Did Tsar Nick really deserve to die?
Did Tsar Nick really deserve to die?
deserve? no, but it was a necessary evil for the bolsheviks to achieve their goals. he couldn't have been left alive, his line had to be snuffed out for good.
does anyone?
I understand why it was done though, Russia suffered quite terribly during the war. It's also understandable why his entire family including young children were butchered as well. Now there can be no going back.
Couldn't they have exiled him and his family instead of killing them.
He always was be a threat for the existence of the URSS, he or her sons
He did, in my opinion far more than for example Louis XVI.
His incompetence killed and impoverished millions.
That's the risk you take if you are a shit ruler
This qt most certainly didn't
Yes, he was a little bitch. His daughters should've been spared though.
He didn't deserve to die but neither did he deserve to rule like nickyboos and reactionaries/monarchists say.
He was a horrible ruler and you can't get around that no matter how "dashing" he looked like in a military uniform in your opinion
Oh fuck Russian Margaret Qualley. My dick.
Far more competent people have been put against the wall.
>You will never marry exiled Maria, impregnate her with your Finno-Mongolian seed times ten and live with her happily ever after in your farmland in North Karelia
You seem to ask this question as if there exists moral facts.
He was an incredibly incompetent ruler, but he didn't deserve to die, especially not the way he and his family did.
No one "deserves" death.
Valar morgulis.
>A monarch line
Thats not how it works.
People are somewhat loyal to the Monarch in Monarchies.
Everyone deserves death, that's why we die
It worked with the Kaiser
From the standpoint as the head of state - yes
As a person/father/husband - no
The Kaiser had the entire Western world keeping him from returning to Germany.
The Tsar didn't. It made sense to kill him. Especially when he had so much support behind him.
I mean they had to fight the White Russians regardless.
Exactly. The Kaiser didn't have anyone trying to bring him back so he's a terrible example.
Did he *actually* get cucked by Rasputin?
Yeah, but the Reds fought the Whites even though they killed the Tsar's family because there is always another guy down the royal line that they could call on. It wouldn't have mattered that much, especially due to how shitty a leader Nikolai was.
Most White Russians didn't fight for him. Everyone agreed that Nicky was a disaster. Browse through the White propaganda - you will find exactly zero references to the Tsar. That's how universally hated he was. The Whites themselves were either republicans or wanted someone far more capable at the helm. Besides, Nicky abdicated in favour of his brother Michael and even staunchest of monarchists accepted that.
The Bolsheviks' decision to kill the Tsar was stupid. Nicholas in Whites' hands would be more of a liability than an asset. They would have a serious problem what to do with him and Bolsheviks would easily spin this against them in propaganda. The Bolsheviks likely killed Nicholas in panic, without thinking it through.
Probably not. Rasputin didn't need to take the risk, he was already knee deep.
He would've been our lad
Nah, I think it was mostly because in the end what the whites wanted didn't really matter as much as the western empires supporting them wanted. England would've much preferred to see the royal family restituted in the throne, tho it later was "anything but the reds"
The only ones who deserved to die were the commies.
Don't forget that the Whites included liberals, bourgeois socialists, left socialists, Mensheviks, minority nationalists, etc. It was really Bolsheviks vs. republicans
They were deliberately looking for a reason to execute the family by June 1918 because of the advances by the White Army. in June 1918, The Cheka had fake letters smuggled into the Ipatiev House, the letters claimed to be written by a monarchist who was offering to rescue the family. Nicholas replied to these letters, and these responses were sent to Moscow and were used as justification to kill the family. Yurovsky wrote that Nicholas had "fallen into a hasty plan by us to trap him." The approval for their murders was sent at the end of June.
>England would've much preferred to see the royal family restituted in the throne, tho it later was "anything but the reds"
England didn't give a shit about the family, though. They were offered the family on a plate right after the initial upheaval, while the family was still imprisoned in their palace, and they didn't want to take them.
The execution of Nicholas II can be justified or at least, understood. It was a revolution. He was the former leader. Even the execution of Alexei, teenager though he was, can be politically understood although normally in such cases the male heirs are held in captivity then "mysteriously" die.
The execution of Alexandra, the daughters, and the servants(+doctor) cannot be justified. Alexandra and the daughters had no claim to the Russian throne at that time due to the nature of Russia's inheritance laws. The daughters in particular played no part in Russia's laws or government. The servants+doctor had no political power whatsoever, and committed no crimes other than choosing to follow people they had sworn to serve into captivity.
One of the reasons why the French and Russian Revolutions were viewed by European contemporaries with such horror is that they didn't just kill the "necessary" people, such as the king or emperor, they killed anyone (Or tried to kill anyone) who represented the old regime, killing them for who they were rather than what they did.
Didn't they sent a spy to try and rescue the romanovs but the guy said it was impossible due to how heavily guarded they were.
Nobody deserve to die. It's the cruel destiny of all life which started as an accident.
>afraid of death
Even if there is no afterlife it's literally just going to sleep.
And lets not forget that foreign nations might decide to put the monarch back in the charge of the country.
So by killing the bloodline you make sure that the ones loyal to the crown and foreign nations don't have a reason to get involved in your affairs
They tried but nobody would take him
Yes, he deserved it. Nicky killed Russians on his coronation, killed them on peaceful protests, kills them in a war with Japan, kills them in revolution. Guy fucked up royally and got what he got in the end. He wasn't some sort of harmless autist on a throne like Feodor I, he was Nicholas the Bloody.
Is this even a question?
>Nicky killed Russians on his coronation
People killed themself, how the fuck it his fault?
>killed them on peaceful protests
Wasn't even in the capital at that moment
>kills them in a war with Japan
Japan invaded Russia, surely his fault
>kills them in revolution
Not killed enough, would've still be alive
RIP tatiana
>would've still be alive
Edit: Obviosly woudn't "still be alive"
He didn't deserve not to.
>Killing this fun loving man
Nicholas seemed actually kinda playful and fun from pics like this
The point of killing him was to send a message
That message was "no going back motherfuckers, tsarist russia is literally dead"
>People unironically defending tsar Nicholas the II ITT