Could it be? Another literal road bump for mandatory autonomous cars?
I, for one, am pleased with this outcome.
Could it be? Another literal road bump for mandatory autonomous cars?
I, for one, am pleased with this outcome.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not the cars fault my dude. It's the operators fault for not taking any action.
Like I said before, autonomous cars are more aware and alert than a human driver. And obviously the human driver didn't react quick enough to avoid this problem.
>inb4 some know-it-all calls it a "system bug"
I just looked it up, its true lel. I honestly think self driving cars will be alright though, since most of the fucks on the road today are texting staceys in SUVs. Also it will be interesting to see how self driving cars act against people riding their ass, beeping, cutting them off, chasing them off the road, etc... Imagine a world where every slow car pulls over and lets you pass, and only the actual driving enthusiasts drive their own cars. It could be pretty sweet desu
people are stupid. Computers don't make mistakes.
> autonomous cars are more aware and alert than a human driver.
They aren't and they never will be. To put it simply, humans drive proactively, robots derive reactively. That's why it will never be viable.
Seeing how it's tempe I'm sure it was some drunk college chick
"women was walking outside the crosswalk"
>driver less car has to take blame for dumb j walking bitch
I always loved the philosophy class debate about how a driverless car should choose who lives and dies.
"What if the car is going to hit a women with a stroller? And it can avoid killer her and the baby by killing the driver?"
Is the bitch j walking?
If not, why was the car given right of way at the same time as a pedestrian?
If she is j walking... fucking run her over!
kek, what did you take an html class in highschool?
A computer can predict every possible outcome after one move on a chess board... Let alone on a street where there are laws and right of ways and an infrastructure designed to be as predictable as possible.
>That's why it will never be viable.
I just don't see it not being "viable". It's going to happen.
The tragedies due to human error is what got us these self driving cars in the first place.
Now there are still some things companies need to work out in order to have these cars on the road and eventually have them outlaw manually driven cars. I love cars as much as the next guy, the the fatalities due to human error has just gotten WAY out of hand.
You'll love it one day, trust me. Be we are a long road away from that reality.
>Pedestrians have the right away
Only when they're in the bloody crosswalk. The car did nothing wrong.
Still safer than human drivers. It's just a drop in the bucket compared to how many people die each year at the hands of humans behind the wheel
but human drivers are unpredictable. a human can better detect some shitty driver ahead of them if they're swerving in their lane a shitload, whereas a robodriver just sees a car in a lane and thinks nothing of it
>the right away
Errr. wrong. Go look up those Tesla's with autopilot mode. They can detect danger from a few yards away.
robocar would likely make up for that in reaction time though right?
uh yeah, because there are millions more humans on the road than there are autonomous cars
>autonomous cars are evil n shit
>why are Jews pushing this shit?
>hol up it was a female pedestrian?
would it make the right choice though?
"That can't be true, all robots follow the three laws"
They keep fucking testing those things out here because we have no regulations, and they keep causing accidents (really bad ones). This is fucking bullshit. I'm going to become a soccermom and campaign to get them banned before they fuck my shit up too.
If the coders who make the risk mitigation function of the car are any good they will easily have a way to flag possibly dangerous drivers. And a car is capable of stopping/swerving/avoiding shit at a very high level of performance, the human driver just typically can't give the car the right input (people typically brake too late, brake and swerve, over correct ect...). So the car can give near perfect input to avoid a last minute threat by swerving and braking just the right amount.
Why the fuck did they choose Tempe?
Do it brotha!
that fusion was just living out its mustang fantasies
>car that has worst "sight" than a legally blind person
>people keep wondering why these cars keep crashing into everything as if it wasn't there
Lol, you're fuckin stupid.
>It's going to happen.
No, it's not
What has no regulations, the car? What about the bitch who was j walking?
I am not surprised of the tech giants uber is the one to give the least shits about how bad of a service it’s providing and does the least to recuperate it. Once they run out of inventory money to throw at people with promotions I don’t see it growing
>Still safer than human drivers.
