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Time To Cry About Priest Edition



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warrior players you have to go back


first for fuck blizzard you jew faggots

It was a good run /hsg/. Part of what kept me playing was shitposting with you faggots but that time has come to an end. Ciao


How can this company get away with shitting in people's mouths so much.
The shit they pulled in starcraft 2 and hearthstone is insane.

when is the patch going into effect?
I need to know how much longer I have with my murloc deck

I've been considering downloading it because this youtuber I watched 4 years ago who played Scrolls was having fun with it recently

>play shit control pally at low ranks
i guess none of this effects me

>Keep getting LK to 10 or lower HP before he wins with Murloc Priest
Fuck me running why is this so fucking stupid

I need to reach rank 5 this month, should I grind before the nerfs or after? Should I replace innervate?

>finally free from HS
>use said freedom to play another shitty online CCG

We've gotta go back, back to the past.

Reminder that Blizzard is controlled by the vatican

lmfao piratecucks LOL

please dont take my innervate away blizzard




>aggro decks for the most part in the shitter right now
>razakus priest and jade druid basically untouched

Holy Fuck does pirate warrior have to ruin everything? I feel like they could've nerfed something else.

But they didnt even touch Druid. I just want to play my dead mans hand Garrosh in peace

Is there a decent mill rogue list or is Miracle the only playable one?

That's it i'm getting into Magic
I have an intro deck laying around, where do I get started on this shit?

>these horrible nerfs
>arena confirmed to have a forced 50% algorithm that rotates the chance of seeing good cards based on how much they're picked

Holy shit these fucking hacks need to be fired into the sun.

>tfw Elements has been my favourite card game ever but the developer hasn't updated in forever and the game is pretty much dead.


>hex now costs 4 mana
>sw: death totally fine

Their audience is braindead, people keep defending them and praising them as if they were the kings of vidya, but they've been casual pandering jews for a long time now, a shame really, Blizzdrones are among the scariest fans I've seen because of how strange and stupid they are.

Anyone have a good Wild CW deck?

fiery war axe is a disgusting card that has needed a nerf forever

Hearthstone is by far the shittiest popular ccg, almost any other ones have more depth to them.

think about it more dummy

It's Their Identity

doomsayer is remaining a unaddressed problem too.
Pretty unfun to play as well as play against.

do you play wild? because thats where i play mill

this is your new FWA, say something nice about it

>tfw priest hasn't been nerfed since beta

When's priest getting the shaman overhaul

4 attack minions

>Works on anything and everything, also silences deathrattles
>Only works on 5+ attack, deathrattles still go off
I fucking wonder why they didn't change Death user?



Don't worry guys we looked at the data!

Didn't know wild was so much fun

>playing naga giant mode

I don't have any wild cards : <
How is Miracle Rogue? I have vancleef and a preparation, but not much else.

Same with Chronicle: Runescape Legends.

They succeeded in making a completely unique and fun card game without following the MTG/hearthstone recipe. And then they just completely dropped all support for the game for no reason.

RIP sweet prince

get fucked floodshitter lmao

So will you guys come with me to /ARTIG/ - Artifact the Dota Card Game General, when it comes out?

its a 3 mana assassinate

Quick /hsg/, I can craft one DK, got Rexxar, Malfurion and Uther
Do I craft Jaina or Anduin or Guldan?

>He thinks Played Winrate means a damn thing.

Laugh at this guy.

>Everyone asking for fiery war axe to have card text added
>Ignoring innervate got completely gutted and is just a coin now

there's one very significant popular ccg that has less depth

Why do you crop out your rank?

only priest doesn't care about it. all other decks play minions and druids will still SP into doomsayer to ruin even your day.


in case you missed it. some stuff about current meta and future additions

>innervate was in 99.4% of druid decks
this is a fair point desu

I was actually thinking that blizzard would nerf a few other cards a few days ago
though I was thinking priest would take a few hits

interestingly enough i havent played against that deck yet

yeah its good but if you dont have the cards (vilespines and shit) then there's no point

>It's a 3 mana assassinate that only works on certain monsters


>>arena confirmed to have a forced 50% algorithm that rotates the chance of seeing good cards based on how much they're picked
i don't understand why lowering the rate of a card should be a nerf. in the end we will see less deck with fledgling for example, but that does't mean losing less to it when you play against it. i think they should properly balance arena instead of doing these stupid adjustment

Anduin is going to be absolutely cancer if you can afford Razakus priest.
Gul'dan is probably fun in wild but I don't have him so no idea.
Jaina with Geddon + Pyros is probably fun too but don't have any of those to test it.


