Went Wind: Rudimentary Map
>General information on moves, stats, and equipment
>Hairstyles in game
>Where the fuck is XYZ?
Went Wind: Rudimentary Map
>General information on moves, stats, and equipment
>Hairstyles in game
>Where the fuck is XYZ?
Two unspoken rules of Absolver need to be addressed.
1. If you kill someone out in the world, revive them.
It's not out of your way, it doesn't cost you anything, and you're doing a stranger a favor by giving them full health again.
2. Fight fair.
If you want to PvP out in the world but you wait until bots have carved the health of your target (or maybe they're even still pre-occupied with fighting
someone else) and THEN you swoop in for the kill, you're opportunistic trash.
For the most part, this is a fantastic group of people. I've met some very respectful people who've taught me some great lessons on Absolver etiquette.
Tl;dr - Don't be a dick. Fight with honor.
Just beat the final boss, should I just focus on pvp stuff now?
Also new modes when?
xth for waifus
fuck off faget
-farm moves
-farm cosmetics
-do instanced bosses again when you unlock it
What do I do with all my clothes? Is there a way to get rid of the ones I don't want?
I forgot to mention the most important thing. Gank leveling/farming players.
Open your chains with heavy hits. Keep at least one fast+long range attack for poking. Your second hits in your chains either need to be fast to prevent opponents from panic jabbing you out, or they need to be counters of some kind - sweeps to avoid jabs and track slower dodgers, jump kicks to track faster dodgers, or hyperarmor to really punish jabbers. You should be able to alternate attack to mix things up.
Pic related, it's my deck.
Leg Breaker, 360 Tornado Kick, Gut Punch // Drunk Crane
Side Kick, Foot Slap, Uramawashi // Handstand Kick
Wallop Blow, Slap Kick, Double Palm // Grab Punch
Donkey Slap, Fast Elbow, Back Tripped Kick // Knee Strike
If people are interested, I'll post deeper explanation about it. It's kind of not immediately obvious how it might flow together.
Alright guys, what's the next style we're going to call overpowered? Seeing how windfall came first, then khalt, and now forsaken is I suppose there's only one style left....
Sheogorath, if you're lurking here you should know you're lagging like shit and that's why everyone is refusing to rematch you
go back
Forsaken was called OP from the start.
In the end I think all styles are pretty balanced at high level play except khalt which seems a little bit underwhelming, but maybe I haven't seen a good khalt yet.
Did anyone ever call khalt overpowered? I seem to remember anons realizing it was not as shit as predicted, that's all.
Reddit is already bitching endlessly about how Stagger's defensive style is overpowered.
Whatever new style they release next because stagger will never be considered OP by anyone but literal retards.
best stat spread?
we need a mugenmonkey for absolver.
Post your fashions.
stagger is amazing. 3 shitters tried to ledge me tonight and all of them wound up ledged themselves because i could just roll around them and kick them off
Do you rely solely on a parry for an opening? Your deck looks easy to react to.
r8 my deck
Hopefully they fix Forsaken when they roll out hte server fix. As it is it's objectively stronger than the other 4 moves and if you hope to compete with a competent one you absolutely need to have it equipped. And honestly I'm sick of using it, winning is way too easy.
HP and Stamina hardcap. Keep putting points into these until you stop getting returns.
Everything else, you'll hit softcaps before 30 guaranteed for every stat. And you will, eventually, because PVP levels you up ludicrously fast. There's some "meta" about using as few levels as possible because it'll give your opponent less HP when they kill you in arena, but it's negligible.
here's me deck, please rate.
fashionable or hobo?
sometimes it's hard to tell
other 3 moves*
>beat final boss
>have only unlocked like 4 moves
is it supposed to be this slow
>fashionable or hobo?
>sometimes it's hard to tell
literally Veeky Forums
Nothin' beats the hobo life,
stabbin' folks with m' hobo knife~
Despite Drunk Crane (front right alt) and Donkey Slap (back right) having such "high" damage numbers, they're ludicrously fast and will outpace all but the lowest damaged, shortest ranged jabs. yet they have extended reach similar to fucking kicks. They also feint extremely well. Honestly, you could say that the rest of the deck crutches on how fucking strong these moves are at poking and chaining in general.
