/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >Early-mid September update

>New monthly items exchange

>Class rate-up
Saber: 6, 13
Archer: 7
Lancer: 8
Rider: 9
Assassin + Extra: 10
Caster: 11
Berserker: 5, 12

>Free Quest 1/2 AP for first clear

>Prisma Illya Movie campaign
26th of Aug to 8th of Sept
Free CE 4*
Login for 4 days in between 26th Aug to 2nd of Sept for 25 Gold EXP total
Illya NP upgrade and Kuro Skill upgrade
Illya rate-up

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


Gay thread

Saido no Doki desu thread

Are any servants more EVIL than Evil Cat and Evil Witch?

Friendly reminder to not do math

Saido no doki thre-

Voice patch soon

semiramis > medea

I want more armpit servants.



Nobu a CUTE.


soon means never now?

Medea is cute.
Semi is a hag.

I promise not to do math if you take the job of throwing rocks at pigs to survive.


Can someone tell me what the point is of Berserker class is? Maybe I'm playing them wrong or they truly are trash tier, but they seem to always die after one turn.


I don't get the current Fate hype.
Zero was great because of Emiya Kiritsugu.
Stay Night turned out to be your typical run of the mill shounen with a piss poor annoying protagonist, vacant of all the mature charm that Zero had.
And after the trash show that was the UBW movie, i give up on Fate/stuff.
Didn't bother to check out this seasons Fate/Arachnophopia or whatever its called either, i bet it's just another kiddy shounen too

Can you repeat the question?

Kerry is cute haha.

its Fate

>Cu Alter
dumb whale

If every servant in the game had to be drawn by one artist from the Fate series, who would you choose?


Calm down guys, it's just going to be news about the thursday's stream. They have to announce a lot of shit for the next week, when the class gacha ends.
>Apo collab
>EoR 3
>some rerun with the 10M campaign and before any real content
Also I can smell a free servant.

the state of Herkek

Morii or Konoe.


Saido no kill yourself cucks

>another ending on Cu
wew laddy

LB mud or IA for jack?

Try them out again after you fully level them

I appreciate how you fixed the formatting of the first news entry after user pointed it out. Also, good taste in OP pics.

How's my supports?


Remember to vote, I'll probably only post this in one more thread.

>all 5*
Reddit tier.

IA, Jack can generate more than enough stars

If Cu Alter is dying after one turn then you need to git gud.

The point of them though is to be your free "Get out of jail" card when there's too many enemy types or you don't have a servant of a class that can hard counter the enemy set up you're up against.

They're also good for being damage dealers due to their high damage mod. In fact soon as a 5* pops up with
>NP Charge
>Buster up
>Crit Weight+Crit damage up
In their skillset it will be over my man. Nothing will be able to stop its memetry

It's an LB'd Another ending too


>96, 94, 94

Here's your apple /fgog/




Alright, cool. Thanks. I'll get back to grinding them then and use them for that.

it almost done

Takeuchi, to keep up the classic look. I would miss Koyama's comfy coloring though.

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ

waalikum salam brother

Go back to hacking Sonic Mania, pajeet


>American education

Reminder that Mordred is the only thing good about Apocrypha. Anyone who disagrees is a seigcuck or a faggot


>arabic language

Shima Udon.


Kill yourself nitofag. How many threads do you plan to ruin?

where is he now

Gib quartz, sheikh.

He's interviewing the new DW employees.

Shima Udon.

