[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

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First for Kawasaki a best

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Kawasaki is good, but that soybike is a terrible example

Third for Onsa.

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You really should take a look at them
Dovi/marq was butclenchingly gut

850cc ptwin 2stroke making 170hp in a polaris motorcycle when

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>implying anyone needs that much horsepower for the streets

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2 strokes are ded

First for the Motortrend™'s Most LGBT-friendly Bike of the year©

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170hp through a fucking CVT
At the other end you get about 60 IF the belt doesn't burn

Never, now fuck off.

>unironically using facebook

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don't yoripost i just finished crying

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Had to be a cruiser like always.

kys wr youre waifu a shit

>>unironically using anime


Are you just shitposting is that an actual thing that they did?


Wasnt wranon raping a 12yo girl?

>not obsessively stalking the girl you asked out to prom 7 years ago after not saying a single word to her since then

>implying you need facebook to do that

>not liking and using anime
What a nerd.

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Thats pretty beta and gay.

Post boipucci

Thirteenth for analog gauges.

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Fucking hell I forgot to update... Now I look like a fool.

You always did

I'm interested

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I-I'm shy.

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Not in snowmobiles or dirtbikes
Theyd build an actual transmission for it not use the snowmobile shit
No u

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Then post it bby ;)

You too, faggot

Not motorcycle related, so pls keep on topic or fuck off snowcuck.

It is literally 100% motorcycle related you fag

do tell?


Snowmobile arent motorcycles, you snownigger.

Wranon, he posted pics of what looked like a 12yo on his bike, claiming she was his gf, he was extremely in to cp and sexual abuse stories so i assume he is raping kids now.

T. Retard

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Indian sportbike when?

Asking about shit Thats is in youre imagination is not bike related. Its like asking when will they make a bike that can fly. So pls fuck off.

They already sell those m8

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>talking about bikes isnt bike related
Not sure what i expected from dbt desu

I got this POS running but shes a work in progress.
1981 yamaha xs 850 special.
Fun but goddamnit a lot of work
>fucking nigger rigged seat and 'airfilters' lol

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-20-14-18-34.jpg (308x235, 72K)

Sea Foam and an Italian tune up.
Fixes everything.

post the pics

Reminder that supersports aren't sportbikes, and neither are nakeds. Sportbikes don't actually exist, they're something you made up.

First for Suzuki-tan !

Attached: suzuukis.png (364x440, 179K)

Especially worn piston rings and seized engines. Last week i had a burned r/r and stator and i added some sea foam to the tank and now the bikes works like a charm.

I just got her running again and i have to fix up a new seat and the body panels and air filter.
The old airbox was partially destroyed so now she acts lean all the time since i removed it.
>first bike too.

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Guys.. Just selled my F4. Saturday I'm gonna sell my K75c and my FZR 600. After buying a car. I'm starting to feel old and dead inside


Ayy lmao! Are you from africa or something?

You don't have to sell your bikes just because you found out you're gay

This, been fucking hot boipucci for 6 years now.

How is your HRT going?

Nope. I selled the MV Agusta for scraps at 3.3k€. Damaged fram, plastics etc. The other two because realistically I won't drive a bike for the next two years.

Buy at least an old cruiser, user. For you sanity's sake.

Even a Virago 250 should do it.

Can't bend the knee or twist the wrist. Full of fucking titanium

Ayy lmao! Caveman talk

Very well after I bought a 6-series BMW and noticed how the girls smile continuously at me you jerk

You never got poon with a bike?


>Kawasaki looks good and works.

>Suzuki is a ugly, unreliable mess.


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I did. But for god's sake, I HATED to drive with a passenger. It sucks when you drive supersports

Sorry to hear that, user. I hope I haven't poured salt in the wound.

At least tell us you aren't getting a minivan.

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I thought that show was funny for insisting 5'1" tall Japanese girls could ride tall motorcycles. At least the loli got it right.

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I wish they didn't introduce best girl so late. Hopefully there's enough sponsor money and manga material for a S2

Ride. Not my fucking first language Mohammed

> best girl so late
but the Raimu was there from the beginning

BMW 635d. a Twin turbo diesel with 290 CV and 580 Nm. But is so soulless.. Great performance and luxurious but Fuck summer is coming and I'm gonna miss so much the sensation. On the other hand the guy that bought the scraps of my Agusta has a deposit with over 50 fucking bikes. An entire collection of different GSX, ZXR etc.. It sucks

Nope, you can feel her boobs and warm pucci. Thats not gay at all.

I miss my first bike. Its was a 2015 Honda MSX125 (Grom) which I kept for 2 years. I traded it in as part-exchange for an SV650.

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A terrible example of a good because Kawasaki is best.

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What bike is good.

Always been scarred of fallings and hurt the passenger. It happened when I was 18 years old with my TZR and my ex girlfriend. Lucky enough we were totally unhurt. Very low speed impact et all. But never enjoyed riding with a passenger after that. Sure sometimes I strategically used the brakes with big boobed girls..

Imagine if Mitsubishi or Subaru started making bikes. Think it would be rather interesting. They made planes along with Kawasaki back during the war.

what kind do you like?

how do i find my balls again, boys?

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Did his head got smashed up?

wr 125

no. everyone was just panicking and trying to get me to pay $10k more to take an ambulance to an advanced trauma center.
all i wanted was to punch the illegal mexican that creamed me and take an uber to the hospital


No power, poorly put together, but cheap.


A BMW for lesbians.

X T 6 0 0

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So what are people's general opinions on the new Honda Rebels? I don't see much discussion of this bike here, even if Honda's intent with the new Rebels was to attract the younger lower-income crowd (e.g. good portion of /dbt/)

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> open bathroom window
> take a shit
> in this moment a couple walks by
normies btfo

Its gay. Why would you want a bike thats going to get you gang raped by blacks and die of aids?


Okay besides you :)

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Did yoi throw shit at them?

Current mitsubishi and nissan are shit 'cus of the French

no I just shitted very loudly

I think you mean muslims and africans.

I used to pee on cars that had opened windows at night.

Ninja 250.

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rip squishy

Right. The French.

How much do you goys pay for insurance?

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What bike should I buy if I want to look like a raging homosexual?

Greentext the incident so we can figure out where it's your fault

Used to pay $190 annually until I crashed into the back of a car at a red light.

As lady luck would have it, my insurance lapsed the day before and my license expired as well.
I was cited for inattentive driving, had both of my licenses suspended, and now I pay $800 annually for insurance on a 250cc bike.