The idea is that when an opponent is in your face and attacking, they will eventually open themselves up to a parry - but you don't want to waste your parry-confirm on an opening jab by accident, since you will often end up in a stance you didn't think you were in while getting slapped around while blocking. Hence, all four chain openers are heavy-ish hits (all tested to 100% confirm on parry if you don't potato your inputs). If you're poking at range? You have the luxury of staying in front right stance and playing footsies with the overtuned Drunk Crane and Donkey Slap.
Both front left and right kicks also have extremely early feint windows. Handstand Kick (front right alt) is also ludicrously safe, as you enter the ducked state almost immediately. You honestly want to alt into it after Leg Breaker or Grab Punch by default against spammers. Really, you want to use those alts more often than not. Those three jumping kicks in second position? That's your "mixup" to your usual alternate attacks to chase dodgers more effectively.
Does lower mobility make your attacks slower?
What are the generally agreed upon ratings for the different styles?
Forsaken seems really strong because you're guaranteed an after-parry hit 100% of the time.
Khalt seems shit because spammers will just keep attacking and if they bap you once your chance to bloodborne your health back is gone.
Windfall seems like a harder Forsaken because you have four directions to dodge in instead of one and it's really not clear where to dodge for some attacks.
Stagger seems like it's good against NPCs but not against PCs because the dodge-hit can be evasive maneuvered and it's always the same.
Who the fuck thought Back Tripped Kick was a good idea? Dodge moves in general are ludicrously powerful but this one takes the cake due to its speed.
>One of the fastest moves in the game
>negates 70% of attacks
>can't be side dodged
I honestly don't understand how there are people who aren't using drunk crane and donkey slap in every deck. It's been over a week already and these moves have been clearly established as the two best moves in the game, full stop. I'd even toss in the double-strike backfall move personally, because literally everybody has the hyper-armor haymaker as well - which is another move I don't understand people not using in every deck. These moves are simply too good and literally define the entire pvp meta right now.
Do you guys think a competition where players design masks could be cool?
Could have the top 5 put into the game or something
Kicks senpai i want to duel.
Khalt is extremely annoying to fight when you fight someone who knows how to use it well. Absorb into khalt-haymaker when I'm doing some flip fuckoff kick is annoying and forces me to play on the outside because I know I can't use my actually damaging stuff on him anymore.
>Forsaken seems really strong because you're guaranteed an after-parry hit 100% of the time.
Windfall gets a guaranteed hit after an avoid 100% of the time unless you're using slow heavy moves, but those won't hit off of a parry either.
>Windfall seems like a harder Forsaken because you have four directions to dodge in instead of one and it's really not clear where to dodge for some attacks.
You can avoid moves in multiple directions, it's not a 1/4 chance to avoid. Windfags get told this in literally every thread. Stop pretending your style's ability takes more skill than absorb or parry.
Who cares
Play what you enjoy
Maybe later. Are you EU or NA? Because I'm EU.
Absolver store based on workshop submissions is clearly on the way.
Together with better servers and new content L M A O
Im EU, im a student of yours.
He cares, I can tell because he asked a question about other people's opinion
would be dope, warframe has had players design weapons to be put in the game before and it was a lot of fun
Then sure, will you be around in an hour or two? Name, also?
voerman i stole your deck and now i keep winning, thanks senpai
post people youll never become
isn't the max level 60?
i just want to be as efficient as possible with hardcaps and soft caps, before hittingg 60.
And will you be available in the allotted time?
Reposting this because I looked at it today and had a good laugh again.
where can i learn those two moves?
i haven't killed all the masked ones yet but i'm getting there and learning all their moves before i progress
also haven't pvped yet
>i'm reporting you
lol god damn
2 hours, sounds good. Just post ITT what password we should use.
Captcha: Footpath Calle
reborted :D
No. It only makes your stamina recover more slowly and your dodges not go as far - which is relevant against a lot of moves.
