Eunos Roadster > Mazda Miata

Eunos Roadster > Mazda Miata


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bump serious discussion

LS swapped miata > all other miatas

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LS swapped Miata by a shop that has been doing it for years > LS swapped miata done by retard who does it himself sloppily in his garage

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thread over

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what;s the fucking difference?

wish there were more/high quality pics of this.

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Why is there no rotary Miata?


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OP is stating that the name Eunos Roadster is better than Miata

There isn't really a difference other than name or which side the driver sits on.

this is obvious. but in terms of looks. NA looks better or at least that is what most people think

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see that's what I thought.
anyway, MX-5 > Eunos Roadster > Miata


Tire size?

it's not my car lad. I don't know sorry.

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It always perplexed me why the hell Mazda didn't just call it a Roadster in the states.

For fucks sake, the word is English to begin with.

hint: you cant bump your own threads

muh dick

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