At this current point, they definitely aren't safer than the average human, because they cannot even fucking see as well as the average human. Were are still at the stage where you cannot be sure whether they have detected the cars around them and the people around them and like the very basic fucking shit. Hate how computer illiterate retards like you think that this is some kind of magic box that is sentient and can do magic.
You must not commute around the general population on your way to highschool every day. Human drivers want to people to die on occasion.
>be me
>commute into Detroit
>traffic jam occurs
>no big deal
>shoulder becomes new 70mph fast lane passed the parked cars
>someone pisses someone off
>they swerve over all three lanes blocking them like a nascar race
>don't mind the bottomed out Taurus air shocks either
>doing 78mph
>someone hauls ass around me in right lane
>on a donut
>The Uber vehicle was reportedly headed northbound when a woman walking outside of the crosswalk was struck.
>The woman was taken to the hospital where she died from her injuries.
>Tempe Police says the vehicle was in autonomous mode at the time of the crash and a vehicle operator was also behind the wheel. No passengers were in the vehicle at the time.
In the video they show a busted up bicycle though so I dunno.
What'll be interesting is if the "operator" will be held responsible.
These threads always make the op look retarded since people cause way more deaths.
And then it drives into stationary objects. Brilliant.
Human drivers drive like assholes, OK.
That doesn't excuse the fact that these self driving cars are currently so inept that you cannot even be sure that they detect mundane objects in their path.
>At this current point, they definitely aren't safer than the average human, because they cannot even fucking see as well as the average human
No they are. Traffic accidents are all preventable, hence the term accident or "that wasn't supposed to fucking happen,my bad" events
>>don't mind the bottomed out Taurus air shocks either
I don't believe Taurus have ever came with air ride.
And yet humans can't seem to see mundane shit in their way either because they're dumb
What evidence do you have to support that?
Hard Mode:
>you cant use todays event because all the facts/evidence have not been made public yet
She very well could have been j walking which would mean the car did fine.
I'm probably mistaken then, I honestly just assumed it had some form of air shock because I've never seen suspension sag that bad on a
Is this the first XC90 fatality?
So much for the 2020 goal with zero deaths.
Ironically, PewDiePie has an XC90 too.
No, humans are careless and selfish. That is why the cause accidents. Not due to a lack of ability.
Machines are stupid. Even the dumbest human, heck even most animals have a 100% accuracy rate of detecting a child in stroller. Machines still cannot be trusted to do that consistently.
>What evidence do you have to support that?
I'm a mathematician that actually understand the technology that make a car drive itself.
>. Not due to a lack of ability.
Their lack of ability to pay the fuck attention.
This guy was at the wheel he could witness everything and did nothing to stop the car when the auto system wouldn't.
Even if that fucker was driving I bet he would have hit her jaywalking ass
tempe resident here
there's a fuckload of these ugly tesla volvo SUVs that drive around. the drivers are paid like 20 bucks an hour basically to just sit behind the wheel and text. They don't actually do much.
the uber cars here are notoriously sketchy, they make sudden and abrupt braking maneuvers for no apparent reason and like to crawl towards pedestrians while parked
i have no hard time believing these fucks killed someone. Self driving cars might work for stop and go traffic on the freeway but on side streets you'd have to be out of your goddamn mind, what with all the red light runners, jaywalkers, other various edge-case hazards near Rural and Apache.
>oh man the machine had an accident even though it causes way fewer accidents than humans
>we trust humans even though they're far more prone to causing accidents
Why would the machine need to detect a stroller? The only time a stroller should be in the way of a car is if the stroller is crossing a crosswalk with the little white man assuring them they are allowed. At which point the car only needs to detect a red light.
Fuckin' hell, my priorities are wrong.
I don't know why everyone in this board hates the idea of self driving cars, the only downside I can really think of is government making it obligatory to use autonomous cars to avoid accidents, but that's a big government problem, not a problem with the cars themselves.
Just think for a moment self driving cars became mainstream, and you could still drive your regular cars, people that don't really like to drive would instantly buy an autonomous car, making shit drivers a thing of the past, all those normiert driving on the left lane, and jumping lanes in turns would be on a self driving car that wouldn't do that, traffic would be a lot nicer if only people that really enjoys driving drove, while the rest didn't.
