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first for nezhas boypussy
>tfw Uncle Ruk will never gift the Tenno the Napalm's cannon.
third for jewing spic trade chat
Nightwatch Napalm Ogris :^)))
That sounds ebin
>very fast nidus linking at an incredible hihg speed
I am in the mood for some stupid grindy bullshit. Should I try this out?
you will like it and remember that the endgame is jewing plat
no, see the thing about most grind game is that there's a reward for grinding. warframe doesn't it's just grinding for the sake of grinding.
Tenno are just mercenaries fighting for scraps
Just another corpus machine, really
Where's this so-called tenno honor?
I mean it's free, why not. Just remember to buy plat
Do people actually buy Darvo deals? "Hey ten0, here's a shit weapon for 180 plat instead of 210! Buy now there's only a limited number!"
If it's for a decent weapon. Remember it also has a free slot and potato.
There was also Limbo for 80p a little while ago
Oh huh I didn't know it came with a slot + weapon
I think a few days ago he had furax 10% off. Then 2 days later he had furax again and it was again 10% off.
And some people actually bought them.
slot + item + potato'd
no its always better to farm for mods or buy a blueprint from the codex
one time there was the mire for 25 plat and sold out in 1 hour
Never heard of the Tipedo until I got this riven. Looked it up, and the stats seem alright, but i'm guessing not many use it.
How much can I get for the riven?
What's most difficult obstacle in Warframe that does not include anything related to grind? Just good ol' regular hard difficulty.
Soloing Tyl Regor when you're new-ish to the game is probably the first major difficulty spike.
So I've been doing Oceanum and even though it's occupied Combas keep spawning. What the hell?
boss invul frames
0/10, not enough yelling and wheezing
Sometimes he has potatoes and kubrow eggs or discounted frames like Mesa, pretty rare though
By railings I mean trying to go fast in corpus ship levels only to get stuck on the geometry
Raids, because co-coordinating a group of people into performing the mechanics is a fucking nightmare. Even if everybody knows how the puzzles work and how to complete them it's still horrible trying to perform all of them while everybody flounders around. It's the reason fucking nobody does them without an experienced group.
So realistically how much could I jew this for?
waiting for crafting to finish
>just started playing a few days ago
>looking at what frames I want to get
>decide on Rhino and Oberon because I like the warrior and paladin vibes (I know Oberon isn't that good)
>Rhino is easy
>figure it'll take a while for Oberon to come together
>buy the print anyway
>all the component blueprints drop from random eximus units within like a day of playing
Am I lucky or just misinformed about the drop rates?
I still have no idea how to build gunblades.
Each part has like 1% change to drop from eximus enemies, so it's just random but not too bad since you fight multiple eximus enemies every mission.
No. The game literally shits out oberon parts. That's why selling his parts is a popular way of getting extra credits.
You got lucky getting him that early, but overall he's not hard. You'll probably have five more full copies of him before you finish the star chart.
>Those side railings that sit off the side of the tile so you float on the spot when you bullet jump
Eximus spawn chance goes up with enemy level , start fighting level 30-35's with your Rhino and multiple Oberons will be yours
There are Eximus only missions as random sortie condition but you need Sedna junction and The war withing quest completed for that , don't feel bad just doing missions will make it drop eventually
>the ___ warframe experience
Is rage good on chroma? I feel like it would give him a lot of self sustain
No I mean I haven't even hit level 25 enemies yet but I already got it.
yes it's insanely useful
Just bought Primed Pistol Gambit for 34 plat, what should I put it on?
Aksomati, Akstilleto, whatever
I'll take it off your hands for ~350 plat
Just replace berserker with 90% fire or cold and leave it there , your PPP should be 1-2 points higher
the railings where you bullet jump into them then get stuck in crouch so you keep bullet jumping into the same spot when you're trying to normal jump over
>is a mod based on damage taken good on a frame that doesn't take damage
the only frame that should have rage is wukong and inaros and inaros only has it because there's nothing else to put
It's good on Nidus instead of Primed Flow
Is it worth building Titania so I can be a scrub and cheese MR tests and puzzle rooms?
