Wow i never knew the German Empire was so tolerant and inclusive. Really makes you think...
Wow i never knew the German Empire was so tolerant and inclusive. Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
>WWI era rifle with bipod
This makes me more mad than the race of the soldier
i learned from bf1 that 60% of all soliders was black and that whity was a minority, realy makes you think
Well, I hope you have your blood pressure medication at the ready, user.
>complaining about a bipod when everyone else is running around with semi-auto and full auto rifles
What the fuck is up with the automatic weapons in battlefront? Were those even a thing besides mounted machine guns?
>tfw all European historical events will be represented as being carried out by muslims and blacks
This is the future libtards chose for us.
Yes? They weren't common, mind you, because the industrial knowledge to mass produce them wasn't really there yet, but they did exist. Battlefield games having all the players run around with rare weapons really isn't anything new, either.
It boggles the mind senpai, I think the only class with bolt action rifles is the sniper.
Its just a videogame...
Not that deep.
Game is fun.
>Were those even a thing
>besides mounted machine guns?
there were light machine guns
there were semiautomatic rifles
there were automatic rifles
there were submachine guns
The man-portable light machine gun has been a thing since 1902, fampai.
I brought it for 40 euro
it's pretty fun if you just turn your brain off
>it's pretty fun if you just turn your brain off
>Want to RP as the average german cannon fodder
>Take gas grenade, shovel and C96 (no shoulder stock)
>Now i need a bolt action rifle, the Gewehr 98 will do prefect
>Limited to sniper class
>Snipers and cavalry in the German army are black soldiers
>Half of the players play snipers, either to camp or try to roleplay
>Chantilly's chateau witnesses American Harlem Hellfighters fighting against Der Kaiser's Subsahariantroopers
Can't wait for the French DLC in March so i can hope to play as a Senegalese Tirailleur, an Algerian sapeur, Guadeloupéens gunners, and a pilot from Mali, because why the fuck would i play a french soldier, in the french army, on french soil ?
I'm really mad at how the campaign overrates the British effort at the expense of France
But eh, American game = Britain must get the spotlight if the era doesnt allow the US to get it
That's why we get British troops on the Western front even though France was the main nation there, that's why we get a British pilot in the aerial story even though France had the best allied air force and aces, and that's why we get the irrelevant secondary theaters Britain fought on (Gallipoli and Arabia) instead of the much more relevant Eastern Front and Balkans theater
well fugg, I thought it was all bolt-action rifles t b h
>campaing is about showing all the different sides of the war
>not a single mission where you play as a soldier of the central powers
Then again, what can you really expect from an american game?
It hits all the major perspectives of the war, though.
There's the British perspective, and the British perspective, and the British perspective, and the Bedouin girl fighting alongside the British perspective. That's pretty much all there was to WWI, right?
hey at least the turks are white
Are you fucking retarded?
Don't you see they're trolling?
Look at the date near the MG on the fucking pic I swear retards don't even need Poe's law...
The British held campaigns in various, interesting locations; all good and different maps for the game. They also pioneered tank warfare - good for games.
You can't just locate every single map in the game to 'north-east France' - it'd be boring.
>ww2 picture
>looks like german soldiers posing with captured colonial troops
That's quite obviously WW2.
God forbid DICE actually made a campaign that didn't feature the Americans vs Russia/chinks again like the last 6 titles
They change it up with an Italian campaign, two brit campaigns and an aussie one and yet people still bitch.
oh no they couldn't fit in france or russia the world is ending.
France fought on every theaters too, plus they basically invented aerial warfare and invented the first modern tank
Yet you don't see them in the game
And anyway, even if they didn't include France, they could have given us the Eastern Front or some Central Power perspective instead of gay ass Gallipoli and Lawrence of Bedouinland
There's no excuse for the overwelhmingly Anglocentric pov in this game
>two brit campaigns and an aussie one and yet people still bitch.
Why is this allowed?
The British Empire was only the third most important Entente power, yet it gets three stories while the most relevant countries don't
And are also the only ones to speak English, hence being a thousand times more relatable to the games target audience, American teenagers and twenty something men.
>There's no excuse for the overwelhmingly Anglocentric pov in this game
The game is made for American teenagers.
Having the 'main' protagonists as British means Americans can relate to the 'story'.
are you somehow implying that only people who speak english in real life can speak english in fiction
> could have given us the Eastern Front
Means literally nothing to the target audience (unfortunately)
> some Central Power perspective
Again, having 'le evil Nazi Germans' in an American game would get Dice even more flak than they already have.
> gay ass Gallipoli
Not an argument. Gallipoli was a clusterfuck, but it cemented Australia and New Zealand as 'proper' nation-states.
