Just got something in the mail for my BRZ. What ridiculous thing have I bought?
>not a performance part
>both cosmetic and functional
Just got something in the mail for my BRZ. What ridiculous thing have I bought?
>not a performance part
>both cosmetic and functional
Did you buy a good engine?
Something to go fuck yourself with.
What could it be?
a new vape, clearly
>not a performance part
Shitty guess, and shitty bait.
Hopefully the keys to a car worth having
It came with fucking candy! This company gets me!
congrats they get that you're gay
Why do you need mud flaps, your car literally can't make the wheels spin fast enough to kick up rocks.
>Sends a retard "smarties"
That's kind of funny. Why smarties?
Not trying to be funny. I don't like you.
I get fucking tired of taking these things on and off.
I did it with my mr2 Spyder which has less power and more grip over the rear wheels
Okay that's also stupid so I don't know why you'd bring it up
How can we secure parts on a car?
No I got it, wedge a piece of plastic in there that will work!
Figured I'd loosen these up and put some anti seize on it while I'm down here. Makes it easier for the next time I have the alignment done.
87 ft lbs. Spec is like 95 but with the anti seize it is slightly lubricated and you actually can over tighten them. Makes it a pain in the ass if you have to swap a spare, end up having to stand on the fucking tire iron.
Fronts stick out the side too much for my tastes but I'll see if they grow on me. I set both the fronts and backs in as far as I could. Maybe I'll bring the backs out so they match the fronts at least. It looks a bit disproportionate.
Where the fuck are you? I see what looks like a house in the reflection, but that garage looks like a workshop.
I hope this is a joke, if you loosened the tie rods you fucked your alignment.
You just use the marks I put on there to keep track of it and count the number of turns you do. The alignment of a car isn't sensitive within a quarter turn it should be ok because I'd like to get the alignment checked soon. The potholes this season were pretty bad.
>Rural America
Got to my fathers house to use his poll barn and tools frequently. Gives me an excuse to drink beer with my old man anyway.
Hopefully a brain.
You need one.
I could read it without changing anything btw.
How can you look at that and think it's adequate?
op status: rekt
someone should mail him a twingo plush to make him feel better
How will op ever recover?
Someone's getting a shipment of cow shit
someone send him dildos or gay brochures
it would be funny if he lived with his parents
>op bailed after this post
nice house, btw
I can see your FRS from here
>no real trees
>two buildings
your aircon bill must be a nightmare
I hope op doesn't stop posting his brz ;~;
i was about to post how shitty this blog was until i saw this
Blue seat covers to match ur driving gloves?
i fucking love the future
The Windows 7 and newer Paint really fucks people on the internet because it doesn't fill 100% like it used to but mimics a pen or brush with different forces.
I accidental'd my address on here before, I know exactly how op feels lmfao
No one is actually going to do anything. OP made a terrible thread and now we're just having some fun.
>When your body weight is greater than the torque you can apply to a tire iron
Topkek user.
We are going to go crack a cold one with his old man, that will show him.
well enjoy your pizzas OP, maybe next time you'll think before blogposting
she's p cute op, gj
This reminds me of one time on /b/ where something similar happened and someone discovered anons address. The /b/tard then showed up at his house in the middle of the night holding a knife screaming mudkipz. haha I hope nothing like that happens to OP.
holy shit, miranda cosgrove has really let herself go.
dollar store miranda cosgrove looking thot
>OP right now
Are you a wizard?
Nice place op I'll send you some little trees
it amazes me sometimes how normal Veeky Forums users can look like in real life, especially given how most have the sense never to mention Veeky Forums or any memes whatsoever IRL
anyway, time to deepfake OP's gf
>OP opens his mail
>Can't handle ™THE FRESH™
>Leaps out of window
you imagine all of us are fat neckbeards but in reality we hide behind normal facades
>tfw op is more handsome than you
this is my worst fear
how are the BRAAAAAAPS, OP? She thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal for real
i think it has something to do with Veeky Forums being a relatively normie board, since you need a job and money to afford and maintain a decent car. Still, it doesn't keep me from being weirded out how normie mcnormison from michigan over here is probably into initial D and shit
>drive a shitty car
>get your address posted on Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums is more chaotic good than /b/'s chaotic neutral
im not op
i'm gonna mail op an Veeky Forums certified shitbox slap
Tell us more, John.
that's very nice of you i'm sure he would appreciate it
fucking kek'd
la creatura...
op is living my dreams, not me
The best part is that isn't his house, he lives with his parents lel. Anything we send might end up in their hands.
man that's just mean.
Sorry OP, your BRZ is clean
>brand new car
I should hope so.
This thread serves as a reminder never to get too comfortable with your only friends