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Why's no one talking about the data mined Sigurd?


I'm sad there's no reward for top 100 like in Arena Assault my autism planning out best units to back and predicting bonus rounds doesn't mean much

I know why you did it, but you could have waited a bit

In a 12 hour period Ikefags need to create a 4 billion gap to give Camillafags a bonus. If they keep current pace it will end with Ikefags 1 billion over, so the pace needs to be quadrupled, which won't happen. I like dicks.That or Camillafags need to stop playing entirely right now. Both are unrealistic

It was le epic ruse and retards here and on reddit fell for it.


20 something on team Ike and fuck if K now total because my phone is charing. I was rank 8-15 for a few hours on the first gauntlet while on team Sharena.

Thanks for reposting fag.

Stop falling for that obvious ruse

20 should be 2k

I have two Bikes. Do I

>feed Steady Breath to +HP regular Ike
>feed Steady Breath to +Atk Fae


it was an epic troll by mentally ill ghast


You bank one for the time you'll pull Lukas and shit out Bonfires continuosly.

Camillafags, put your feathers in! we can easily win this, Ike is gonna lose!!

merging is never worth it

i would wait abit before committing but steady breath regular ike seems good distant counter is better than urvan +hp always sucks though

It really baffles me how retarded Lynfags are that they started to think that Camilla winning would tell IS that she's actually more popular than Lyn and she's going to be the standard for FE for now. I imagine they're really fucking surprised how team Camilla managed to win against her.

I hope you have a good day!

I like dicks aswell

>Camilla's landslide victory on her first Gauntlet win made IS implement the multiplier

>She still gets to the finals for a (potential) win overall

Who is going to be the Red Flier to finish this team.

What place did Aversa and Elincia place in their respective games?

>already have +Def Lukas


The wall just got 10 feet higher.


retards are retards user

>slept through both of Camilla's bonuses
>rank in army: 48,581

I'm still rolling for Ike to give my +Def -Attack Lukas Steady Breath to unleash the ultimate physical wall meme

>sitting at a coal mine prep plant during break eating pizza and playing FEH around a bunch of burly men
Feels good

Building my first ever horse team for arena defense, no one has any assists except for Reinhardt. What should I give everyone, Reposition/Draw Back/?


If you want to false flag, at least use the word flag Ikefag. I stopped playing because I want to see how good is going to be the meltdown when the bonus triggers

you poor soul

Link to gauntlet spreadsheet please.

Give melee units reposition and ranged units draw back. This way, their attack range will always overlap.

>bonus triggers

it's just a typo.

I believe Camilla can win this. tits > dicks after all

Why do I keep getting Peris

When's Neph? I don't even care if already have Lancina, I want her too.

Wait so if the Tempest trials is for FE7, who will the free unit be?

>tits > dicks after all
Maybe in another game, but this is Fire Emblem remember? It's a pretty fucking gay series.

How good is Tacomeme nowadays?

>tfw have consistently been in every single bonus hour Ike has had
>placed top 1000 in the second round even
I hope my leftover flags secure me top 1000 in this one too.

Who wants Swift Sparrow the most? I assume it's more important to pass than Atk Smoke, anyway.

Masked Marth again, probably

Ike is going to win, the only way Camilla can win is if people on Camilla's side quit playing for a while and hope for a last hour multiplier and then dump those last 400 flags in.


camilla team has bigger numbers, idiot.
god, I'm embarrassed that you're part of our team

>mommyfags vs fujofags
Not the best timeline

yes, it is.

lynfags are literally waifufags in denial, it's poetic justice that they got put in their place by blatant waifu fan service.
happy they BTFO lucina though.

on what fucking planet?

We-we've got this right Camilla bros
We can do this haha
Fucking kikes kek
/Ourgirl/ wins again!

It doesn't no matter how hard you're trying to falseflag

Apparently Masked Marth again

Can't wait for MUMMY to lose.

Gauntlet rounds finish at 6 AM EU, so I always miss the greatest bonuses. Missing 2 is nothing.

That's not even a falseflag that's just shitposting

>Lyndrones / Tharjafags still falseflagging
don't give up user, one day you'll find happiness in FEH again

Just wait for the next CYL, Reinhardt is gonna take #1.

>waifufags in denial
Nigga there is no denial. Before Camilla it was Lucina, before Lucina it was Lyn.

It took Lucina and Awakening to come and open the floodgates to waifufags for Lynfags to shut up.

You know, No True Scotsman is a logical fallacy for a reason.

As in:
It's fallacious.

on this planet. fuck off with your falseflagging claims. you're probably a salty ikefag that wants us to intentionally lose by reducing our moral

camilla will win

Name my band please.

Don't use Mist to shitpost. She can support her big bro without resorting to that. She's a good girl.

ironic / obvious falseflagging and shitposting are pretty much the same thing 2bh

lynfags constantly shit on other waifufags for having waifus though

Well I wanna thank Camillafags, without her taking out Lyn we Ike team would have lost.

Pretty please?

Despite what many people will tell you, he is still a very strong unit capable of deleting units out of the blue with Vantage+Vengeance against unprepared players on arena defense. The only thing that's changed for him is HP+3 seal to avoid getting ORKO'd and Cancel Affinity when on offense to beat Robin/Cecelia.

Just out of curiosity, how much is a +2 Ike better than an unmerged one in terms of arena points? If that doesn't affect the score much, I'd rather pass HB to my Cordelia or Celica for memes.

Hector broke my streak today, but why does he look so strange?

It's already time?

Any of these worth leveling up?
Clive - Tobin - Neutral 5* Ogma - Bride Caeda -Atk - Brave Roy -Atk


>implying that the shitposting here is actually serious
come on user, do you even know where you are?

The blonde one is better


Read the thread. It's a falseflag failing to bait camillafags into spending their flags. They don't bite because they're featherfags and know how to play the system.

I think he lost his Armads.

Who is this semen demon?

It's funny, I was going to join Ike's team after Camilla got taken out, but she made it to round 3, ensuring a shitload of people on Lyn's side had a chance to move to Ike's team instead. It was worth it for the feathers, but the fact that this gave Ike a better chance to beat the waifus made it even more fun.

Is it worth ranking up a healer?

>I know maths guys listen to mes!!

I'm so sorry. At least mine was +res-spd ;_;

>42 HP
>32 Spd
>39 DEf
>36 Res
Haha what the fuck I thought Sheena was meant to be shit? Yeah okay the Atk could use work but there's an easy +3 to be gained there by swapping her weapon.

It's funny, I was going to join Ike's team after Camilla got taken out, but she made it to round 3, ensuring a shitload of people on Lyn's side had a chance to move to Ike's team instead. It was worth it for the feathers, but the fact I like dicks gave Ike a better chance to beat the waifus made it even more fun.

>Not posting the better domfu

only the cutest ones like Clarine or Priscilla.

nice shitpost

It's funny how it all worked out in the end

Every flier team's worst enemy

Why haven't you trained your Merrics /feg/?

Will I like like Conquest if I hate playing eugenics simulator? I dislike classing and reclassing and pairing up specific units just to get OP skills on one person.

so which one of these guys should I merge all the others into

>have fucking 8 eliwoods
you're next chucklefuck

Sure, just ignore that aspect of it. You don't need it in any way.

Yep I was scared after the results of the first hour of the second round, but every ended up well in the end.

You misspelled Julia

I see we're getting into the good shit now.


In conquest lunatic you might want to reclass a few units, but over all there is no need to do so

I would if I had one. I just got a +HP/-ATK Camilla when using my free roll for Hector on the new banner.
