CUDDLY edition!
CUDDLY edition!
I want to MINDBREAK this Vastayan!
xth for seriously fucking 3 man ganks
I want you to know that I have abused and bullied this yordle
xth for Syndra
She looks okay to me
Why do you have to lie?
You can keep lying to yourself, but Lulu has been safe in my arms the whole time!
Best guy!
Books rock!
i wish i was a girl
How do you do, fellow citizens?
>catch xayah
every single time
What should I be building on heterosexual gem man? I just played him for the first time in a good while and I really like his ability to be tanky while also having the ability to easily spread out the ardent buff to the rest of my team easily. I ended up going ardent > eye of the equinox > knights vow > locket.
I love Camille
Any recommendations for a jungler besides warwick? It's my off role and cant decide.
go locket stoneplate to abuse the fatty shield from up scaling vow isn't super amazing but still worth a pick up so you can get it after those
Chogath. Go cinderhulk with your choice of smite into righteous glory and stoneplate while maxing E first and W second.
from hp scaling*
maybe it was my farm but what the fuck
>Teemo can blind Lee Sin
So I should be getting locket after ardent and eye of the equinox, stoneplate after that, and finally knights vow?
is kayn fun? never dying with rhaast looks fun
rate and debate
10 minutes since last post wow this place is dead
More yordels.
you sure have diverse tastes
How about your vision score? Seems to count alot aswell
>league introduces post-game grading system based on a speculative assessment generated by some retarded algorithm
>literally all people do post-game is ask why they got the grade they did.
It literally doesn't matter.
He protec but he also attac
He insec but he also play back
hows mine looking?
>rumble gp janna
my nigga
>duo bot gives the game away in the first 7 minutes AGAIN
So is there a way to actually finish the star guardian quiz now? I don't even give a shit about the sailor moon icon but being frozen on the last answer using botnet chrome and firefox made me genuinely curious on the answer. But I can't find the answer for this girly quiz despite even resorting to the mobile version of the site, and I'm feeling autistic rage over it.
What would it feel like to cum inside nami?
>tfw esports chad
i main mid, been thinking why bother playing mid if ur bot is shit 99% the game is lost, is bot the only way to climb in solo q?
I hope everyone is having a good night, I just lost my two last matches in a row. This game makes me sad, maybe I'll try again tomorrow. I just really want to get to plat by the end of the season!
holy shit all these fucking retards picking up j4 and expecting to e-q cold into 5 people with a full lethality build at 45 minutes need to fucking die
Mid or Jungle
But, they do. Don't they?
fight fight fight
I want to impregnate that Janna.
that shit happens with all champs at all elos man
You were that gp?
...hey enemy team guess what?
What did i say? Who were you? Yeah i was the gp
>watching an insec video
>Ryze's gigantic rune prison
I kind of liked how flash was less intense in terms of audio, but almost more dramatic visually. If we could get that in today's graphics it'd be nice.
>"shadow D Kayn" mid
what am i infor bois?
blue kayn mid going 0/7?
I like your taste in champions minus Vayne.
Got a feeling you give your jungler and support allot of shit in a losing game. Rumble, Cass, and GP are alright.
Fuck Brand and fuck Zed.
Brand was back when the level 5 system came out, i dont touch him, zed was just a thing to get to 5 because edgy
I think youre confused bro I don't have Janna on there
is brand freelo?
retarded dmg, been saying it for along time
>first pick support
>janna is up
>doesn't pick janna
>tristana janna picked up first rotation enemy team
Is something wrong with's builds again? Apparently the most frequent build for Tristana includes two Mercurial Scimitars. That doesn't sound right.
he is too easy to kill, slow and no escape
shit site has been broken for a year now, use or lolalytics
They've been wrong for at least the entire summer split
Got some slinkies in my ass this evening, o-oh yeah t's like Bohemioan Rhapsoodu up in here ...... can't yo fat PURPLEpay truck yorick into lulu mid and expect not to get bodied by a superlot cock damage assasasasadasadasasad talon! is overrated honestly the easiest champ in the game to learn is now to nor not not ktoori
Oops though cam was janna, still nice
Guys, what should I pick into Gnar? I'm so tired of this piece of shit
>physical damage champion
>magic percent health damage
>movespeed boost
>itemization that further enables this (cleaver, mallet)
>tanky, which means you can't even kill him
Annie after 6 can blow him up
>shaco is a top tier jungler
Something is very wrong.
I like this meme but lolisports is way too fucking gay for this to be funny
Jayce or Kennen
Camille if you're good, irelia if you're not
probably xin
Metoois and I don't have any sesame oil or soy sauce at least somewhat playable characters are you yelling me know when you've recovered enough yet to get it adjusted to me but
Ive had really good matchups against him as renekton myself
>bait his jump
>he walks back into lane like its always sunny in top lane
>double dash on that fluffy nigga
So I should play Annie toplane? Wouldn't he just mr and laugh at my damage?
>Chef KD skin incoming
Irelia, Renekton, Akali, Yorick
Glade Yordle, at least in my experience, can do well against him. Although it's more about taking the lead rather than trying to stay even, so it's not optimal in that sense. People have mentioned champs you should try first for this predicament anyway.
Akali has a rough pre-6 but after that as long as his Mega isn't charged you can all in him constantly and kill him.
Guess I'll pick up Irelia. Got the qt frostbutt skin out of a box, might aswell use it
he died level 2 in lane vs tf, ran back to the enemy jungle for some reason, recalled, went back mid while 2 levels behind and died, then died again
he had one good roam though, then he went blue kayn and even though bot and i were fed so were the enemy tf fiora and tf so we just ff'd 15
>Laning against a Fiora
>Get ganked level 2
>And level 3
>And level 4
>And level 5
>And level 6...
>My Jungler is farming Scuttle Crab on CD
Teemo slightly has the same bullshit, the tanky part if you try to build for it.
Never did the matchup myself but if those were your issues, might be interesting to see what you can do with him, a pretty versatile champ. I'd also suggest Kennen for kiting and escapes, maybe, I don't know. I just want to see more of those damn gremlins in the top lane.
Ala, it was short. And bitter. My condolences on such wasted potential. Least you did your part without much regret if you got fed.
what role do you think is the best fit for Cho?
areyou the nidalee is my last game that kept going aggressive while behind
No, who the fuck still plays Nid Top?
comfy bfs~
I always have trouble landing his q in ganks, especially against slippery champs
i sure love laning vs a top jungle duo while my jungle gragas decides he will hard farm till late
You need to come from behind and silence them first , also if you can't gank it's not the end of the world , just eat minions once you get level 6
How is mundo right now dudes?
Thinking about picking him up
been a long time since I've seen you Grey, how are things? are u still spamming Garen in flex?
he fits into the current meta quite well as a jungler
Have a laugh, feel a little better maybe.
>see in champ select that enemy top and mid are a boy/girl duo
>laning against the girl who play Gnar of course, even fucking banned Jayce
>is absolutely awful but the mid ASol roastie enabler roams top 6 times before 15 minutes
Depends on what elo you're at. If you're at an elo where people are smart enough to build executioners or morello he's alright. Anything below that and you can go on a rampage with him throwing cleavers left and right and steamrolling over the enemy team.
There are champs that do paticularly well in a 2v1 situation in laning,
What are some champions that are 100% impossible for low elo players to use? I have never seen a Jayce who wasn't completely useless from B4 to G5
Yasuo, Riven, Vayne, Ornn, nidaleee to name a few
Lee sin. Still havent seen anything great from one of them,