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Striking it Lich Edition

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>Call of Kel'thuzad Event
>Join the Scourge in undying servitude with a new hero, new skins, and a bone-chilling challenge
>September 5th - 25th.

>Kel'thuzad; The Lich Lord of The Plaguelands, Commander of The Dread Necropolis, Master of the Cold Dark, Founder of the Cult of The Damned, Former Member of the Council of Six, Creator of the Abominations, Betrayer of Humanity, Summoner of Archimonde, Archlich of Naxxramas, Majordomo to The Lich King, and Hearthstone enthusiast; Now LIVE!

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I think I love Jania...

At what time will Maiev be added to the game

Post you're player level

>hit gm
>go 2-9 afterwards

no, post you're shittiest memes xD

What's the point of being a close-range assassin when supports like Rehgar or Tyrande still win 90% of 1v1s against you
Literally why shouldn't you just play shit like Chromie or other burst assassins

Only good memes are allowed here

these new skins are midriff heaven


>Event quest credit is restricted to games you win

stop being so narrow minded, Alarak is, like Greymane, a range poker that can dive in and wipe our 2-5 people in a couple hits, Samuro is the best roamer/camp taker, etc...
Don't fight Reghar or Tyrande 1v1 and you're golden.

>being such a shitter that you cant win games

52% winrate over 2500 games means this shit happens to me regularly after winning like 8 in a row but 90 takedowns is like 3-4 games

>love playing Stitches
>he's fucking disgusting and no skin makes it better

I don't get why they don't make him a skin that changes him from a corpse. All his skins are him in cosplay.

I'm talking about squishy shit with no escape like Kerrigan or Thrall

If I have to play waifushit you're goddamn right you have to play a bloated corpse.

you still do more damage than them
you won't win 1v1 but 1v1 literally doesnt matter in "constant 5v5 deathball: the game" and if the enemy support is sololaning you already won anyways

but if your hero is focusing one specific chump, doing 500 damage is better than doing 150 damage and 400 healing

Thrall is a mage now, and he has a root and a speed boost, Kerrigan is fucked and needsq a rework

Just play Garrosh

>start of season placement games

why do i torture myself

What's a good build for New King Leo?

I don't know if waiting makes it better.

>not liking stiches
Fucking faggit

tazdingo everyone


consume vitality
ghastly reach (kneel if you need the waveclear)
anything, probably willing vessel
either ults fine
ominous wraith (important)
royal focus (important)
upgrade ult

eurobros getting the patch tommorow?

>KT and Leoric made it without changes from the PTR

is blizz taking the piss?



>either ults fine
They finally made March of the black king good?
>upgrade ult
Is there any reason to not take spectral leech?

>nigger valla skin
when will this shit end?

the upgraded ults are really good
talented leech on march and silence inside entomb

Heroic upgrades are really good at 20

>ominous wraith (important)
>royal focus (important)

If you don't take one, you don't take the other. It's a power up pair sort of talent progression.

brown (milk chocolate) 2d girls are nice

>either of them needing changes
No you just need to learn how to play



I admit that the level 20 upgrade for March is juicy as it will make you damn near unkillable, however the silenece on entomb is only needed if the enemy team has heroes that can easily get out or Artanis.

They're both fine, for one, for two, ptr is mostly for bugs and less about balance. You don't get good ideas about balance until they're played for real on the live servers, unless they're insanely broken. Like release zarya's damage getting hotfixed.

I didn't mean to post this pic
wtf hiro

>more chinkshit

Is Death and Decay build trash on KT? Should I just do chains? Or what? D and D seems easier.

Stitches just wants to play :(

KT damage is busted
you cant just keep upping the ante and justify it with "lol he's squishy tho XD" - other heroes can take care of that weakness easily

leoric is just retardedly strong and fits into any lineup

>KT damage is busted
Yes and it's all skilshoot based with a delay between casting and when the spell shows up.


>kt damage is busted
If he hits a hard to hit combo on top of having such little health he cant take on anyting 1v1 you fucking shitter.