Forsaken has the strongest confirms, but the most difficult execution. Yes, "only two directions compared to Windfall's four", but that's a meme and I'll get to it. Your window is the shortest and you have the longest recovery window after a whiff.
Khalt is... weird. It's ludicrously difficult to punish spam with, but instead you easily punish heavy hits by not going into hitstun and then landing your own counterattack while they're still in the startup frames of their next attack, or using the extra buffer time to make sure their hyperarmor attack won't get doublehit.
Windfall's "four directions" dodge is in practice better than a 50/50. Most attacks can be dodged in two directions, and more can actually be dodged in three than those that can only be dodged in one. However, you can't confirm as heavy hits as Forsaken. You kind of have to design your deck around spam as Windfall, I've found.
Stagger is bizarre and I have no idea how to rate it.
Sweeps in general are extremely easy to punish with Forsaken or Windfall/Stagger. Khalt... kind of just has to take them, I guess.
Double hits aren't nearly as dominant because they have either significantly slower windups or recoveries. I'm not even sure it's possible to string together multiple double-hit attacks in a way that fully "counters" hyperarmor. They act as nice surprises to hyperarmor spammers but anyone who gets a read on you will know when to launch their hyperarmor in your chain to avoid it.
I find Haymaker to be way too slow, it'll get countered by plain old fast jabs from time to time. I use Grab Punch instead. You'll lose out harder on damage trades against big hits that do 100+ damage, but you shouldn't be an idiot and use Grab Punch to try and "counter" these attacks, only against spam.
wake me up
It'll probably just be the usual "legwork". I'll let you know when I've woken up some more and the meds kicked in. This flu is kicking my ass more than I'm kicking level 25s in the game.
And i get a chance to get some more shut eye.
Lol I heard Risryn lvl 3 is tough, but Jumped Spin Kick is bugged against her. She straight up doesn't block it. I just had to press Y, back up, rinse and repeat until she was dead.
every boss in the game falls for Y and back off
it doesnt matter which move
finally got my first mask from the drops mates, I fought a guy some 10 games total and it was there for me
Fuck you, that's the one mask I do want.
my biggest regret is not having taken the time to sift through hairstyles because I was in a rush to play
Does blunt protection stat help against regular punches or just the war gloves?
>significantly slower
But they're not. Donkey slap has the same speed as a jab, go look right now. You don't string double-hits, they straight up counter hyper-armor moves every time.
Haymaker is in every single deck I've ever seen in PVP this past week. I'm sorry but you can have your opinion all you want, that doesn't make it a fact. The fact is that haymaker defines the pvp meta right now as the single most used hyper-armor move in the game, used in nearly every deck currently.
Both, assuming they are war gloves with blunt damage. There are sharp war gloves too.
I'm at the guy who can let you join the stagger school. It says Vitality and Strength are abandoned in favour of other attributes, does this affect my characters stats if I join, or is it just referring to the stats of the attacks you can learn?
It's referencing the damage scaling that Stagger moves has, but I'm pretty sure he's full of shit anyway because a lot of them scale with strength and dex
>Sweeps in general are extremely easy to punish
Not when they're as fast as jabs
Blunt protection protects against, surprisingly, Blunt damage. Cut, likewise. Cut damage is unique in that some portion of it goes through blocking.
Barehanded, you only deal Blunt damage. Both wargloves AND swords deal some mixture of Blunt AND Cut damage. "Better" swords have less of their damage as Blunt and more as Cut; there is a 2 shard "sword" that's actually just a club and deals purely Blunt damage, and while most wargloves are biased heavily towards Blunt, "better" and more shard-expensive wargloves can deal increasing amounts of Cut damage.
thank you
Literally only only sweep is that fast.
Find something more salt inducing than this shit.
Try not being able to move at all when you 2-0 a guy and he 3-2's you because you literally can't fight back despite lag.
Your blade was meant to cut his spirit, but he didn't take damage because he was already soulless.
