"I hate Australians so god damn much" Edition
"I hate Australians so god damn much" Edition
p2w bullshit
I shouldn't have to spend money to get things I want.
You can get mods from banshee. Bright engrams are only good for the cosmetics in them, and even at that you'll be getting multiple of them a day if you're playing regularly
So I see that if you buy the 100$ version you get a sword, how does that work? There were no swords in the beta, are they special ammo like rocket launchers or snipers? Can you only swing it so many times as you have ammo?
I just want to know how many DLC or Expansion Pack bullshit there'll be.
I don't have much money to spare, will I be safe with the "expansion bundle" they offer on the pre order page on battle.net, or will there be more bullshit after that?
I'll still get the pc version
I imagine they work pretty much the same as in destiny 1, yes.
>100 bucks with p2w microtransactions 30 fps p2p game that needs to have PS Plus to play
The absolute state of /dg/, lads
>Can literally buy mods outright for glimmer
>The ones from the engrams are capped at rare
>Mods are the only "game changing" item in bright engrams
>Rest are cosmetics
Calm down you spergs this isn't P2W at all it's called a filler item so you don't get the shit you actually want. That forces you to buy more engrams and dismantle shit into silver dust.
fyi the game will have already sold 5 million copies, they already won
lads, when will /v/ trolls leave so we can enjoy destiny 2?
What you can buy from Tess:
>Ability cooldown armour mods: "Chance to contain an armour mod that decreases the cooldown of one Arc, Solar, or Void subclass ability." Can affect Super, grenade, or melee abilities.
>Character stats armour mods: "Chance to contain an armour mod that slightly enhances a character stat." Can affect resilience (increases shield HP), mobility (increases movement speed), or recovery (shields regenerate faster).
>Weapon stats armour mods: "Chance to contain an armour mod that slightly enhances the weapon stats of an equipped Primary, Energy, or Power weapon." Can affect handling (equip speed), stability (recoil strength), and reload speed (obvious).
>Elemental weapon mods: "Chance to contain a weapon mod that changes the element of an Energy or Power weapon."
/dg/ will ACTUALLY defend this shit
Mods are purchasable from an NPC.
Bright Engrams are earnable forever.
Mods from Bright Engrams are the consolation prize and lowest tier reward, the "it's better than nothing."
They picked the worst kind of item to dilute the loot box table. Buying anything that offers in game stats with real money is a big no-no in Western games no matter how small it is.
Bungie should just remove them and replace it with some other useless crap.
proofs that it's capped to rare
and don't say "because it's blue"
that's the same blue they use for schematics in D1
and that's the fucking thing, "game changing" is too far
Anyone in cst want to set up a fireteam to do the story when it goes up here?
They should replace them with a small pile of gathered materials.
>Spend 5 dollars and get something that can be bought for glimmer that you're going to have an overabundance of anyways
so you admit that it's P2W?
>Being this much of a shill
>tfw you have a job and can afford to buy microtransactions if you want to.
I'm also going to rebuy the game when it comes to PC.
That would actually probably have a bigger affect on gameplay. People are just freaking out because it's called mods when in reality they're easily obtainable with the most abundant currency.
Post this 1hr before release
This. All these school poorfags hate spending money on their hobby, when everyone else does this on their own hobbies. You think someone that likes to work on cars bitches because they had to buy a new oil filter? The auto maker should make indestructable oil filters! This is just the jew auto part industry taxing us!
>tfw life fucked you over so you couldn't go to school and now finding a job is hell since you live in first world and everyone ask for engineering degree to mop the floor
of fucking course they are gonna keep the same model and release a DL- I mean, EXPANSION a year from now.
Any Boners online to accept clan invites?
>"B-but, video games aren't physical!"
>"I shouldn't have to, or be able to, spend money on things that aren't tangible!
> I'm not a jew for wanting things for free! You are the jews for wanting money for goods and services! "
>armor mods come in different rarities
>clearly legendaries are where it's at for endgame
>the only ones you can buy are rares
should I pretend to care to fit in?
>People not understanding the engrams or gacha systems
Niggas getting a mod in a bright engram is like getting a voice line in overwatch. It's literally the last thing you want to happen
Germany is the only place I can think of that would require you to be a literal astronaut to mop floors
Mods in those engrams are blues while you can get purple mods from banshee. They're literally useless
Yeah, probably a better idea, thanks.
youre about 14 days too early
You better, or else you're a SHILL!
I love these microtransactions.
It means I don't need to grind nor play the game hardcore like I was still my younger self.
Also, if I have bad luck, I can just buy the mod and just keep on playing instead of grinding and searching for a new mod for every new weapon/armor.
I mean, as an adult, I should be able to buy these powers to compete against teenagers and college kids with more time than me.
I hope they put in a monthly VIP status buff, like earning 20% more EXP/PVP points, -50% repair cost, 10% discount on speciality/token vendor.
where is the source?
First we had a fully priced game with pricey DLC out the ass.
Then said game pulled off microtransactions on top of that as if being expensive as fuck to keep up with wasn't enough but it was ok because it was just cosmetic.
Then we had them selling level 25 character tokens but it was ok because it not max level yet.
Then we had them selling mods but it was ok because it was "capped at rare".
Just how long are you gonna keep defending the literal slipper slope you're diving through headfirst, honestly? What kind of c uck logic is this? Would you wait until you got to witness your wife getting destroyed by a nigger dick in front of view or would you already cut your losses short the time you found evidence of her cheating on you? Actually, scrap that, you'd probably enjoy watching like the good fucking c uck that you are.
