Civic appreciation thread

Veeky Forums post your favorite civics

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I'm a little biased.

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Personal favorite

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Need a second car for my [spoiler]wife[/spoiler], she likes the Corolla I currently drive so I figured it would be nice to get a new car for me (because it's not my favorite) and she'll just take that one. Just a daily driver to work and back.

I was looking at a 2005 or 2006 Civic, thoughts?

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>2005 Civic is 7th generation
>2006 Civic is 8th generation

8th generation is overall better. go to the 8thcivic forums for more information instead of asking on Veeky Forums.

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Guess I'll do that, thanks. Any obvious things I should know or look out for though? I actually really like how the 2006 looks, and seems some models come with power windows etc which is kinda cool.

>Any obvious things I should know or look out for though?

It's a 2006 Honda, not a 20 yr old Mercedes Benz, but like I said you can find all your answers on the 8thcivic forums. Make sure to use carfax and check for rust I guess?

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this isn't Honda general. keep your bitching to there

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>Favorite civic
One that was crushed under an FX4 with a lift kit and mudding tires.

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I really like my EG hatch so far. weighs about 2100lbs, gets good gas mileage, and is stupid easy to work on.

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Theres an 05 auto civic in my area for real cheap, idk if that gen still had the infamous tranny issues or if they fixed it by then

Nothin personal kid

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automatic Honda's are to be avoided at all costs. specifically ones that don't have a warranty anymore unless you don't mind paying $$$$ for a new tranny.

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That generation had faulty paint that had a recall out for it. Make sure the PO took advantage of it otherwise you'll be like me and you have bad chalking and bad clear coat because you didn't notice the dust was hiding it when you went to check it out

Redline me on EK's, Veeky Forums
Good fun daily commuters?

Spoon civics.

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EK9 is best, everyone knows that

part of me wants to rally-x my eg hatch and the other part of me wants to auto-x it. fucking decisions man. i already have 4 cars so im not going to buy 2 fucking civics

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Psh you guys have no taste

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>thread full of clean civic's
>you post the worst example of a civic.

really stimulates the synapses.

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