Do American fascists pretend to give a shit about the constitution when they want to dissolve the republic?
Do American fascists pretend to give a shit about the constitution when they want to dissolve the republic?
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I'm neither but I think the blind uberloyalty to a document written 250 years ago is fucking dumb. Like it's a great framework and all but it's not like it was given to us by god. So many people treat it like divine word, it's crazy.
Its a religion. The Founding Fathers are the archons for the Creator who delivered to us the Logos. Even fascists will run to it in times of need. Violating the myth entirely is violating America. If America lasts long enough, and euhemerism is valid, then the likes of Jefferson, Washington and Lincoln will become gods. They already have temples.
I think you are muddling very different strains of American right wing thought.
I don't think the states has a legitimate fascist movement
For good reason.
Follow your leader and do your family a favor.
>my leader
Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet, Franco, doesn't matter.
Fucking kill yourself you waste of life. If I was able to I would stomp you and all of your kind into the curb.
America has very few actual fascists. The "white conservative evangelical christian" the left cry's about are more reactionary than anything.
They're Paleoconservatives, if anything.
fuck off
Which left, lad? Plenty of left wingers who hate SJWs, believe me.
>I will literally worship this document that didn't end slavery, enforced rights for the gentry and didn't give votes to the vast majority of the population
>240 years after the fact
Following the law and amending as intended is not worship.
Yeah well, you need a new constitution. Countries usually do that every 50-100 years because laws grow stale or useless. Not just new amendments, a new constitution.
we pretty much don't it would serve us just fine.
What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you little bitch?!
>It's a Veeky Forums doesn't get fascism thread
Even fascists don't get fascism. It's never had an intellectual backbone.
I could resist shitpost and actually tackle your point there, but it seems like you've never actually read anything about fascism
>hurr the FFs were genius o they definitely anticipated all problems that we could ever face
Fuck you
If you're gonna just keep changing it, whats the point of a constitution?
No body really gets fascism. Tbh, fascism isn't really in the US because the US doesn't have the socialist tradition that fascism comes from.
There's a reason why America is one of the most back-ass republics in the world. It's still struggling to work with archaic centuries old institutions when the rest of the civilized republics of the world have actually changed their institutions to better protect and promote republican ideals.
What exactly would you change about the American Constitution and why?
they care about the 2nd amendment
I feel it's good the way it is
probably interpret the 2nd as "self-regulated militia means the state can create a militia at will in state of emergency" but that's a judiciary issue then a constitutional one
never said that butt ass
so Europeans are just mad we can haz guns? I do say it feels nice.
Stupidest statement today.
The principles in the Constitution are more important than the thing itself. It's too old, it needs to go.
The constitution is literally perfect as is, and its best served as a religious document in case any retards get bright ideas about fucking with it.
So perfect it needed 27 amendments.
that is the intention, though.
so do we really trust statesmen of today to draft a new document to base our country around? Seems like asking for a lot of trouble.
Which is why its perfect as is.
Also, op who the fuck are you referring to this is some good bait!
Everytime I try to talk to Americans I realize most of you are politically illiterate even about your country.
Thank goodness foreigners are the same.
We can all wallow in our own ignorance and leave the constitution alone.
Can I drink your piss? Maybe some of your excellence will dissolve into me!
>church of constitutionality becomes the new religion of america
>constitution demands separation of church and state
>constitution commits sudoku
>low test "males" trying to give threats
top K U K
Then how can you argue that it's a perfect document? All I said is that I hated when people treated it like perfection that could never be improved upon.
Remove/replace First past the post and the electoral college.
Then add far more restrictions on the federal government, specifically concerning debt and the budget.
Maybe add a clause clarifying campaign finance/how campaigns are run in general.
>"haha bomb the shit out of those sandniggers and defend Israel"
Paleoconservatism will never not be a fringe ideology. Not even Trump is a paleocon.
Time to get the helicopters ready.
Democrats have been the american fascists since Wilson.
Lol look at the cryptofascist.
If they wrote a new one now the population would end up with less rights and less power to defend their rights.
But that's what you want isn't it, fascist?
>Militia to defend the people against government tyranny
>Lol the government gets to control it and create it to fight "the enemies"
Thanks Fascist! For showing your true colours.
Jesus H. Christ this thread is full of retards, ans this is coming from an actual Fascist.
Setting up a way for your own people to overthrow the government is retarded in the first place.
>It's one of these assholes
Then why don't you educate us?
A fascist government certainly would dislike an uprising :^)
The purpose isn't to guarantee an overthrow, but to guarantee that the government won't abuse the citizens for fear of an overthrow. The government serves the citizens, not the other way around, it shouldn't reign supreme.
>Do American fascists pretend to give a shit about the constitution when they want to dissolve the republic?
What the fuck did I just read?
Those are neo-conservatives. Paleoconsertavies are actually anti-interventionist.
The "progressives" that write articles on Salon and Alternet
who cares about america, is a fucking shithole.
I rather keep living in my taco shithole than move in dumbfuckistan.
Is that jealousy I sense
But it does do those things.See the 13th and 19th amendments.
What is happening here? It looks like one guy is stabbing the other but there's also an explosion.
>literally a thirld world nation when compared to real first world nations
>being the mexico of the first world
>can only brag when compare to utter shitholes and failed states
no nigger, you're another latinoamerican state at this point, which basically make you another shithole.
>thirld world crime rates
>70% obesity rates
>literally a thirld world nation when compared to real first world nations
What did he mean by this?
>thirld world crime rates
What does he mean by this?
