/fog/ - Fallout General

Initial Post War Edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:
>Babbys first modding guide

>Fallout 4
>General Information, Mod Recommendations etc:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Steam Guide of good mods

>Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

>OP Pasta
>Please use the info from this link when creating new threads:

Dolphin Porn

pre-war thread:

1st for Bethesda needs to let go of the Fallout franchise.


Seriously though, what the hell is wrong with Nexus now? How does some poorly modeled and animated rifle get to top files in like 12 hours?

It's 2017.

>sad reserve bump

>Forgot Art
Literally the first synth listed you dyslexic retard

FO4 mods are pretty shit and people take what they can get.

My bad i usually skim over all of your posts :^)

>You can have an encounter where you meet a synth version of Preston
No, the fake Preston you meet isn't a synth, its just some scam artist.

That is like asking how shit like Call of Duty, or Assassins Creed, or Witcher 3, or Halo, or Battlefield, sells millions despite being fucking garbage

People like cheap, easy to consume, shit

Evrything with 1k downloads on FO4 hits hotfiles because nobody bothers anymore.

I guess people compare it with Skyrimnexus were hotfiles actually meant something.

>I guess people compare it with Skyrimnexus were hotfiles actually meant something.
Skyrim's hotfiles was always full of waifu shit, and poorly modeled weapons/armors

>The Semi-Automatic Receiver is not semi-automatic but instead just adds more damage

Not him, but I'm pretty sure the real Preston is a synth. Listen to him speak.

Sure but they had to compete with other waifu shit for the coveted hotfile spot.


>I guess people compare it with Skyrimnexus were hotfiles actually meant something.
you trollin bud? It was bad waifu presets, awful looking followers, retextures of retextures or an upscaled retexture packaged as 4k and other garbage. The real meat was frequently buried by the newest ponytail hairstyle.

That's just how niggers sound you racist.

>thuse gaps
Carefull user the hands of your mutant are falling off.

>bad waifu presets
Look who's talking.

Forgot to count Fallout 4 in that list m8

Yeah, you.

Haven't played in a couple months, what's this shit about the Creation Club?

Is it literally paying for mods?

yeah but bethesda was dumb and gave everyone the first wave of content free

Because FO4 modding is super dead. Shame because I've been waiting for an ACR mod, but this mod is pretty mediocre. I like the effort but it needs some serious polishing

No it's Community Created Content™ and you don't pay for it but instead trade in Creation Club Credits™ fellow user.

>Trying to mod a weapon
>Using Fo4Edit
>Change speed
>No change
>Change Attack Delay
>No change

wtf am I doing wrong. Am I not supposed to only select the .esp I'm working on?

>download three weapon packs
>suddenly 14 different versions of AKs injected into my game

Bestheda paid a bunch of modders up to 9,000$ for some small mods to be made. Then Bestheda raked in at least 8 million in sales in the past week. It's a brilliant way to make money.

This looks painful

You can never have too many AKs.

There's no way in hell Zenimax released sales numbers anywhere.

Cyka blyat.

What the shit

So I literally have to buy their virtual money? Like fucking microsoft points 2.0?

What a load of shit. Are the mods even good, or is it the exact same stuff as we'd expect from the regular mod lists

This like one of those images that tries to get you to damage your tendons

>or is it the exact same stuff as we'd expect from the regular mod lists
Two of the armors have literal identical counterparts on Nexus, then there's a Gauss rifle that's pretty much a Laser Musket reskin and a backpack unlike the 46 other backpack mods on nexus.

Exact same stuff, sometimes literally (Hellfire power armor, Chinese Stealth Suit, black paints for pip-boy and power armor, etc). The only unique ones are shit (HORSE POWER ARMOR GET IT ISNT THAT FUNNY, and a shitty Laser Musket that pretends to be the old Gauss Rifle from 3 & NV), and the only good ones are the spacesuit from Prey (the new one), and a modular military backpack. I quite like the backpack myself, really customizable and cool. Not worth, what is it now, $5? Yeah it's cool but not that cool.

