*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
>wait for the train to pass so i dont get smooshed
Ugh I hate those flashing ligh-
>My upload is shit today, fuck you.
Gotchu senpai.
*Hauls your freight
Gets robbed at a crew change.
*beats niggers and hobos to death
The only thing those chingas look like they beat was anorexia.
Half width barriers, it's like they are looking for a crash.
>lights flashing
>gong going
>train honking at literally 120 db
>still doesn't pay attention
burgers really are retarded
In other news, fire hot.
i miss them actually, nearly all of them in my country are being "rebuilt" as tunnels for fuckload amount of cash. because
>muh safety
For what it's worth, the lights on the car's side of the road weren't working, and the dead vegetation on either side of the tracks suggest a blind corner.
I work as a conductor for Union Pacific. The noses of engines are armored against car crashes. So go ahead and get stuck in the crossing. 10,000 tons of train at 50 mph doesn't care.
I would follow the damn train.
>half width barriers, oh no lol!
Half-wit comment, more like
you do realize that gate wont physically stop anything from driving onto the tracks don't you?
its not meant to, except by way of communicating the signal "do not enter"
"Train coming through"
Idiot detected.
It's not about physically stopping a car, do some research before posting your stupid comments nedt time and you will find full width barriers reduce accidents by 85% over half width ones.
>Originally, wooden crossing gates protected the entire width of the roadway. But in the later-half of the 20th Century, most crossing gates were re-designed to protect against motor traffic only in the oncoming lanes...covering only half the street, allowing an "escape" from the tracks for motorists who happened to be on the crossing when the signal was activated.
Post your 85% sauce
[spoon feed me momy]
ORR & RAIB, that should help.
wow. your really dumb
/n/ is that way.
*obstructs your journey
Nice Wellington traffic
is that a thing in britain
The Idling Prevention Agency has the major towns and cities well covered
fuck me. 1.5 hours to drive 20km
no. wtf?