>I have literally no idea what I'm talking about so I'm just going to shitpost like I'm on /int/.
Kill yourself
>15k homicides per year
>several cities among the world most dangerous cities
>but is only nigger south cities
Can you imagine what a bloodbath that would result in with all the eagles'n'guns tinfoil hat brigades there are? They'd be motorized-scooting their asses right out of Burger King locked and loaded.
>15k homicides per year
12k for a population of 320 million.
>several cities among the world most dangerous cities
Ok? Adelaide has the most serial killers per capita, doesn't characterize Australia as a whole.
>but is only nigger south cities
Yes, 2% of the population commits a large proportion of violent crime against itself, what's so difficult to understand?
>he doesn't think throwing commies in helicopters rides were a sick meme worthy of praise
>If I list overall totals and not per capita it'll support my argument.
>japan has half american population but less than 500 homicides per year
>even ghana and madagascar have only hundreds of homicides in populations that are millions
>somehow a rate of homicides superior to some latinoamerican shitholes is fine because your population is big
Nah nigger, I told your country is a failed crime war zone compared to real first world nations.
>japan has a population of 150 millions
>they have less than 500 murders per year
And if the dismal performances of Ron and Rand Paul in the GOP primaries are any indication, the vast majority of Americans don't give a shit about "paleo"conservatism as most Americans recognize that going back to policy from the 1920's would probably come with the same end result
Japan, Ghana and Madagascar are safer than almost every European country as well, you're 6 times less likely to be murdered in Japan than in Canada and 3 times less likely in Madagascar than in Finland.
>somehow a rate of homicides superior to some latinoamerican shitholes is fine because your population is big
It's below the average homicide rate of the entire world, which only 1 (one) Latin American country manages to do.
>Not being as safe as the safest country in the world makes it a war-zone.
By that logic, France is an unlivable shithole as well.
>Japanese crime statistics.
>compare USA to other first world nations
>lack behind in terms of technology innovation, poverty, PISA scores, IQ
>keeps comparing USA to the average score, which is garbage tier
>muh military superpower
>lack behind in terms of technology innovation, poverty, PISA scores, IQ
Dude, you're not even trying.
>Technology innovation
>PISA scores
>keeps comparing USA to the average score, which is garbage tier
Funny that, because the world is safer than ever before. Maybe you're just delusional
>muh military superpower
No one even brought that up. Nice strawman though.
Here, do some reading
rather, the inequality-adjusted Human Development Index is considered the actual level of human development, taking inequality into account. On the inequality-adjusted HDI, the United States ranked 27th in 2014, tied with Poland.[4]
wow, fucking great, tied with poland, a shithole.
You didn't even bother to read the rest.
>has 40 million people on food stamps
>but our HDI is high
>their middle income families can't even afford a basic standart of living even while both parents now are working two or three jobs
Also Poland has one of the lowest poverty rates in the EU as well as very low inequality. Hardly a shithole.
it is when their population emigrates to better countries.
funny how the high income american citizens move away and renounce their citizenship now, moving to shit like singapore.
america is better than the thirld world, but is a shithole compared to Finland and japan.
>has 40 million people on food stamps
Compared to 20 million out of 60 million?
>but our HDI is high
OECD has nothing to do with HDI you mongoloid.
>their middle income families can't even afford a basic standard of living even while both parents now are working two or three jobs
What are you blabbering about?
>it is when their population emigrates to better countries.
How do you explain the 50k net Japanese migrants to Brazil in the past 5 years?
>funny how the high income american citizens move away and renounce their citizenship now
Probably because they want to avoid taxes?
>america is better than the thirld world, but is a shithole compared to Finland and japan
The US on average is better than much of the UK, France and Italy but none of those countries are considered shit by rational people. You don't need to be Finland tier to be a decent country.
>lack public health care and college education
>a surveillance state
>niggers doing nigger things in his nation
>high medical cost that bankrup average people
>70% obesity rates
>economy will implode soon
>social cohesion not longer existing
>females are basically whores thanks to feminism
>SJW shit
>conservative people are seeing as counter culture now
>abortions festivals
>total moral decay
>federal reserve
>creationism being pushed in schools
>being ethnically replaced by mexicans
>SJW in their colleges and education
>niggers chimping out
>common core education
>still defends his surveillance state where people can't upgrade a legal document of the XVII century and treat it as a bible
So you're desperate now that your argument has no hold? Ok then user
>lack public health care and college education
>a surveillance state
>niggers doing nigger things in his nation
Nah m8.
>high medical cost that bankrup average people
>70% obesity rates
>economy will implode soon
>social cohesion not longer existing
>females are basically whores thanks to feminism
>SJW shit
>conservative people are seeing as counter culture now
>abortions festivals
>total moral decay
Not even going to respond to this shit desu
>creationism being pushed in schools
>being ethnically replaced by mexicans
>SJW in their colleges and education
You repeated yourself
>niggers chimping out
Again with the niggers, seriously
>common core education
No one likes it
>where people can't upgrade a legal document of the XVII century
You have no argument, stop posting.
t. deluded american.
This isn't /int/ nigger. If you're going to be a retarded faggot that's all you are, not some clever shitposter.
>has cities that look like nuclear wastelands
>I will literally worship this document that didn't end slavery, enforced rights for the gentry and didn't give votes to the vast majority of the population
Yeah I know. It really was perfect until we started fucking with it.
Blame blacks/democrats.
You were saying?
>implying I can't pick another city than detroit
fine, cleveland.