Is DUST complete garbage?

I actually liked it a lot, but you need to mod the hell out of it like all regular Fallout games

T-this is a joke mod like the tacticool lever-action, nobody could possibly think this is passable, r-right?

No, DUST is bretty gud, yet flawed. I like its take on an apocalyptic Mojave, but draining Lake Mead and dropping Tunnelers everywhere is fucking stupid.

>So I literally have to buy their virtual money
Yeah it's microtransactions on top of paid mods. Genius!

That knife strapped on the side for no reason will never not crack me up.

Better yet, I'm pretty certain they only sell it in very awkward "packs" of credits, that is to say;
>buy credits
>spend them on something you want, like black power armor paint or hellfire armor
>you still have a bunch of credits left over, too little to buy anything decent
>this encourages you to buy even more Bethesbux™

>for some reason only make two valid starting points, everything else is "hope you're playing on very easy with some OP gun mod or some shit"
>gear filled "Suvivors" who either die in day 1 or let you kill them as they have no AI whatsoever against players attacking them
>never fucking ending tunnelers if you choose the airplane shack
and I mean fucking everywhere, I was hoping it was just momod or some shit stuffing them in there for some reason, but holy FUCK.

The start of it is fucking terrible, but it does get better.

How to remove unremoveable bushes in settlements?

Scrap Everything
Open Console and disable.
Play a better Game.

Pick one.


Shan't be bothering with that then.

he fact that you'd even consider it in the first place is disheartening.

Wish I knew 3D modelling besides mastercam shit so I could bring stuff like this to life.

tbf the backpack itself is great. The problem is the oversaturation of backpack mods.

Why does the free one looks so overdesigned?

Why would you turn it into an AK variant when we already have one ingame along with replacers on nexus.

It's not bad but not worth 5 shekels.
Also didn't i hear it has a completely retarded bodyslot occupation that fucks withveryone trying to use other mods like Armorsmith and Visible Weapons?

Yeah its not worth 5 goddamn dollars, unless it had a couple other options, like a satchel, and fanny pack, and other stuff.
>Also didn't i hear it has a completely retarded bodyslot occupation that fucks withveryone trying to use other mods like Armorsmith and Visible Weapons?
Does it? I've found in my experience it does conflict with Survivalist Go-Bags (as in, they were both equipped, at the same time, clipping into each other), but I didn't know it was THAT bad.

>realize I'm so desperate for fallout content I'm getting nostalgic for fallout 3 which I haven't played since 2008

Is it worth it even remotely or am I just going to be so dissapointed

It's a steel pig. How can you overdesign that?

Be prepared for disappointment.

I'm looking at a Fallout NV+Fallout3 install of TTW from 2013. It worked back then but I stopped because I wanted to give Skyrim a try.

Coming from someone who was introduced to Fallout through 3, and still like and forgive it for its flaws to this day... No. It isn't, beyond nostalgia.

>Listen to him speak and you'll come across an entirely different conclusion from all of the other times you've heard him speak because now you've heard me tell you to listen to him speak.
This is never an argument.
You're expecting others to share in your bias which is an assumption based on your own bias (not theirs, or some perceived commonality between you). Good luck with your blatant idiocy.

Use it with TTW and mod the everliving shit out of it and it's worth one playthrough if you haven't played it in a long time.

It's a shame the line between "attention to detail" and "overdesigned" is so blurred.

So when are we expecting the next batch of Quality, Curated, Community Content™?

How long until Bethesda realise this was a disgraceful opening gambit and come in with something actually worth its price, like the fucking "Mini-dlc" they promised us?

will they ever just fucking call it off like with their first attempt at payed mods, or are they making too much money?

>the joke

Guess so.

Well one, the rivets all over the place looks retarded as fuck.