The car could have acted erratically. In a way that the pedestrian and the driver both would have been unable to react in time.
For example, it could have detected the pedestrian at first and then suddenly decided they did not actually exist and ran her over at the last second.
my bad. $24 an hour.
>clean driving record required for someone who is not actually driving
lmao this happened right down the road from me
I knew this was going to happen, I just fucking knew it.
That is just an assumptions. We don't even know yet what it would take to get them to the point when they are safer than humans.
But that is the whole point I am making. A human can react to unexpected circumstances but a machine cannot because it cannot actually see like a human.
>tfw dislike driverless cars but know that one guy in this thread is 100% bullshitting
What do?
haha, you know where it happened? Look like she was j walking?
This, get the dumb oblivious bitches driving pickup trucks to stop being responsible for that 5,000lb thing, they have makeup to apply.
Who fucking cars? Mow the fucking j walkers down! And humans rarely react to fuckery correctly anyway. My aunt was hit by a fucking car, lost her eye and was in the hospital for almost a year. The driver, the human driver... was not able to react in time..... BECAUSE SHE WAS J WALKING!
>have small penis
>soon automated cars become the norm
>tfw you cannot even drive around town in your big truck/V8 to show people your penis is not small
Uber shills out the woodworks
> Arizona
And nothing of value was lost.
Curry and mill avenue, I'm about a 10 minute walk from there. It's right next to ASU and the Mill Avenue bar scene.
I didn't see it but given the location, she probably was j-walking. Or rather jumped a light on her bike, local news has an image with a ran over "ride sharing" bike.
>For example, it could have detected the pedestrian at first and then suddenly decided they did not actually exist and ran her over at the last second.
No this wouldn't have happened because the design is that if it sees an object in the way it will stop. This is an issue where it didn't see it so it didn't react. There I no design anywhere in its programming where it does acknowledge an object but doesn't react accordingly
welcome to Veeky Forums, where retards are a diamond dozen
They don't detect danger, they just slow down as the cars ahead do.
Probably just retards who do not realise that Tesla/Uber/...etc have spent billions in marketing just to make the idea of self driving cars appealing. They just drank the kool-aid without bothering to understand what the fuck they are talking about.
If you go on youtube, people are still showing of their results of a NN being able to detect an apple from an orange consistently. That is the state of the field. Yet somehow to these people it is surprising that a car might not "see" as well as a human.
For example look at this:
It can only detect a small numbers of the pedestrians near the road? And see how it's flickering? One second the pedestrian is there, then the next second it doesn't detect it anymore. This is probably not the state of the art, but we are still at the point where detecting mundane things is hard and not at all a guarantee.
Jay walking isn't a crime in any civilized countries, so it's the car's fault.
>technology should be perfect from day one or otherwise is useless.
Autonomous cars are shit now, yes, but they will be a great thing in the future.
>trusting your life to experimental software
I won't, Americans will, then after the technology gets better the rest of the world will start using it, and traffic will be a lot nicer like I said in
There is a bike lane and the pedestrian was actually a cyclist.
It makes more sense now. Still the car should have seen a cyclist in front of them even, if it did not recognize the lane markings.
>we should kill thousands of random people just to debug this tech
Sounds reasonable.
But who says they can? Who is creating the formulas needed to calculate driver risk, movement, and maneuvering in detail. I mean who the fuck is sitting there creating some kind of code that will tell this computer chip that on wet ground but not that wet like it's been raining for 15 minutes and there's a car ahead a big suv and then it brakes super fucking hard and there's cars to your left and right but the left is the only one where you just barely fit and this computer chip has to then calculate how fast to accelerate and at what angle to swerve/merge and how to land exactly on the lane and then a whole continuation of calculations infinitely who the fuck physically put this in this silicone chip?
god that movie turned to shit after jackson & the rock's characters died
That is not how this shit works. First of all, reaction time is good, as you say, but detection/sight is abysmally bad. Secondly all of this is probabilistic. Because it is probabilistic, nothing at all is certain. For example you could test the software a million times to detect a million different situations of a car at an intersection, then you get it on the street and it doesn't detect the car, because of some slight deviation from the testing data that just lowers the score beyond the bounds of a positive.
