This is illegal because we dont want you making your own decisions

>This is illegal because we dont want you making your own decisions

Attached: marlboro_ford_gt_r_by_dangeruss-d9bliug.jpg (1191x670, 279K)

Other urls found in this thread: cities have air thats worse for your lungs&oq=most cities have air thats worse for your lungs&aqs=chrome..69i57.798j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Cigarette adverts are illegal on racing liveries?

Yes Fords should be illegal

Smokers are already retarded in the first place

FIA banned it I believe

Here in freedom land cigarette advertisements are illegal basically everywhere. I think they're legal in magazines?

Attached: ancap.jpg (677x451, 48K)

Revised literally in the same year

Attached: logo_black_yellow.png (800x260, 19K)

im forcing a new meme

ancap is anarcho capitalism but also the Australasian New Car Assessment Program

i just realized the pic is of a ferd though.. nice

>car doesn't come with saftey nannies
>is rated shit by yuropoors despite having great passive safety features

>the logo is even yellow and black

Attached: 31483EB8-E171-47E8-B190-D2909F44C6AA-5087-000003B7326200F7.jpg (571x542, 74K)

ausfag here, all cigarette advertising is illegal. it actually sucks because most of my favorite liveries were cigarette ones

Attached: Winfield-R32-Nissan-GT-R-Bathurst-race-car.jpg (1235x859, 258K)

>be too stupid to figure out what's bad for you
>government needs to step in
we need to let retards die like nature intended

It's hilarious when you buy an Autoart or Biante model based on a former cigarette liveried ATCC vehicle.

Attached: f100ac0914a7dfb9fd5d3b9525492265.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

The cigarette and liquor liveries were the best.

>muh cigarettes are bad
>most cities have air thats worse for your lungs

Attached: 66142e7e601e2cbe308ca0bf003d6824--my-life--layers.jpg (550x620, 51K)

>most cities
[citation needed]

In China the air is literally worse than smoking

this is truly pathetic
look it up faggot

>lying on the internet

most yup

Good thing China isn't "most cities" then, and the fact neither of us live there.
>look it up faggot
Happily cities have air thats worse for your lungs&oq=most cities have air thats worse for your lungs&aqs=chrome..69i57.798j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Care to point out the link that backs that claim faggot?

Man this smog looks pretty comfy, everyone walks around with a surgical mask so they are less likely to look at your face because its partially covered up and because of the smog you blend into the crowd more. its a social anxiety having freak's wet dream environment if it weren't for the fact that the air itself could harm you.

Attached: china smog.jpg (2718x1812, 550K)


>subliminally gives you cancer

Attached: barcode.jpg (1680x1120, 266K)

you must have been chroming to thing that claim was correct

us living there doesnt change anything you stupid chimp. The vast majority of the worlds population lives in horrible air pollution. now fuck off

Attached: GettyImages_871511920IndiaDelhi.0.jpg (1200x800, 104K)

post 2000s F1 cars look disgusting

>The vast majority of the worlds population lives in horrible air pollution
No no no, that wasn't the claim.
Now either back the claim "most cities have air thats worse for your lungs than cigarettes" or just continue to back away you potato shaped faggot.

Lived in Beijing for a while, tobacco shill is so full of shit I at lest hope he's getting paid.
>Man this smog looks pretty comfy
Comfy in a "I forgot the sky isn't actually yellowish-grey" way
everyone walks around with a surgical mask
Surprisingly only in winter when things get really bad.

Not him, just saw you were using chrome like a retard.

I thought some user made up a fake logo to go along with the name, but it's real

>it's popular so you're uncool

Attached: Trilby.jpg (588x350, 31K)

i remember one day we had a stay indoors air advisory do to particulate matter here

here is Vancouver Canada the particulate matter was from Chinese pollution

More like "it's unsecure and spies on you so you're a retard"

>Comfy in a "I forgot the sky isn't actually yellowish-grey" way
yea i like that. its actually been very foggy and muggy where i live now for several days straight and it really helps with the sleep, makes me more immersed in my games, movies, edgy rock music, less paranoid when going outside. i love dank dark(ish) looking settings and damn do i wish i could stay in China for at least a week since it always felt like a post apocalyptic but civilized society of sorts. kinda like a look into how everyone on earth will be living a couple of hundred years from now.

>b-b-but mah botnet
go install gentoo on your toaster. Just make sure you don't drop your tinfoil hat in there.

Wish you'll be able to visit. It's worth it.

>tinfoil hat
It's all been proven though, there's no hat here, just facts. Sorry I don't have the infographic here, enjoy giving Google all your info.

you are being trolled. pls stop.

>I was just pretending to be retarded

no user. this isnt the chrome fag. pls stop.

Not him but what is the potential damage that could be done with that info? when i want a special order of Cheese PIzza i usually use TOR anyway.

At the very least you get targeted ads. They can see every site you visit, anything you even start to type into the search bar, all your usernames/passwords etc.
Obviously other browsers can also see this but most don't send it to their parent company. There are other issues but this isn't /g/ so I'm going to stop my off-topic posting here.

