Rr can be used for rallycross and autocross

>rr can be used for rallycross and autocross
>has less drivetrain loss than fr or mr and isn't ff

More rr cars for the US when? All the beetles around my area are overpriced.

Attached: 1511814791553.jpg (1000x1500, 221K)

Other urls found in this thread:


source on pic?


We had one, but safety Nazi’s killed it.
One can dream...

Attached: A3C6AE31-76FF-4801-A698-8D9208530EEB.jpg (1024x680, 239K)

>rr can be used for rallycross and autocross
So can MR
>has less drivetrain loss than fr or mr
RR and MR generally have the same amount of drivetrain loss

rwdfags who can't even reach the limits of a GEO are hilarious. FF is better than RR for rally shit.

Just use reverse image search

Attached: 8afa81c825d6ed26608cd0ebb1a5cfa41661124468081-VoR69E.jpg (800x1202, 416K)

pure propaganda by ferd shills

FF MR and RR all tend to have similar amounts of drivetrain loss you dingus

Please explain to us how you think RR has less drivetrain loss than MR

Honestly if we're just dickwaving awd beats ff anyday for rally

I'm not talking about rmr, I'm talking about fmr


Attached: 1_(4).jpg (1500x2173, 347K)

>All the beetles around my area are overpriced.
Buy it outside of your immediate area?

Attached: 1.jpg (856x480, 59K)

>Thin asian girls in business attire

my one weakness op

>Office Ladies

Attached: fetish.jpg (291x303, 26K)

>this passes professional womens' office attire in Asia.

Makes Western women look like a bunch of stuffy librarians and school teachers.

Attached: 90658785634628.png (1316x558, 1.03M)

Attached: 1439404469865.jpg (517x800, 178K)

>he can't get an Alpina or a porsche

>source on pic?
You can find a lot more galleries of that type of "office lady" image at this site:

Attached: 1511469259844.jpg (364x720, 66K)

I hope office lady posting becomes an Veeky Forums thing

FF has a lot of inertia, with stability control shoved down everyone's throats RR is the cheaper drivetrain again.

>spoonfeeding a newfag
>but linking him to sadpanda


RR isn't cheaper its always going to be harder to cool

Attached: donald dick.jpg (600x1170, 63K)

What was the last car to beat AWD in safety gloves off group of rally?

Go on i'll wait brainlet

There's still lots of people that don't know about using search at those types of sites. Or even that there's hidden content there.

>Just use reverse image search
Or type office lady in the search box at www.e-hentai.org for lots of complete image gallery sets.