Jaina if you have one or more of the following: Anomalus, Baron Geddon, Pyros.

Anduin if you have both Kazakus and Raza.

Gul'dan if you have the Lich King.

I've posted from rank 15 all the way down to rank 3

post a screenshot with rank in it and all people will talk about is rank because insecurity meme and the rank 15 redditors here like to think they're better than everyone else they just "don't want to do the grind but im legend bro I swear" so I just don't anymore


shop bens face on them

Classic Priest is notoriously the worst class alongside shaman. That's why their power comes from new cards.

Nerfing classic priest makes negative amounts of sense

These changes are huge to the point I'm really unsure what will happen with druid and warrior. Really boring changes overall

pretty much all control decks use minions and use doomsayer

doomsayer wasn't always this powerful, now it's mandatory in every control deck since there are no really good low mana removal and thanks to patches every aggro can easily flood the board

kys yourself

I already have razakus priest. What the fuck else am I going to craft? I hate aggro, hate druid, hate mage, can't afford hunter. Only other deck I'm interested in besides rogue shit is control warlock, but I dunno how to feel about crafting gul'dan (his hero power is kinda boring even if it's laughably strong)

Innervate deserved that nerf all the way back to beta.

Literally Black Lotus in a game with no way to counter it.


I just found out about nerfs

So they are nerfing shaman and warrior instead jade druid? Is this a fucking joke?

and you see the problem. it's being run in almost everything.
was a meme in freeze mage before.

anduin is the most viable but requires the most cards

jaina is fun but elemental mage is about tier 2-3 atm, has too many strong counters like priest

gul'dan is good but control warlock gets raped by jade druid which is only going to become more popular after the changes

will these changes make discardlock finally viable

Erm, can't afford control paladin that is. Anyone can afford hunter, it's just shit.

I really hope not, if that deck ever comes close to tier 3 I'm probably killing myself.

>Just keep hitting Restart fighting Lich King
Maybe I don't want Arthas.

Consider the following.

>discard all your cards and the quest
never guna work

blizzard 100% intended druid to be tier 0 because they think it makes for STORIES and they're not going to give up on their plan just because
putting up the blood magic brawl right after the new meta hit is when I realized very clearly - brode knew ultimate infestation was going to break the game, and he is laughing at us

you really dont its a shitty skin but just do it for the sense of accomplishment

Now that i think about it, I've never even seen Lanathel played. Seen everything else including a paladin with 2 mana prince and bolvar

Got Kazakus, no Raza or Lyra though.
Missing a few epics for control warlock like shamblers and a mountain giant
Only got geddon from the elementals

>Rogue always has combos

Discardlock was a variation of Zoo which never really recovered after the loss of Power Overwhelming, Dark Peddler and Imp Gang Boss, so no that's not happening.

Fuck off, valeera

you're gonna need patches and shit for miracle as well if you dont have him already

What deck would even use this other than >quest rogue

>gul'dan is good but control warlock gets raped by jade druid which is only going to become more popular after the changes
now that aggro will get nerfed they could tech in geist and 2 twisting nether to couter druid

Sounds like a shit activator for cards that benefit from minions dying.

How is druid untouched I don't think you quite understand how powerful innervate was. It was the card that gave them powerful early turns and let them cast turn 5/6 Ultimate Infestation which felt like they were cheating

But it's not fun
At all
It's almost fun but then he plays two Antimagic Shells one after another. I'm pretty sure I don't want to waste my time with Hearthstone if I'm not enjoying myself.

I'm afraid of quest mage now that a lot of aggro decks are hit.

Welcome to hotel Ben

You are here for LIFE

control paladin......

He's not MANDATORY though, is he? Seems like he's just a glue card that makes the deck better, like any deck that plays pirates at all.