nasu and take OMG

An update:
FGO total of doujins: 1399

>Ritsuka (female): 350
>Mashu: 336
>Ritsuka (male): 250
>Roman: 106
>Arjuna: 105
>Dantes: 105
>Merlin: 99
>Jeanne Alter: 82
>Kiyohime: 78
>Scat: 75
>Shuten: 61
>Cu Caster: 46
>Raikou: 45
>Kintoki: 37
>Alexander: 37
>Jeanne Alter Santa Lily: 36
>Da Vinci: 32
>Bedi: 31
>Cu Alter: 30
>Nitocris: 25
>Lancelot (Saber): 24
>Nightingale: 23
>Ishtar: 20
>Marie: 19
>Tristan: 18
>Blackbeard: 16
>Yan Qing: 16
>Moriarty: 16
>Martha: 16
>Sanzou: 15
>Sanson: 15
>Ere: 15
>Leonidas: 15
>Olga: 14
>Boudica: 14
>Musashi: 14
>Ushi: 14
>Helena: 13
>Ibaraki: 13
>Tesla: 13
>Hector: 12
>Koutaro: 12
>Asterios: 11
>Chev: 11
>David: 10
>Emiya Assasin: 10
>Tamamo Cat: 10
>Saber Lily: 9
>Mozart: 9
>Solomon: 8
>Edison: 7
>Lancer Alter Artoria: 7
>Nobuyuki: 6
>Medb: 6
>Holmes: 6
>Rama: 6
>Carmilla: 5
>LZO: 5
>Caesar; 5
>Beowulf: 5
>Lancer Artoria: 5
>Billy: 4
>Mata Hari: 4
>Mephistopheles: 4
>Goetia: 4
>Sita: 4
>Anne: 4
>Orion: 4
>Mary: 4
>Fergus: 4
>Siduri: 3
>Kingu: 3
>Sherezade: 3
>Iri (dress of heaven): 3
>ROMA: 3
>Nero Bride: 2
>Kotomine (CE): 2
>Caligula: 2
>MHX Alter: 2
>Geromino: 2
>George: 2
>King Hassan: 2
>Wu: 1
>Pent: 1
>Jaguarman: 1
>Darius III: 1
>Benkei: 1
>Quetz: 1
>Gilles (Saber): 0
>Jing Ke: 0
>Phantom: 0
>Babbage: 0
>Bloodaxe: 0

Always remember a lot of things get untagged. This is cumulative since FGO launch.

Used Tora to add characters that didn't have a tag in lexicon like Quetz or the Agartha servants.

Can you transfer your account more than once?

Yes, but you need to generate a new bind code for that. The code can only be used once.

News when?

gee it's almost like this is a common newfag question that can be answered by reading the fucking FAQ

lmao you think I can read moon you fucking weeb?

5 minutes

You should already know it unless you have a double digit IQ.

Less than 5 hours.

the FAQ is in english you nigger

FGO Girls without counting (You) who always get something:
1. Mashu
2. Jeanne Alter
3. Kiyohime
4. Scat
5. Shuten
6. Raikou
7. Jeanne Alter Santa Lily
8. Da Vinci (wtf guys, I thought they hated her??)
9. Nitocris
10. Nightingale

Kill yourself

>who always get something
Ooh, I want to give her my something, all right.

FGO boys, not counting (you)
1. Roman
2. Arjuna and Dantes
4. Merlin
5. Caster Cu
6. Kintoki
7. Alexander
8. Bedivere
9. Cu Alter
10. Cucksalot

Imagine if Kiyo was a 5*.

Results of movie character poll
>1st - Sakura - 100 votes
>2nd - Illya - 91 votes
>3rd - Kirei - 59 votes
>4th - Shirou - 53 votes
>5th - Miyu - 49 votes
>6th - Kuro - 36 votes
>6th - Kiritsugu - 36 votes
>8th - Rin and Luvia - 24 votes
>9th - Julian - 9 votes
>10th - Dolls - 7 votes

>Quetz: 1


She deserves better by better I mean being turned into a cumslut

Where else can I get Archer pieces and Yggdrasil seeds? Euryale and F/SN Cu need some Ascensions

Shitroutards on suicide watch

>most of the Roman doujins I've seen are het
Gimme the gay shit goddamn

I'm no event the same guy. Getting (You)s out of you fags is too easy

hello virgin

Fuck off reddit

Congrats on getting all those yous, reddit.

check the spreadsheets in the OP

When are we getting Djeeta and Gran?

>N-No You
wew lad /fgog/ on suicide watch

Doujinfag here. It doesn't have to do with rarity because most doujins seem to ignore the SR Kiyo. Kiyo was the first established waifubait with Mashu, that's why she has that solid fanbase. She was also the rival for Mashu officially acknowledged in Valentine. She used to have more doujins than Jeanne Alter too, but because she was incorporated as waifubait recently (Shinjuku actually) even if she existed for a long time and was introduced along with Kiyo in Orleans.


She probably has more untagged. I'll try to take a look later.

Uh Kiarafags....

There's some but nobody scans it, they do scan it when it becomes het.
Het stuff is predominant though.

>tfw only up to London
Thanks anyways, I'll keep looking around

>join the thread
>Kiarafags are getting BTFO as always
Pfthahahahhaha, some things never change.