> Lawrence of Bedouinland
Again, an important campaign, even though the post-war aftermath was also a clusterfuck.
Plus, the above two areas provide interesting areas aside from 'muddy north-eastern France'.
>you cannot show a foreigner pov and make them speak English
Where does this retardation even come from?
Keeping the foreign language only makes sense if you're playing from the pov of an English-speaker in a foreign unit
But if you're an Italian/French/Russian within his own army, just puts the whole thing in your native language (be it English, German, Japanese...) since the pov is from a character who is among people speaking his native language
Did the movies 300 and Troy have the dialogs in Greek?
Did the HBO serie Rome have the dialogs in Latin?
Linguistic autism needs to stop at once
Come on.
Given any mildly successful European movie or TV show, Americans *must* remake it. Americans have a really hard time accepting anything without Americans (or at least someone who speaks English) as the protagonists.
>Plus, the above two areas provide interesting areas aside from 'muddy north-eastern France'.
Then how about keeping them and giving the Northern France part of the campaign to, you know, a fucking French soldier instead of another bong?
Did they ever remake Stalingrad(1993)?
what has remaking shows do with it
>implying them speaking English with a French accent wouldn't piss off both the target audience of American teenagers who don't want to play as no frog talkin faggit, and the autistic purists who are already screaming it's not good enough.
I totally agree.
I'm just trying to explain why Dice would have, perhaps, chosen to do what they did.
The lack of a French campaign is unforgivable.
No, because, as I said above, Eastern fronts (whether in WW1 or 2) are meaningless to Americans.
That Americans have a hard time accepting anyone who isn't American (or British) as the main agent in anything - whether a move or a video game.
The accent autism needs to go too
As I said above, if the pov is one of a character among people speaking his native language, there is no need for accent or foreign speak of any kind
Nice lels there buddy
>Then how about keeping them and giving the Northern France part of the campaign to, you know, a fucking French soldier
the Brits don't get a northern France infantry campaign either
The American Harlem hellniggers do but you fight with a french unit
A massevly popular videogame consumed by impressionable teens
So you'd have French soldiers in France speaking with American accents?
Might as well queue up the REEEEEEEEEEEEE and WE WUZ YANKS AND SHEIT now.
>The American Harlem hellniggers do but you fight with a french unit
Didn't play the game I see
The Memefighters have one mission and you only see their French overlords for like 10 secs in a cinematic (the dude bashing a German with a rock)
Then the mission starts, two wounded Brits pass by and from now one there are only memefighters on screen
Yes, WWI truly was a battle of 90% black men equipped with the highest quality prototype and rare weaponry.
I remember when video games about the world wars used to at least somewhat try to respect the history and keep things within a reasonable breadth of accuracy.
And to think I was actually a little excited back when this was announced, fuck everything.
Teenagers pre-Battlefield 1
> wtf is a WW1
Teenagers post-Battlefield 1
> wtf is a WW1
Teenagers, and the adults they will become, will always be retarded when it comes to WW1.
Even if 1% of the player base learns that WW1 was (a) a war, (b) fought against Germans and Turks, (c) held sometime about 1914, it would have done some good.
>The Memefighters have one mission
the whole campaign is like that
I finished the Aussie "campaign" in about 40minutes and the other British campaigns are about the same length
I think the arab waifu has the longest playthrough
You mean like say, Medal of Honour which was about an American secret agent superbastard unironically named BJ, who slaughtered the entire German military singlehandedly?
Oh yeah, that has to be the root of the accent autism in Anglos product...
In German, we don't have all this accent non-sense, so an American, a Brit, a French, an Italian....or anything dubbed in German can make sense as long as it's from the pov of someone who is among people speaking his native language
I just imagine he's talking in his language, but I hear him and the people around him in my native language (just like that's the case for the character).
It could work for you Anglos too if you had a standardized language, but you dumb accent rivalry causes that if they make a French dude speak in English, you'll wonder why he has American accent and not British one or whatever...
>That Americans have a hard time accepting anyone who isn't American (or British) as the main agent in anything - whether a move or a video game.
have you seen the gladiator
Tbh I think the black dude on the cover is 99% there for marketing. It's distinctive, historical accuracy aside
I think there should be a semi-realistic game mode where something like 75% of players are forced to use non-scoped bolt action rifles (which are pretty OP anyway, it's what I use). Maybe a few players can spawn with scopes rifles and a few can have a machine gun or something
The game is fun though. It's the stripped down call of duty/battlefield game I've been waiting for ever since COD4 changed FPS games for the worse. Not sure how long it will stay popular though
The memefighter mission didnt last 40 minutes though
5 minutes I'd say, 8 at most if you're slow
I think you mean Battlefield, not Battlefront.