Titania is actually pretty fun. You use your primary as a stat stick, with shred and speed trigger. Most of the 2's buffs are worthless but the accuracy one from lancers is nice. Razorwing is also very strong. Dex Pixia is just great. The only bad thing I guess is it's ARCHWING LITE.
>frame literally generates its own energy
>i'll put rage on it
Alright I'll build this flying rat then.
It lets you consistently 2->1 before you've set up stacks. It also lets you recover nicely if you lose stacks or whiff your 1.
Eh rage is fine if you're starting out and don't have maxed zenurik. Chroma takes little damage but he's always taking health damage so he's always gaining back some energy. Also in emergency situations like getting knocked back into a nully it will save you.
Does anyone even use these fucking things? I just want plat.
>it's another Mot fissure episode
>staring shitters that think they can handle mot because they have no problem with sorties.
>first 5min is everyone constantly going down and then deciding to extract after limping to 10 reactant for the first relic
DE can you just MR lock mot to at least 16?
Speaking of chroma are you supposed to build for his 4 or is it just useless?
only for akkad credit farming IIRC
Damn, seems I missed a whole lot of meme mods due to not playing for ages, and a few good farming missions that got 'fixed', too.
Why even life when you cannot memestrike.
i would buy the vulkar if its very cheap so i can get a reason to forma the vulkar wraith
Ah alright that makes sense
You will like it and remember that the endgame is AFKing pub Sorties with Limbo for tear collection.
you forgot spamming stasis
This. Holy shit
>wtb a riven for a trashy weapon
>trash weapon? trash riven? 20p-30p
>even offer multiple trash rivens for just the one riven of theirs
>people insisting I do higher or that it's too low
>one person even passively aggressively saying they'll even melt their riven if I don't meet their price
I mean they clearly know it's trash and not worth their time and that they'll likely not find another seller. Just take the 20p or multiple rivens?
Are you in the market for any trash weapon rivens right now?
people think they are self entitled to sell any riven to for more than they cost veiled because por the stupid reason of being a riven mod
kek this literally just happened to me almost exactly as you described it
Just hit up everyone who says they're selling junk rivens for 5-10p. I guarantee you'll get one soon enough. The minute you post the letters WTB, an endless procession of the plat emote goes whizzing across the visage of each and every would-be jew in Trade Chat.
alternatively you get fuckers like me who unload 15 paris prime limbs on you
>just got a paracyst riven from the sortie
Is that my quanta-like riven collection complete?
Fuck this gun and fuck the mutalist too.
>tfw the quanta was the first gun I ever forma'd because I loved it so much
>tfw it became total fucking shit
What's the bare minimum a Lenz riven would go for regardless of stats?
I have never seen a Paris Prime Limb Riven, junk or otherwise.
assuming ever roll was trash?
probably like 50p
There's not enough space on a Chroma for Rage if going for maxed survivability. Better to rely on Zenurik in this case and get to stuff a QT in there.
~200. Act fast, though.
Just got 600p for it, thanks.
If you need to use QT on chroma then your build is bad. You shouldn't have to worry about using energy as a reserve when you run out of health because there is literally no reason you should run out of health.
Fuckin' liars
I bought a Quanta riven for 30p and then dumped endless kuva into it.
Now I can happily bring my Vandal to sorties, floods, whatever the fuck I want.
>18 rolls
That's a turd pebble
50k kuva is as close to a dump as I ever want to fucking get again before I slit my goddamn throat.
This fucker
That's what I used to think.
>oh hey simaris dont mind me im just here to bu-
>would you PLEASE mind getting out of my face so i can sho-
>can only buy 1 at a time of syndicate rewards
the black and red grineer space fort was hella cool please tell me that isn't exclusive to the quest
it isn't, but there's barely anything of value there
The good news is you can go back there any time. The bad news is there's virtually no reason to unless you really, really like sightseeing.
>he doesn't know
I do know, actually.
>that fucking small ledge on top of every fucking door
>instead of nicely falling down into the doorway you hit the top and get stuck
>every fucking time
>Hanging wires
>Hopping up a wall only to get blocked by the railing's hitbox poking out