To be fair, if you don't have a background in engineering how can you be expected to mop floors? You can't just waltz into a job with none of the required experience.
the picture showing how you can get mods literally has them coloured blue, that means rare you fucking retard. Al
I'm not defending anything I'm explaining how a fucking loot crate works to people who don't understand it. I don't think the eververse should even be in the game, but these mods aren't even remotely the problem with it. They're literally there to fuck ou over, not make you win.
Why are you so quick to move to the "wife fucked by niggers" analogy?
Is there something you wanna tell us, user?
nani the heck do you mean
>buying videogames is the same as allowing jamal and his aids-gang to railroad your wife
imagine being this much of a drama queen
But hey props for not using a car or food analogy.
>getting upset about options
You can complain about it when it becomes compulsory to buy bright engrams.
Until then, you are complaining about having the possibility to get low level shit while buying cosmetic items.
>Guy who disagrees with me on Reddit
Fucking shill
>Guy who agrees with me on Reddit
Exactly this. The eververse is garbage and shouldn't exist but these mods are anything but P2W.
not unless I see enough people get only rares will I believe that
it would show RARE in the title and that color was used for schematics in D1
>they start selling legendary mods
>"b-b-but t-there's the e-e-exotic ones still that are much b-better!"
>they start selling them
>"w-w-well at least you have the weapons and r-raid stuff to get that are the real deal!"
>they start selling them
>"b-b-but at least the g-good players will perform well r-regardless of items!"
Yes good goy, that's exactly how activision pulled off p2w loot crates in COD. It was the exact same way. Open up that asshole and let them lube it good.
Holy shit the people actually defending this are retards.
It doesn't matter if the bonuses aren't huge
It doesn't matter if you can get the engrams for free by playing the game
You can buy 50 engrams right off the get go and have the advantage in PvP, which the idiots at Bungie clearly made this game revolve around
yes send the request instead of posting about it you fucking retard
anyone use a vpn or region switch to play on xbone? is it possible to say buy the game on new zealand microsoft store, switch region on console, launch, switch region to us then play on us servers? any known workarounds to 9pm pacific on xbone?
It's been pending.
Reminder that FEMALE TITAN players are extreme degenerates and you should avoid these players at all costs.
>i bought a guitar, why do I have to spend money on replacing the strings! Jews!
>i like to make clay pottery, why do I have to keep buying clay and replacing turning wheels!
>i like to write, why do I have to keep buying pens and paper!
This shit can go on forever. Hobbies cost money. Stop being jews and complaining about having to spend money on your hobby. Video games aren't unique in this. If you don't want to spend the money then you are into the wrong hobby. I hear soap carving is pretty cheap.
>cucksole kids defending p2w micro transactions and shilling for it
This is why the games industry is dying. Cucksoles ruined everything.
>Buy it
>Someone with a legendary has better stats and wins against you despite receiving it from a drop
>I'm glad I bought this and won as /v/tards on /dg/ told me
>you will never be this mad about a virtual game
yes it is possible, but MS has the game currently set to release on the 20th of all times so no one on xbox ccan play digital until they fix it or wait until the 20th, whichecver comes first
No we're not. Who started this meme, and why?
r e d d i t o r s
get it right faggot
>if someone buys fifty bucks worth of bright engrams, they'll have a vague (read: almost nonexistent) advantage in the crucible for a day or two before everyone else already has those same rares/better legendaries through just playing the game
Oh nooooooooooo
Go learn about how analogies work before you pull off your redditesque "muh food analogy" horseshit.
>he cares about pvp
el oh el user. A million games do pvp better then destiny. Anyone who plays destiny for pvp is a mouth breathing retard.
>It doesn't matter if the bonuses aren't huge
I mean, it kind of does.
>Haha look at me I paid to win xDD
>Oh no why are these people will superior legendary mods beating me
>I bought a printer I can't believe subsequent color packs aren't free
>what do you mean I have to pay for more ammo? I bought this gun isn't that enough?
>I can't believe burning a cigarette makes it go away what a ripoff
Kazuto or Appie???????????????
For other people playing, should I hold onto my upgrade points if I dont wanna invest them into dawnblade?
When do I get my next subclass?
>just call the ambulance after the victim has already died
>no, don't call the ambulance while she's just been stabbed :^)
This is how you sound.
not everyone is a neet like u
Assuming it's like Destiny 1 that shouldn't matter at all. The subclass will start fresh and you'll have to level it from 0.
Your character level will remain the same though don't worry.
>streamer hops off after 6 hours
>nobody up to him yet
hey, hey, hey pay-to-win is gay
rate my pre-destiny 2 meal
>mashed potatoes
It's not a meme, you fucking degenerate.
Rich coming from someone who didn't provide a good analogy in the first place.
Get a fucking grip you mental midget.
>Actually defending Bungie and Pay to Win microtransactions
2000+ cals in one meal...you must be a big boi.
Friendly reminder that Emiliano "TRAILSYY" Munoz aka Ozy was deported from the US and won't be on Destiny 2.
>all that starch
Do you even Veeky Forums my man? I thought we were playing games, not adding pounds?
I'm right there with you
>Streak with red chiles and spring onions thats been sitting in a marinade I made overnight
>Mashed potatoes
>Mountain bread toasted
>Some broccoli for good measure
Let's fucking go
>not responding to any of the points made in the posts
>just continues posting his le epic trolling and name calling
>Buy a bunch of blues
>First random purple is better than every single blue
I, too, remember my first few days of Destiny where blues were all you see.
I'm gonna take a nap to pass the time. See you in a bit /dg/.