And yes, automatic weapons existed in WW1, but were not very common.
What about the French or Russian perspective?
Sure, an Anglo speaking English portraying a Roman general? Backs up my point entirely.
no, your point was about speaking english
also what is the difference between an english speaking actor portraying a roman general
and an english speaking actor potraying a french general
I don't think I'm that guy you're referring to, but
There is no difference. I agree with you: having a French general/soldier speaking English would be totally fine by me. I'd be fine with him speaking French, to be fair.
But for some reason, American audiences have a hard time with foreign accents and non-Anglo performers. Shit, they even have a hard time with English accents. (There are probably subtitles for the English soldiers in BF1.)
That's his point - he was being sarcastic.
Tl;Dr they are going to shoe in every automagic weapon they can for the modern gamers expectation. It isn't all bad, Cuzco we will see a lot of things which were limited issue or never got beyond prototype
But since all the characters in the stories speak in their native languages, why not make it all in the audience's native language (American for American, German for Germans, Spanish for Mexicans...etc)?
It makes sense
Keeping the foreign language/accent only makes sense when the story has interractions between people who don't speak the same language
And we'll keep having it until a triple AAA WW1 video game depicting French, Russian and German povs come out
Oh good we should have another thread about another aspect of history if only there was a way to do that
For the last fucking time, this is multiplayer, where you can make your avatar whatever race you like and choose whatever side you like. Was EA supposed to give each player a different avatar for every single participating nation in the war with limited racial choices just for you?
If anything, be mad that the players are choosing to use a black avatar while playing Germans than at the makers for allowing the players to do so.
>yfw the Ottoman troops are whiter than every other faction in this game, all of whom were white countries
I'm honestly just dumbfounded
thank you rusemeister DICE
I don't think you can choose. The race of your player is usually in line with whatever class you pick. For whatever reason the sniper class is usually a black guy
Does this game have any merit for historical accuracy? I liked how it had a pacific campaign instead of the western front.
Now imagine if the Pacific campaign had a Brit instead of an American and Americans had been a multiplayer only DLC
That's what BF1 did to France
surely one battlefield bait thread at a time is enough?
Bj blaskowitz is wolfenstein. I don't remember the name of the dudes in CoD4
I really don't think any of the memery about this game going on in this site is really justified. There were black soldiers, Harlem Hellfighters were a real unit, their campaign is the shortest of them all. And most of the things people complain on this thread aren't really relevant except for the devs being complete faggots for not including French campaign in the base game and probably gonna milk it as MUH DLC
This leads me to believe that the main force behind this memery is mostly /pol/.
Fuck, of course he was. What was the original MoH guy? Something ridiculous like Frank Throttle or Joe Fist?
Jimmy Patterson. How insipid...
Also there's 12 fucking WW2 Medal of Honour games. When did THEY happen?!?!!!
what? You can't modify what color you are. All people playing certain classes in game look the exact same. For example, all medics in the UK are turban-wearing Indians.
>We are so fucking clever pointing out inaccuracies in games that never aimed for historical authenticity
>The reason why the cheese gobblers wasn't included was due to the Anglo centrist conspiracy, and not because the makers of the game wanted to give their audience a different view from the traditional Franco-Brit vs Hun trench front. Witch in these past 100 years has pretty much been the dominant theme.
>Everyone is fucking dumb but us
And the first DLC will include both the French and Russians so people can reenact their trench fleshgrinding all they want.
2 bad no serbs to grind Austrians
Don't knock subs. They let you play Metro 2033 with Russian dialog when you have English subs on.
Is there any historical evidence for black soldiers for the German empire? Genuinely curious
They're called Sikhs bro
You're at least as dramatic/annoying as the whiners
The entirety of the German empire consisted of a smallsausage factoryin Tanganyika.
>in games that never aimed for historical authenticity
Someone finds him the quote from BF1 devs about "respecting authenticity"
>Serb campaign is just a "sprint to the car" mission
>The reason why the cheese gobblers wasn't included was due to the Anglo centrist conspiracy, and not because the makers of the game wanted to give their audience a different view from the traditional Franco-Brit vs Hun trench front. Witch in these past 100 years has pretty much been the dominant theme.
Kill yourself, fagboy
The traditional view of WW1 in the Anglo world is Britain vs Germany
Most Americans think France has never won a war
If they had wanted to show a different view from the mainstream one, they'd have depicted the Balkans theater or France's operations in Greece, not the hugely overrated and overdepicted Gallipoli and T.E. Lawrence once again
your grammar is atrocious man
Am I being stupid here or would he not be able to see anything with that scope? It's pointed right at the iron sights
offset to the left