Where does the 'USA as world police and upholder of freedom, democracy and human rights' meme come from?
Where does the 'USA as world police and upholder of freedom, democracy and human rights' meme come from?
All the way back to the founders, if we're being honest about it...
USA was originally isolationist
They would've upheld these values in their own country, not forced them upon others
>USA was originally isolationist
That's just not true. At least, not true of their privately held views.
The problem is that they don't uphold these values in their own or other countries.
> freedom
> democracy
> human rights
These are all curtains behind which America pushes it agenda onto the world. Other countries have theirs, this is America's.
We'll kick your ass if you say otherwise
This guys fault
When will American Isolationism finally happen???
Why can't they just disappear, fucking cancerous nation, cancerous culture and everything. If Canada and Mexico shared a border instead of US existing the world would be a better place right now.
>I am become bait, destroyer of threads...
Cute b8 m8
Compared to other world powers throughout history the USA is a fucking superhero.
Yeah, they aren't a kind country but I'd rather have the USA on top than Russia, China or the fucking British.
Americans thinks it's bait.
America is a tool for Israel and nothing more.
All the inventions Americans supposedly had is just immigrants from Europe and i mean recent ones - 100 years or so, they could have easily happened elsewhere, as evidenced by the Russians sending people into space and all that.
Not to mention your corporations only backing up inventions if they can make money, but that's a mixed issue.
We would have a better world if Americans stop existing in this very moment, without question.
i hate the eternal anglo as much as the next guy but at least they didn't set up banana republics by overthrowing democratic governments, have military bases in every fucking country in the world, or create enough terrorist groups to shit up europe and the middle east
but look at all the good things they've done
USA has been pretty fucking evil post WW2. Dozens of democracies have been overthrown by their hands and replaced with puppet dictators in their 'fight' against communism and terrorism.
And what are you gonna do about it, punk?
Enjoy Coca-Cola.
You're fucking welcome.
You're too kind.
You shouldn't have. You really really shouldn't have.
Literal buzz terms to frighten the American public into supporting murder and conquest for oil, resources and world domination.
If America was as bad as you say it is, you wouldn't be able to say so.
Hahaha. Hey, I'm happy to stop. Leave you retards alone to fend for yourself. Hahaha. Good fucking luck.
>implying i have murricuh to thank for my free speach
Name me a country that says America is bad that isn't automatically in danger of war or invasion or some other crazy shit?
You created terrorism. Thanks for nothing, cunt.
>Leave you retards alone to fend for yourself.
Our governments don't want to allow that for some reasons.
Everyone is in favor of having the Americans leave their bases in Europe and just go home.
Oh it is, I'm just not from some meme country in the middle east that they can start a war with without reason
From their hegemonic power.
The use of cluster bombs, land mines and depleted uranium is totally and completely humane.
The cancer rates and birth defects in Iraq are totally not radiation related, nor the cancer rates of Italian peacekeepers in Kosovo.
Hirvu rodeo?
Stop this meme.
Surprise, surprise. "Hurr durr why don't you guys just go home...leave your airbases and everything you paid for, though..."
Honestly, are you retards older than 12?
>american schoolchildren regularly raise the flag and sing the national anthem
>learn a north korea-tier view of history and the world
>'wars in the middle east and southern america just happen by themselves'
>'europeans need to be saved by us'
>'we invented freedom and democracy and bring it to the rest of the world'
>american propaganda and indoctrination is so strong they don't even need to pay any shills to defend them online
It's American propaganda so they can justify their criminal policies.
You didn't call them "terrorists" then, you called them "freedom fighters"
We'll buy the bases, so you can fuck off.
The issue is, for some reason neither your politicians want to leave, nor ours.
Who does the American military serve?
The rich. Just read what the most decorated marine, Smedley Butler, wrote.
Even before WW2 America was nothing but an imperialist power employing a better propaganda.
>Let me remove Iran democratically elected government because they are socialist and I need oil. Oh let me put these imsalic guys in power, they'll do.
>Let me train these taliban, yes have these guns.
>Let me fund islamic terrorists all over the middle east, the countries must be unstable so I can get the oil and not let them be socialist.
>Yes, yes Osama, come into the CIA's employ, no problem, here's some money to Al quaeda
>Yes, i'll invade iraq and fire their whole army, no they won't become isis after I put a shia government that oppresses the sunnis
All of this is American foreign policy, or should I say Israel + American corporations
I didn't know I'd be playing "spot the Palestinian" this early in the morning
pic related
>a north korea-tier
now that you mention it, NK literally restarted the development of it's nuclear program after Geroge Bush called them a rogue state that the USA won't "talk to" and then invaded fucking Iraq
Americans need to realize they've been told lies about who's who
Torch the rice farmers.
>International law
>International courts
>Anything but a glorified joke
>'We do not negotiate with terrorists.'
What did they mean by this?
Get this, laws and court are for the weak, while the rich and powerful play by their own rules, state or individual.
USA propaganda works so well people don't consider it as such.
Partly right
absolutely wrong
As with most problems in America it can be traced back to Protestant New England "morality"
Wilson and FDR are the greatest faggots ever conceived oh and LBJ
Thats not Wilson
Teddy actually did useful things in the world like helping negotiate peace between Russia and Japan
Dont confuse world policeman with statesmen please
It's called a casus belli, see how Hitler didn't invade poland for it gold but to "protect the german minority that was opprimed", see how Putin do not kill syrian because he want keep an ally in place but to "defeat terorist".
