My First Crash

I live in a state where tort law exists (insurance must find a party at fault and collect compensation from them).

I crashed into someone the other day and I did some damage to the back passenger door and scraped their back passenger side tire.

Here is the twist: I do not have insurance.

I was able to fix my car by myself, but now I am just waiting for the call from the person's insurance to tell me how much I have to pay for the other person's car.

So my question to Veeky Forums is, as an uninsured cuck what can I do to make sure that the other person's insurance agents don't completely fuck me in the ass and take me for big bucks?

pic somewhat related

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Get a lawyer you dumb nigger.

Pre-lube you pathetic drain on society

fake your death and live in the forrest



shit hole country.

>So my question to Veeky Forums is, as an uninsured cuck what can I do to make sure that the other person's insurance agents don't completely fuck me in the ass and take me for big bucks?
Absolutely fucking nothing friend, you will be obliged to pay for the damages you've done and for 3 days of work of every single employee of the insurance company the guy you crashed into had.

fucking lmao you are an idiot because instead of waiting for the guy's call like a moron you should've tried to wrap this situation up amicably ie the guy takes the car to the service of his choice and you agree to cover the expenses for fixing it. And he probably would've agreed because noone likes their premiums going up.

>no insurance in the land of the lawsuit
The person you hit was on his way to make a few million dollars which you have to pay now.

This is the only acceptable answer.
In the jungle you must wait, til the your post ends in '5' or '8'.

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You should have explained that you haven't insurance at the site of the crash, and arranged a way to get his/her car fixed. Provide him with your driving license or something that he can track you down with so he doesn't panic.

If the other party is a cool guy and trusts you, pay for the repair and be on your way. If he isn't, you're hugely fucked. You can drive without a license, on drugs, without wearing a seatbelt, and a ton of other crazy things and get a slap on the wrists if you get caught, but driving without insurance is asking for a life of trouble. If you happen to run over somebody and you don't have insurance, your life is over.

Whatever you do, don't drive uninsured.

>Here is the twist: I do not have insurance.
I hope you get sued for everything you have, you utter dipshit.

What were the two cars involved? year, make?
who was the other party like?
male or female? age? etc

>I crashed into someone the other day and I did some damage to the back passenger door and scraped their back passenger side tire.
>Here is the twist: I do not have insurance.
>I was able to fix my car by myself
Why didn't you offer to fix his car? Are you an absolute nigger or what?

>So my question to Veeky Forums is, as an uninsured cuck what can I do to make sure that the other person's insurance agents don't completely fuck me in the ass and take me for big bucks?

Hire an attorney and prepare to be absolutely fleeced, you should have offered to settle out of pocket immediately.

t. Insurance adjuster

>Drives without insurance
>Gets into an at fault accident and immediately tries to slip out of getting jewed
Niggers like you are the reasons insurance premiums are so high. Even poverty tier insurance like the general is cheap enough to have. Why don't you have it, are you some sort of illegal?

>Why don't you have it, are you some sort of illegal?

That was my first thought, either he's an illegal or has his license suspended for a DUI or something similar, regardless OP is a supreme dumbass and I look forward to the other party suing his fucking balls off.

Get some lube for your anus

You literally can't. They're gonna hit you with fines for being uninsured no matter what you do.

>On the road without insurance
Why in the even fuck.

Take out a loan to cover the cost upfront, then be prepared to work off that loan for a while.

Although, I will be honest, I myself live in a european country that requires those roadworthiness stickers/checks every year.
I knew my car would have failed, but I couldn't afford it at the time, and I drove it every day to work for a year.
Police could have random-checked me at any time, but they didn't and I thank my lucky stars they didn't.
But if I had been in an accident, my fault or not, my insurance would have stepped out for me driving a non-roadworthy car, and I'd been at the mercy of the third party. Its fixed now of course and I'm grrrn across the board, but fuck me if things were different.

But seriously OP, you fucked up bad, now man up and pay up.

>Here is the twist: I do not have insurance.

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the absolute fucking state of soymerica

isn't that illegal in america? surely this thread is just bait

Nothing, you have all ready bent over, hand cuffed yourself to a desk and invited them in.

>Here is the twist: I do not have insurance.

Kill yourself boy

Unless you live in some rural flyover state, its illegal to not have it, but some stupid people still drive without it, just like they do with suspended licenses and other shit.

>it's impossible to do illegal things

Better than living in a no-fault state. Fuck Florida, if I get hit and it's blatantly the other guy's fault I shouldn't have to pay my own deductible.

>no insurance
>could potentially destroy a persons only mode of transport that they can't afford to replace so they can't get to work

>could potentially destroy someones hard earned dream car, leaving them with no hope of replacing it

I hope they Jew the fuck out of your puckered little anus

>Cuck laws
>Shit weather

Jesus, it's like you guys are trying to outdo my shithole of a state (CA).

A couple bad things don't bring Florida anywhere near as bad as Commiefornia. Florida's weather is great except for August and September.

Is insurance non mandatory in the United States ? I understand not having universal healthcare because private companies could do it, but what happens if you have no insurance and you need to pay hospital bills ? What if the person who is to blame who has no insurance has no money to pay the hospital bills for the guy he hurt ?

find someone you trust, give them everything you have, then proceed to claim bankruptcy

untouchable now nigga

>Is insurance non mandatory in the United States
depends on the state. the ones that do require it don't really enforce it other than sending a letter requesting you turn in your tag. A scum bag can ride dirty for years before a police officer pulls them over or before they just t-bone someone.

>I do not have insurance

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>I live in a state where tort law exists
Confirmed for not knowing what the fuck the law of torts is.

>in NZ
>no insurance, ever, 8 years
>never been in an accident
feels good not to have been cucked out of thousands of dollars

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