>baby on board
Baby on board
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Good that means i leave no witnesses alive
stick family
>jesus fish
*blocks your path*
>political slaps
what a horrible fate for that honda
I don't put any bumper stickers on my car and never will, I even went out of my way to remove the ones it had after I bought it
What's wrong with this?
75% of the time the drivers are abhorrent
>>Good that means i leave no witnesses alive
What if she grows up and talks in court?
Oh really? They follow the rules quite well where I live.
this. baby on board usually means "I'm distracted all to hell and sleep deprived and should not be operating a motor vehicle"
they are also usually women, which makes it all worse.
In what way are stickers hurting the car
As much as i hate this faggotry, "dog on board" stickers are worse imo
I literally cringed, user
Had "twins on board" for my twin turbo car. I knew I wasn't cool which is what led me to do it. Nothing to lose.
Why do mostly americans do this?
>bernie 2016 sticker
>coexist sticker
>stickmen family
>stickmen family parody
>stickers that you aren't legally obliged to stick on your car in order to drive on public roads
Worst IMO are the specific “I LOVE MY CHIHUAHUA” or whatever ones
I always get a chuckle out of any Thin Blue Line or other police ones.
Not because I disagree with them (I don’t), but seriously it’s just asking to get your windows smashed by Tyrone.
the baby on board signs are there so emergency services know they have a child in the car in case of an accident
Which is BS because paramedics will treat what kills first with the largest chance of survival. A baby's head is heavy as fuck compared to the rest of its body and a neck or spine injury is likely in the event of a car crash
Tl;dr taxpayer > random baby
you sound like a retard
paramedic here, he's mostly right.
We completely fucking ignore those signs because their intended purpose by the people who made them (it wasn't an idea of emergency services to make it clear) a thing was to put them behind the glass whenever you transport the baby. And with so many retards sticking that shit on their windows permanently regardless of whether the child is there or not whats the point? You might as well spare yourself the embarrassment and not stick it at all.
Also in a mass casualty incident adults get priority over children. So If there's an EMS team on the spot with enough personnel/resources to treat only one person and there are two casualties - a mother with a child we help the mother and leave the child to die. Tough cookie but this is how it is.
The guy you replied to worded it wrong but the point he was trying to make was that children are MUCH MUCH harder to treat than adults and their chances of survival are extremely slim compared to an adult. Saving one person and letting the other die is the better option that letting two people die.
no u
>some fag joins our group
>tells us he makes """"slaps"""" for cars
>half jokingly tell him to go back to /osg/
>he gets it and laughs
>ask him what kind of car he drives
>he says he doesn't drive
>he only makes stickers
>he has no car
/osg/ needs to be nuked. nothing good has ever come from it.
Fuckin Oregon.
fuck you i like my ratdogs
>talking about 4chins irl
It was a Veeky Forums related discord group.
>well shit I guess I won't violently crash into this car
>who rescued who
>I heart my dog
>Stick family with more dogs than people
interesting read, user
I learned something today
>Old white guy with no job driving a beat down car
There’s a roadrage video from my town where a man runs a stop sign, almost crashes into someone and then wants to attack that person because he had a baby on board.
pic related on my autotragic hyundai elantra
>dog mommy
>implying we didn't steal the concept from the nips
that's the plot of Harry Potter without wizards
well fuck meant to reply to
>ban breed specific legislation sticker
>shitbull face sticker
100% guaranteed to be a toothless bydlo
>Sticker that says "No one cares about your stick family" with a t-rex or guy with a chainsaw murdering stick people
>baby on board
>baby on board
>my other ride is a tardis
>back off bumper humper!
>family stickers
>nobody cares about your bumper sticker family!
>marathon stickers
>local christian radio station sticker
>any political sticker that is current or topical
>baby on board sticker
>ok then I dont crash into this car
happens every day.
>weeb is edgy
So that's why Mad TV went off the air!
I keked
>If you're going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair!
>Trump sticker
>be me
>mom rolls up to school with this sticker on her Aerostar
>all the kids and teachers outside to see
only acceptable use is "i
how hot is ur mom?
Seen one of these around town, gave me a chuckle
>dealership badge
>Hillary 2016 sticker
>Bernie 2016 sticker
>coexist sticker
I've been seeing these cars gradually remove their stickers over the past year. They used to be so common, and now the only ones that still have them are Prius owners.
Hell, I've actually seen one out in his driveway rubbing Goo-Gone on his bumper, removing his Bernie sticker.
>Ron Paul sticker
>watch out guys, we got a badass over here...
>It's another /leftypol/ goon shitpost
wife has a few stupid ass stickers on her car, there getting worn from the weather so ill be stripping them off soon
nope, just see fat authoritative dads with them. Same effect when I see Hilary stuff too.
I saw a van the other day that said 'little princess on board' and there was a picture of a handicapped symbol with pigtails.
fat authoritative feminists...
>Calvin go peepee sticker
>ANY sticker at all
absolutely disgusting
Besides them I dont like those who have clothing brands like Nike or Air Jordan....Does that make me a Pro Adidas or hater of sports? Dont think so, just see lots of cringe and autistic dumb supporters of anything really..car culture is just funny like that...anyone can just blindly slap a sticker.
i find those baby on board stickers quite useful. reminds me to not hit the car :)
>In memory of [ dead family member ] You’re in god’s hands 1973-2011
>he doesn't believe in God
this here is a Christian board son.
its even worse when the car is a POS like...i dont wanna be remembered behind that!
>black lettering on a dark tinted window
>baby gets head crushed (maximum)
>memes are spreading from the NASS thread
How can one like things like this and not only be unashamed of themselves but actually want to advertise it?
>darwin fish
like pottery
What if...
literally 0 shame
weebs and furfags have a frightening lack of it
what if i have the one with blue and red stripe?
dutch vros is pretty good doe
>pro adidas
You gotta go full slav man
Saw this on my commute.
I always laugh at the “I’m with her” stickers too.
>heart shaped exhausts
It gets better
I have one of these on my work van along with a student driver sticker
wrong website