>my shitposting on an anonymous laotian tapestry forum is the same as a national government's public statements
>Hey, I'm happy to stop.
>autist speaking for his entire nation like he's taking credit
Indeed America is the most dangeous threat to world peace, the population are brainwashed human cattle with easy to control moral retard psychologies thus as long as America makes its citizens think the countries it fucks up are evil they always mindlessly see nothing wrong with their country.
America is such a terrorist state it convinced I mean SCARED the entire world into thinking its the world savior but its a threat to the human species for reason American retards cant understand.
mostly their own propaganda and their lackey countries that bought into said propaganda
Americans, duh
About 1930-1950.
Hollywood and the widespread adoption of the motion picture.
[Citation needed]
The War on Terror unironically created more terror.
Taking this opportunity to drive home the idea and meme status of an evil USA.
Given the right circumstances any other country would do the same and position themselves as a force especially if they saw themselves of good intention. If not, focus less on beuraucracy and governmental compartmentalization, alongside socioeconomic programs that generalize a large section of society whom have been standardized for simplicities sake.
Also a nation with hundreds of millions of people will have a disproportionate amount of stupid people and thus show more stupid shit happening as a consequence.
Memers on Facebook posting hashtags and following trending dialogue from whatever FOTM reporter or story being pushed. USA is actually so relevant people care enough to watch with scrutiny and overanalysis from their own home regardless of how little it affects their day to day life in another country.
Regardless of whatever shit is going down, does the USA with the capability ever wipe anyones shit off the map? If anything some specific meddling here and there gains them economic and strategic footholds. Meanwhile the alternative is a bunch of borderline psychopathic and regressed nations leading the way while people victimize themselves over stupid petty shit. they wouldnt survive in an real world nor the grass is greener nation on the other side.
I wasnt aware gun violence in the south was making your Cheerios taste worse.
Realpolitik are the only proper way of doing diplomacy. There a reason why Canada can tell to the Russians to go fuck themselves while the Americans are scared of WWIII.
Ultimately, the idea as it is globally known begins with Wilson with the statement of "We must make the world safe for democracy" read, "We must make the world safe for American business interests." However, the idea had been since before the nation became a sovereign state. The whole thing is predicated of the idea of the City on a Hill which was continually taken further by U.S. statesmen. Madison and Jefferson with their first expansions in the name of Manifest Destiny, Monroe famously applied it with the Monroe Doctrine, Polk has the most famous incident of Manifest Destiny, McKinley with the expansion into the Caribbean against the monarchist Spanish, Teddy applied it with his Gunboat Diplomacy and the advent of Customs Receivership in Latin America thus securing the region for "freedom and democracy" RE: American business interest, and Taft with Dollar Diplomacy.
City on a Hill and the idea of Manifest Destiny which are older than the U.S. as a state and the origins of it as a nation.
Kek. What's Nicaragua ganna do? Declare war?
I'm okay with this.
This is really non sensical.
Literally every NATO state has had their time of "MURICA IS BAD." We're still allies and they need us more than we need them.
Yeah I got frustrated and had to keep coming back to it after several minutes at work.
Basic tl;dr is imo most people outside the US minus a few countries here or there live at a pretty decent standard of living yet force 1st world problem tier arguments to the forefront while being mostly disconnected from their impact.
>This delusion
Theodore Rosevelt Probably played the largest role in ushering in the age of American imperialism.
>all these absolutely assblasted Euros
Face it, the only reason you niggers even meme on about le AmeriKKKan Imperialism!!!!!! is because its no longer Europeans doing it.
meme's are the necessary function of a nation in creating it's identity.Your claim definitely does not hold true to the initial foundation of American ideals.
really made me think
>USA was originally isolationist
No, it wasn't. America was literally founded on the ashes of empires and was meant to supplant them all(which it did).
Many of the founders intended for us to stay in our own region of influence and remain out of foreign wars.
Admittedly that might've been true of George Washington, but it certainly wasn't of Jefferson. He orchestrated the Louisiana Purchase(and advocated westward expansion) and founded the United States Navy specifically to blow the fuck out the Barbary States.
Pfff, the 'war on terror'. One group of fools will tell you it actually did well, another group of fools will tell you this wasn't supposed to happen and we should trust warmongers to continue fighting terrorism. The 'war on terror' did exactly what it was supposed to:
>profits for corrupt politicians
>protecting the petrodollar
>loadsamoney for the weapon industry
>take away personal freedom in western countries under the guise of 'safety'
Nicaragua did what it should've done, sue them. The USA should've taken responsibility.
>The USA should've taken responsibility.
That's the irony though, you really don't have to take responsibility for anything when you're at the top. Vae victis and all that.
Can you atleast not pretend to uphold values you don't follow?
Why would they do that? That's part of the propaganda machine.
>who is James K. Polk
Teddy wasn't even alive yet
In post-WWII, when the balance of power theory failed to secure peace and stability of the whole world.
I don't think you understand how the Monroe Doctrine works
Are you unironically claiming that realist IR theory is false in a world where liberal IR theory failed spectacularly before WWII even began?