesn't really work.
Huh, didnt realize that'd cap both monitors.
Oh well
you lose cause youre shit
>sneaks up on you
Tell me, lover of the steel shadow, from where does this artwork hail?
Rengar rule63
Janna and Yasuo work well together in my experience, even in the intially dreadful seeming situation that is ADC Yasuo.
you(merc treads) lose(opposite of win) cause you are shit(a retard silver player). i could dumb it down further with an ms paint drawing if you need it
found it from this dude on pixiv
>Fucking Vayne
No. Just no.
>How accustomed is Sona to using her healing under pain?
If you're referring about the sex, she wouldn't need healing.
>Would Sona be just as happy adopting or even prefer it at first?
Just no kids.
>a retard silver player
>is gold 4
>with a positive winrate