Post your personal favorite a e s t h e t i c s

Post your personal favorite a e s t h e t i c s

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If it was faster, I'd buy one in a heart beat.

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Almost got an A8 when I was car shopping but fucker sold it a couple days before I was ready to pull the trigger. They look kino as fuck but parking them in SF would have been a bitch.

What model car is this? I'm sorry I am new to Veeky Forums.

this whole car

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Mitsubishi Starion everywhere but the usa, where it was the chrysler/dodge/plymouth conquest.

Simpler times.

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My dad has one of these. His friends think he modified it to look


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God, why does this picture look so clinical?

only thing more a e s t h e t i c than this is a countach, michael knight's kitt and delorean

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would be good if no stickers except the bottom right one

>Not even a tarbo
Why even live?

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I hate audis and all the retarded poorfags who likes audis but even I admit that debadged does have a presence

Reminds me kinda of
>pic related

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he did you a favor, look at other cars and never think about getting a fagaudi again

was meant for

Old A8s are moneypits.

Just get a Merc or BMW, better in every single way

or a fucking lexus

there were a few badged as starions in USA

>better looking
>better built
>more luxurious
>more comfortable
>will run until the end of time
>doesn't require stupid amounts of work for every little maintenance item
>not FWD
Why anyone would ever buy an A8 over this is beyond me

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Would rather have a F355 but the Testarossa looks better from the outside, dont like the F355's ass too much

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tarbo adds tarbolag, weight and complexity
i've been memed into NA business and can't enjoy a turbo car

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Didn't Eric Bana have one of these?

Enjoy being slow and boring I guess.

believe me i would enjoy it

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oh hi, didnt think i would meet you here

>the Quattropace will never be a real car

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E21 is so underrated

>mfw this hasn't been posted yet

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don't post a riced out example next time