>he didnt make his sword deck all punch and kick moves
I'm looking fucking right now and Donkey Slap is nowhere even close to Jab Punch's speed. Does Donkey Slap have fast speed, similar to or even faster than many of the slower punches? Sure, which is why it's bullshit. But it's nowhere near Jab Punch or Fast Elbow fast, which are the two premier "jab"-type moves in the game.
Double-hits only counter hyperarmor if they, well, hit into it. Sure, you can counter hyperarmor attack from neutral with a reactionary double-hit. But that's stupid, because even the fastest hyperarmor attack, Grab Punch, is ALSO slow enough to be simply blocked, countered with a fast stopping attack, or parried, so using it from neutral is only for mindgames against a dedicated counter-jabber.
What I'm saying is if you put together three double-hit moves in a chain together, the gaps between their windups and recoveries are actually long enough for a Grab Punch to squeeze in, if you start it right after the second hit of one of them.
Charged Haymaker is popular for a couple of reasons: because it deals a ton of damage, meaning you can trade it against slower moves to give you a one button "counter" to them, and because it's really easy to get in the course of running through the campaign. However, it's the slowest of the hyperarmor attacks, and will actually get broken by the fastest jab chains.
Grab Punch is a dick to farm and actually gets outtraded, damage wise, by quite a few "medium" speed hits. However, it's the fastest hyperarmor attack by far, making it much better at its most important niche: countering jab spam. The only way to counter it is by quickly feinting out of your jab to get to your double-hit in your chain more quickly, and seeing as I personally hold Grab Punch until after I see a double hit come out against my block (a luxury I have because jab chains deal basically no stamina damage), it's unlikely I'll run into a second.
khalt wouldn't be so bad if you didn't lose all the gray health in one hit or if you healed it back in one it.
There are 2 that are as fast as jabs. Although the dodge property still activates well before their attack so it doesn't even matter. It's fucking stupid that I have to relegate an opener to a slow low hit just so I can actually hit sweep spammers.
>fight a guy
>extremely close match, 2-2 and were both almost dead
>manage to get the win, best fight ive had so far with the game
>go for a rematch
>suddenly hes lagging everywhere and easily kills me
it wasnt on purpose, r-right?
first for best fur
that would be OP if they regained all the health back in one hit
i think all the styles are pretty balanced, kahlt being stronger than windfall but possibly weaker than forsaken
None of the other styles lose health doing their thing. It's not like khalt is that much easier to use since the timing is tighter too and gives practically nothing in return save for stamina. Using khalt is like waving a huge sign saying "I'M GOING TO ATTACK NOW".
>tfw Forsaken try to parry you
you're not wrong but the entire premise of the game is to adapt to your enemy's deck
you can predict their hits and then counter for some gained hp, even chance to gain it all back
i know that kahlt aborb in a hyperarmor attack is great for regaining that lost health.
otherwise you're right, no other class loses health during their spcial, but i think they are also easier to punish than kahlt when they miss a parry or a dodge
Nice feints my man
"All" the health would be pretty degenerate, but the health gain and loss is way too skewed towards loss. You need to regain the HP faster, and it needs to not ALL instantly disappear upon getting tickled by a jab.
can you absorb and then block a jab and retain grey health to get back later in the combo?
i'd try to parry those black bars away first
I... think you hold the grey HP until you take a proper "hit", similar to how Heal is not removed by damage taken during hyperarmor, but IS removed by unblocked Gravity or Shockwave. I don't play very many Khalt on PC.
makes me wonder if the grey HP is retained during hyperarmor like heal?
could be a great setup
or absorb->hyperarmor
i don't know either, haven't had much of a chance to play the game with work.
Hey Voerman, if you are ITT im back alive.
I wish less people used the edge maverick set.
The chest looks especially bad.
You're still losing hp in the end. Super armor doesn't negate damage and I doubt it's enough to regain 2ish hits of grey health.
It's not about the health, it's about the stamina.
>blocking opponent's string, looking for a safe place to weave in hyperarmor
>running low on stamina, absorb some hits rather than blocking
>there it is
>hyperarmor attack into the vulnerable spot