Fallout 3's hellfire armor didn't have them at all.

Secondly, the general suit texture looks too smooth, and too perfect, like its some plastic recreation of an actual suit of armor, instead of actual armor

I still have my doubts about that because console storage restriction is still a thing, isn't it?
Honestly i would completely disregard the idea that CC will be anymore than microtransaction tier mods, but Trainwiz, despite all his shilling, wouldn't flat out lie about that.

Well lucky for you you can get the superior version for the low low price of only 500 bethbux fellow anonymous poster

The CC version has its problems too, i don't deny that.

Overall though, the CC one looks closer to the Fallout 3 version, and looks more like the rest of the game.

>mod the everliving shit out of it
how would that even work, I don't think you can really shit out fallout 3 content mods on NV with TTW?

That's just,like, your opinion man.

I wonder how much they've made on CC already.

Edit esp with changes

>playing 4 for first time on survival
>clearing corvega factory
>have to take out a group or two of enemies at a time then go back and save at a bed
>sleep for an hour, now stuck in an infinite loop of loading and dying
Sasuga bethesda. So glad I bought it used for $12, not going to even bother with the shitty expansions

I mean part of that was probably because Fallout 3 ran on the same potato engine as oblivion.

>on survival
I mean you could always download survival Options to savescum but to be fair, playing an actually good game instead isn't that bad of an idea either.

>Being this fucking bad
>At a Bethesda game
Fucking nu-age gamers

>looks more like the rest of the game
>implying everyone on /fog/ isn't using every retexture,meshup, ENB and reshade available to make the game not look like bethesda intended

How is that save scumming? That's how it was intended to be played.
Playing on ps4 so mods are not an option.

Everything can kill me in one hit. I got sick of clearing an area then getting one shotted with a molotov at the next group of baddies. Or having my own molotov shot in mid air when I go to throw it and it kill me instantly.

You should go play Call of Chernobyl with ironman on.

>implying everyone on /fog/ isn't using every retexture,meshup, ENB and reshade available to make the game not look like bethesda intended
Given how many screenshots posted look exactly like vanilla.... this doesn't ring true.

>How is that save scumming? That's how it was intended to be played.
Not him but not it isn't, also, nice post #

>Playing on ps4
You are beyond help user. Nice Quints tho.

I cannot for the fucking life of me figure out what I am missing. I've edited the ini files for mods and I think this load order is correct I just cannot figure out why the weapons and weapon mods are not working.

>Not him but not it isn't
What? Its survival, not perma death.

Gimme a break, this shit is pretty broken.
I guess I should have brought the power armor with me, I don't think I would've had enough fusion cores though. Which is why I started the corvega questline because I wanted to get the repair bobblehead

I had to frag my computer the other day after getting a virus, what's the name of that russian website that i can download ripped models of guns and shit that nexus won't allow on their website?

>posts le animu response picture
Go back to /a/, and take
With you

Fucking cross boarding shits

If you wanted anime reaction images, you could've just asked nicely, user.

>hates anime
>posts on anime site
Never posted on /a/ before either, fag.

The knife?
How about those 3 fucking bullets that serve even less of a purpose?

Top cuck


It can't be that bad, can it? Figured since I don't want to fap every ten minutes due to lewd mods I'd just get the ps4 version. Is it more glitchy?


That is a really stupid reason to get the console version. What the fuck dude, seriously.

So after taking control of The Capital Wasteland, and The Commonwealth, where will Maxson's BoS go next?

The Pitt, Ronto, The Broken Banks?


It will be called Fallout 5 and will take place in 2018.
But despite the fact that it's in 2018, you will feel like it's 2300, with black ferals running in packs to you, destroyed buildings everywhere and nothing could ever grow in the soil.

this show is like 10 episodes, right?


They'll be fighting the ncr in new orleans. Swamp ghouls will practice voodoo

>In New Orleans
Kek, they wont even make it to Denver