Q build is both by far the strongest as well as the easiest build on KT
another masterclass design by blizz

>it's ok it's a skillshot :^)
ones that are actually fairly easy to hit
and again, that's a weakness a bunch of heroes can easily take care off
it's lazy design and will make for a very frustrating experience playing vs kt

>dreadlord jaina
jesus christ my boner can't handle this

I wasn't aware you play this game 1v1
also chains are not hard to hit at all and their versatility makes it only harder for enemies to juke them and once you hit them, you have a setup for your less reliable shit

Your boner is weak, WEAK.

what the hell did they do to my gnome waifu

make her less spammy and more skill dependant

Oh and before I forget, his busted damage applies 100% to buildings (unlike for example Li Ming, another hero with very strong, skillshot-based damage, who got a building damage nerf because full orbs and full missiles turned out to be a little too OP for siege) because blizzard lol gotta make the new hero OP XDXDXD

it's fucking retarded how quickly KT melts buildings

niggers how do i do the mount glitch i.e. ragnaros molten flow on something like li-li or vice-versa horse on ragnaros

Made it so if you can't land your Qs your shit

His ults dont touch minions or buildings so whatever.

Also, KT, Jaina, and Li Ming also smash PVE too so its all to par.

what did I miss? it's gone now

Sup, /hots/ im probably gonna start my first ranked placements soon, ive only ever really done QP matches, any advice?. My Mains are The lost vikings, Brightwing, and Diablo.

First thing you should do it not play any of those 3 heroes in HL until your are in masters and I think youll do fine.

I fucking love Michael McConnohie.

i get TLV, but what's so bad about Brightwing and Diablo

not really, no
she has great save, long-range siege but in a straight up push her damage isnt all that special anymore
she's good, but KT is much better

D&D gets the entire duration on buildings, with the talent that the damage increases per tick and the 20 ghost, it's absolutely ridiculous how much damage KT shits on buildings (or heroes unfortunate enough to eat it as well)

>have to get takedowns for the quest
sucks being a specialist main

God, I've forgotten how terrible a mage release is.
Learning new hero = feeding
Bad positioning = feeding

Thats fine. He's the Butcher of mages. If he gets fed his quest early by shitters or by him doing well, the enemy deserves to have their shit packed in.

>with the talent that the damage increases per tick
Only on heroes you fucking retard

I'm new to HotS, whats the difference between a support and a specialist anyway

But Butcher is much, much easier to counter and shutdown. And he has much less CC. And less siege. And he doesn't have a talent that makes him come back to life instantly.

>Is there any reason to not take spectral leech?
other than the fact that they halved its damage this patch, you mean?

>Actually crying about his lvl 4 quest
You realize that talent is only ever picked if they only have 1 melee and thats the tank

do combo build chains or root at 1 (chains is slightly higher damage), 4 situational but often phylactery, ice pillar, precision strike, doesnt matter, hungering cold
pillar, E, then WREQ

EU when?

i need art

These are completely different builds. Which one?

Kelthuzad has like 1200 hp at level 20 and no escape just kill him lol

No it isn't
the full stack effect is great and the respawn is a game changer

>Play 2 games as Diablo Hero
>6 days in a row


>q build

you're the kind of idiot that spams "OMG JUST FOCUS MORALES" arent you

one has retarded damage and is easy to get value out of
the other relies on a combo to hit to do anything

>tfw hit master on last day before season end

it took 50 games in total

who cares?

Tyrande is bullying in QM a lot. Fuck the owls. Fuck em.

Q build is the most reliable build
combo build is a noob trap
also I finished GM last season, did you?

grats user kun

2,5% Extra damage and health is still a lot.

dis me
combo build the best
bonespike is the noobtrap

Why did they nerf leoric

seems legit

"Reliable" if you suck dick. If you play Q build then you should just not play KTZ because your brain is too small to hit spells that matter.

>leoric gets a buff
>chromie gets a buff
>people whine and calls it a nerf

literally had a chromie say she got gutted, despite the fact that this chromie was landing so many qs that she was doing far more damage than prepatch

oh wait it said TL
fucking lol

he was buffed significantly

this might surprise you but at the higher levels of play opponents actually know how to dodge stuff and what to look out for if you put all your eggs in one easily avoidable basket

Support has directly support oriented abilities like heals and shit. Specialists are the ones that are hard to define. It used to mean "good at pushing" but has broadened to mean a character that does not fit completely to one of the other niches.
e.g. Nazeebo can do disgusting damage to heroes and buildings alike, but his kit isn't suited for assassin kind of play, or Abathur who has a unique play style from any other hero.

Well I'm pretty sure that we can all agree that Morales got gutted, flayed and skinned to the bones.

The entire point of learning KT's combo is so that they can't avoid it. I bet you'll say Chromie isn't played at master+comp because spells are easy to dodge, lol.


I just played ranked on EU, pre-picking Nova in hopes to see tryhards rage. Nobody said a word and I even got to pick her into a match.
We won flawlessy on 13 minute. Jesus christ. Plat1-Dia5 players.