It does
This is where AI, as in Artificial Intelligence comes in. Instead of programming every single scenario for every single road condition and every single vehicle, you make a program that can, "learn" how their car handles and how different conditions change the handling. This info will probably be, "learned" by a bunch of test chips on test cars in test tracks and then uploaded to a big server where new car chips can download that info and, "be taught" from the test cars.
>All these people shilling for autonomous cars
>On a site where you have to identify pictures of stop signs to prove you arent a robot.
My favorite part of the news is when all the facts and investigation of a case are found... and they never publish it because its not juicy enough click bait.
>underrated post
Youre right its not a crime, but it certainly helps decide who is at fault you fucking hippie.
Probably people with PhDs. Actually a whole team of people with PhDs and each of them had their own team of fucking grad students probably...
Still better than people who are intentionally negligent.
>What is machine learning?
Don't even try to pretend that captcha is worth a fuck. I click random shit half the time and it lets me post and the only time I try and do it right the first time it never lets me through with less than 8 attempts.
Uber suspended ALL self-driving testing because it will be found at fault.
The ai didn't see the pedestrian in the bike lane.
yfw /n/ saves human-operated vehicles
What a timeline
If this happens just move to Aus; no way that shit would ever be installed here with how spread out we are
If the pedestrian was in the bike lane why did it hit him/her? Was the car not in its lane?
Why didn't the AI break for the jaywalker?
How can robotic bois even compete?
ford is testing them in miami to third world shithole proof them
>but it certainly helps decide who is at fault you fucking hippie.
The pedestrian is ALWAYS in the right unless they literally jump out in front of your car to make sure you hit them.
>self driving car kills someone
>no one mentions the miles driven for the particular autonomy system
>thus we cannot compare miles per death to properly see if the uber system is safer using actual metrics
people are retarded. all self driving cars need to be is BETTER THAN HUMANS, not *perfect*. Thousands of deaths per year with a rudimentary self driving system vs tens of thousands with moron humans is a good outcome
Shhh, no logic, only paranoia.
>Ironically, PewDiePie has an XC90 too.
learn what irony is
You're whats wrong with jury trials.
I unfortunately don't see how widespread level 4 autonomy can survive with the MSM's retardation. We recall millions of dressers just because they kill one stupid toddler... How will autonomy systems fare when someone dies (even if it is after billions of safe miles traveled overall) and soccer moms are pleading for Mr. Senator to regulate the "death-cars"?
Reminder that the pedestrian, like the customer, is always right
Well the entire auto industry and insurance companies will be backing automated cars since they know realistically they mean far less accidents and such. All they really have to do is ask the media to compare real drivers doing retarded things with the few instances of automated cars hitting idiotic jaywalkers and such.
I work for Uber on the self driving side of things.
Someone said operators make 20$/hr . That was true. It's 24 now.
Best company I've ever worked for.
Unlimited PTO. $300/month in Uber/Uber eat credits. Best health insurance I've ever seen. Stocked coolers and snack bar. Catered lunches and dinners everyday. Did i mention unlimited PTO?
How many hours do you work a day?
Also, XC90, Bolt, Fusion, or Pacifica?
Depends on the roles. I'm not an operator anymore. Most shifts are 4x10hr days.
There was no jaywalker. A cyclist was riding in a bike lane and the car swerved right into her.
Nope. She was walking her bike across the street outside of a crosswalk when hit .
i want footage of this shit NOW
>Youre right its not a crime, but it certainly helps decide who is at fault you fucking hippie.
In every civilised country pedestrian has the right of way if he's on the road, regardless of whether he did in a designated place or not or whether he did it on a red light.
and the black box timeline!
>yfw /n/ saves human-operated vehicles
Crashing the car industry. With no survivors!