>i'm a pseudo-intellectual and unique person the post

Attached: tipsfedora.jpg (1200x794, 106K)

for most people it isnt about "damage", instead its about you handing over you browsing habits to a company...for they can turn around and sell it to other companies. They have complex algorithms that can predict future purchase based on websites you visit and previous purchases. It doesnt really matter if you google shit all the time, they already have a database on anyone that does. It just gets more complete if you use the browser.

you are handing your info over so a jew can sell it to other jews

>tfw you use adnauseum to fuck up their algorithms

>I'm a Google shill

Fellow Aussie here I agree

Red=blue liveries > everything else

Yes, Cigarettes are bad for you. It's literally a fucking proven fact in years upon years of scientific research into the field of "can sucking on a carcinogenic tube give you cancer" . You can smoke them all you want, I don't give a fuck, but if you try and say it's not bad for you, you're a fucking retard who deserves to be removed from the gene pool slowly and painfully, or a shill.

Yep. The World Health Organization banned them outright from all sporting events about 12-13 years ago.

Need me my Winnie Blues mate

Attached: image.jpg (644x360, 183K)

The ban on tobacco advertising has been good for tobacco companies in every country where it was introduced, it turns out the same number of people smoke with or without the adverts and all they were doing was in fighting over the same customer base. When none of them could advertise that money became proffit.

What are you smoking? Mid 2000's F1 is the best they've looked since the 60's.

Attached: f1-belgian-gp-2004-michael-schumacher-ferrari.jpg (800x533, 131K)

>unironically caring about safety rating

Attached: 1520876984698.jpg (768x1024, 79K)

>developing countries have poor air quality so cigarettes aren't bad for you

What a bunch of faggots

>Mid 2000's
>Better then late 80's

Yeah nope

Attached: Ayrton_Senna_1988_Canada.jpg (640x480, 41K)

This was supposed to be a meme about anarcho capitalism.. because the thread was about choices... and i think humans should have the right to drive unsafe cars or buy and put toxic substances in their bodies without being put into a cage. That being said I do not buy or ingest toxic substances.

The australian new car assessment program or ANCAP shares it's acronym with the shortened version, ancap, of anarcho capitalism. It's even the same colors as the flag that Hoppe first conceptualized. I believe someone in australian new car assessment program has a freedom boner! I will salute that freedom boner. If i ever met the man with said freedom boner my freedom boner and his freedom boner could have a nice sword fight.

Can you guys help me spread this meme? I've posted it on /pol but they just yell at me about why authoritarianism is so good and don't get the coincidence. I even try to make it a pun by saying ANCAP prevents crashes, which is true in both ways because austrian economics has better fundamental principles and is more sustainable than keynesian economics which was partially responsible for the 2008 crash, letting people control financial systems instead of letting them be, and is the force behind the upcoming dollar crisis.

here is some good info about the dollar crisis that might happen... if it doesn't crash it might just generally slip downwards but it's going down no matter what:

good time to buy gold

Attached: ANCAP_OPST_COL_5star.jpg (1660x465, 156K)

oh yeah just realized another pun because austrian sounds like australian

"Ancap, preventing crashing using austrian economics." You could say this when talking about australia first to confuse them and make an autistic pun of sorts.

Attached: 7537k.jpg (480x266, 38K)

>my opinion is better than yours
oh boy, look at this closet fag

>making your own decisions
Lmao that's now how it works


literally a butthurt GM cuck

Attached: this will cause trigger.jpg (856x706, 194K)

>Anti booze and Tobacco laws killed some of the best liveries known to man
Feels bad.

They really should. That company should've burned to the ground decades ago

>Most cities have worse air quality
Ok then ban ICE

Cigarette advertising in general is illegal in most countries these days, let alone on race cars.

how are going to get rid of all the over populated people though?

WW3, anti-waxers, suicides of Gen Z and Gen Y fuckups, deaths of Little Boomers, birth control propaganda in poor countries, etc.
Plenty of options.

>I believe someone in australian new car assessment program has a freedom boner! I will salute that freedom boner. If i ever met the man with said freedom boner my freedom boner and his freedom boner could have a nice sword fight.

Attached: 102568754.png (334x393, 134K)

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>birth control propaganda in poor countries
this I heard they have caught on to already

Not all middle eastern countries. Arabs, indians, and other shitskins are extremely conservative. USA is goes to same list, but only because teens love to fuck like rabbits.

*goes to same list

Also, americans are retarded with liberalism and stupid attitude about living in present day and not thinking about what happens tomorrow.

I cant comprehend what you are trying to say.

He probably means, that shitskins and americans fuck like rabbits and nothing is changing.

Attached: 29345345_1636483423083512_1297254007_n.jpg (716x687, 37K)

I see. well the Japanese are definitely shrinking in numbers(at least that's what the media says) so is it safe to say they are the most responsible and that is why Veeky Forums is trying to preach its culture?

Same goes with Korea. China will be same as Japan 20 years later if birth control will go right.

so once the Asians are weakened enough then will take care of the remaining non whites?

Pakistani/indians and arabs are still going to be a problem.

Shit, nice digits

>going to be a problem
your just saying that

Attached: CnAfUd1UEAAdBlL.png (1200x675, 332K)

>Head crush (MAXIMUM)

Attached: wojak.png (645x729, 75K)

Japs are honorary aryans