>in car with sister
>our destination is 100km away
>driving at 110kmph
>hurry up user, it's going to take us like 3 hours to get there at this speed
In car with sister
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish I had a sister user.
Tell us some stories.
>driving in highway with mommy
>on her civic
>roads clear, oncoming car 6gorilions km away
>start to overtake truck at 80km/h
I never crashed, she colects scratches and smashes weekly
>Parents aren't autistic so they don't mind me having some kinda safe fun.
>Dad looks for cops, checks the right side, warns me of potholes and offers dank unconventional shortcuts.
>Mom just looks for cops.
Only had one butt clenching moment because of unannounced/unmarked construction work after a tunnel on the highway where cars were led to the left oncoming lane. Took that shit with about 180-190 kph half blind from the light. Dad's sides went into orbit. Mom was not impressed.
It's a figure of speech
>I wish I had a sister user
no you don't you incestuous tardlet
Here's a story about what happened to me 5 years ago.
>Be me 17
>Neighbor was a retired firefighter who fixed cars in his free time
>Made up for my shitty single mom who tossed me aside and focused only on my sister
>Worked with my neighbor when ever I could, was learning about and loving cars
>He died from a surprise stroke and left me a corolla in his will
>Loved this car because it was the last project we ever worked on
>Kept it in perfect condition based off what he taught me
>Sister got her license and would constantly bitch she didn't have a car
>Mom took the money I saved up from working and bought here a cheap car which she totaled in a month
>Luckily she couldn't drive mine because it was manual
>One day after school I see my car isn't there and a new one is
>Turns out my mom sold my car and bought my sister a car and didn't allow me to drive it
>Haven't talked to them since
>Still think about my treasured corolla
holy fuck, did you take legal actions?
im sure this is against the law in almost every country
>Turns out my mom sold my car
Bullshit, if the neighbor willed you the car, then it was in your name and your mom just committed fraud and you probably could've gotten the car back.
If you're going to write a sob story then bear out the facts first.
first of all, that was your car, she couldn't take it and sell it without committing fraud, which you could pin to her and fuck her over with it
second of all, that's grounds for fucking murder
>not km/h
How do retards like you even find this website?
sounds like you have good parents
why didn't you take legal action you fucking cuck. Sounds like your mother burnt any bridges anyways, so why hesitate?
Nice try faggot.
>sister commits suicide
>I get her car
>perfect 1999 camry with every option sold to her by a cousin
>drive it through highschool and take it for oil changes every 5k miles
>smoothest v6. perfect suspension
>very proud of the camry
>Feels like i've kept part of my sister alive in a way
>still in highschool going through 'depression' phase and making dumb decisions
>start getting into cars more and driving stupidly
>understeer the camry into a ditch one night on a back road
>completely totaled
>see it the next day in the parking lot it was towed to mangled and broken
>cry like a bitch partly because of losing the car but mostly because I destroyed something that belonged to my lost sister
It was a great car and she was a great sister. I had a 2008 camry for a while that was not nearly as good as that '99. Thinking about buying another old camry as a daily since I have a 'weekend' car
0/10 bait, you're not what you used to be Al****se
>dont slow down to 2mph to turn off the street
No more camry's user. Best to move on.
>Me and my mom decide to visit her family that live in a remote town 500 miles away
>I drive all the way like a normal human bean
>Use indicators, engine brake perfection, decelerate when entering corners, and accelerating when exiting them, never exceed speed limit unless im overtaking, keeping a long distance between me and the cars in front of me (5-8 seconds)
>mom freaks out really hard and keeps quiet about it until she snapped and said she needed to drive at a gas station
>after 10 mins of driving I can see she's anxious and stressed, long downhills ahead.
>starts crying and says she can't drive, going 30km/h while normal traffic speed is 100 km/h
>pulls up to the side of the road and I take over.
>continue to be an exemplar driver for the rest of the trip
And since then she has this irrational fear of going in highways/curves at moderate speed.
She has no problem driving locally, but when it comes to "high" speeds and curves she starts to snap, even when Im driving.
heck, prior to that she was an average driver, she was the one who taught me to drive manual about 10 years ago.
What do anons?
>replace radiator in mom's car
>she pays for the new radiator
>after I get it done my dad asks why there are dirt and pebbles and grass blades in the a/c condenser
>tell him it's the a/c condenser, I only replaced the radiator
>demands I give back the money, tells siblings I ripped them off
>leave the money on the porch taped to the old radiator and and fuck off note
3 4
Clone faggot. Kys
yea when you actually have sisters you don't even think about it is repulsive
>hasn't responded to any of the replies
this man got you people good
Is this your sister user?
Have an artsy version of this pic user
>go fetch sister from school like 3 miles away
>"hey user, can you get back home in under 4 minutes"
>put on eurobeat tape
>blast it through town and get home before the end of deja vu
Should've mounted back the old radiator and kept the money