What's the most illegal think you've ever done to earn money?

what's the most illegal think you've ever done to earn money?

Picked up cash on the sidewalk and not turned it in to the police.

Get on my level.

Sucked a dick

Threw a guy off the stairs and took his money while he was in pain, turned out he broke both wrists.

Used a credit card that didn't belong to me

how did you find out that he broke both wrists

He was the friend of a friend, it's been 5 years and he's forgiven me, we talk from time to time.

Ur mum lole

sold plenty of stuff on alphabay and i bring in a solid 3k a month


What do you sell?


I would break your fucking legs with a bat

ikr, i guess some people are just too forgiving for their own good.

Had sex with married moms while there kids where at school or college n husband working, did this instead of going to class

Sucked your weaner for a beaner

I glue money to the sidewalk once in a while. I enjoy watching the jews getting frustrated trying to pick it up.

Old school good times.

its impossible to glue money to concrete.

Veeky Forums never told me it was illegal
I'm not even gay u guise pls

killed mah fellow nig with his "wifes" knife, stole wallet and ran. never got catchet kek

Used to work at a movie theater as a manager. We kept one half of the tickets we tore in a stack next to the register. When I rang up tickets I wouldn't punch them in, instead I'd hand the previous torn off tickets. When it came to count the drawers I'd pocket the difference. Made any where to $100-$500 extra a week depending on how ballsy I felt.

Sold drugs

When i was in school they wanted us to go door knocking for some charity run, i got like $200 in donations. I kept $150 and lived like the king of grade 7

I use concrete glue or epoxy for gluing money to the sidewalk. It works fine if you prep the service.

Contractors use it for when they strip the forms too soon.

LOL, nice try, Interpol

I sold a vape to a 17 year old at a $15 profit

selling psychedelics to chinese peasants

>implying we won't rip up the sidewalk to get it

Those 2,

I sold drugs when I was 16 till I got my business shut down by competing north africans (basically I was gonna be shut down,its difficult to be an entrepreneur in a small town)

Also I did something similar and would give worthless tickets or already used ones,or even get the used ones and cancel them or resell them.
But it was more on a grab ups I didn't bring money for coffee today basis than making some real money out of it.

Some companion did that oftenly and got some money out of it,but risking getting fired overdoing that shut for few bucks ain't worth it considering it was a good paying job

I sold fake Raybans on Ebay.
Bought on ioffer for 8 bucks, sold for 60-70


Sold cocaine. Good money. Young buisness men and professionals with deep pockets and no content in life are the best customers

Sucked a nigger dick for free

Killed a drifter just to get a erection...Like Neil diamond on Saturday night live

Just kidding Interpol kek



why even lie about that loser? get a habit and stop shitposting

For money?

I sold tons of Windows 7 keys from a generator on eBay

I said I would sell my lvl 60 runescape account for 10k and I took the money and logged out

>t. Schlomo Shequlestein
I bet you fucking tried to pick one up retard

In high school when I worked the drive thru window at Wendy's I used to retroactively apply the 10% senior discount on orders. The customer receipt wouldn't indicate the discount, so I would just give the regular change. Kept a running tally in my head of how much money I would have to take out to keep the register balanced. 10% of a bunch of orders tallies up pretty fast when you're a high school kid and you're taking an extra $50 home every night in cash. Unfortunately could only do this when working drive thru because of the way the receipt system was set up.

You motherfucker.

>knew I was going to get fired from gas station cashier job for eating food off the shelves all day
>off the books so no info on me other than cellphone number
>took all the money in the cash register and walked out
>fuck da poleese

relax dude, nobody cares

we're coming

For money? Nothing.

My crimes are purely an artistic expression, not to be sullied by commercialism.

Middleman between suppliers and drug dealers.

shoplifting at the age of 16

Lie on my mileage sheet to the tune of $200/mo

No shit... id fucking beat someones teeth in

Mutherfucker it aint. I used to do it all the time