[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

Rip Super Duke user, deport all illegals edition.

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Have you gotten your daily dose of aesthetics yet?

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second for nazi bikes

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Nth for our new supercross champion

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>tfw cant scrape engine


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The illegal basically was doing a favor for him, the bike would have eventually fallen apart and if he was on the freeway well he'd be dead.

Haha jesus christ that chatter coming into the corner then that wobble on exit. Gute Scheiße


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>Gute Scheiße

I remember some user telling a story about how he said this in Germany and nobody understood what he meant. Any krauts wanna confirm this?

Thinking about getting woodcraft clipons, anyone ever deal with those things?

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Girly bikeu

I always wonder how much modern technology (ti valves, etc) sneak their way in to "vintage" racers

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Does this count?

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>upgrading a budget ptwin
Just ride it into the ground, no use wasting more money.

Are snow bike systems a complete meme? Is there any advantage over a snowmobile aside from price?

Sup faggots

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Famous...ly expensive


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The budget ptwin would be the CB500F

What baiku

u already own the bike tho so im assuming the kit is way less than an entire sled

but the things cost 1/3rd the price of my exhaust.

hows the zx12r?

>pass user

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>falling for the captcha jew

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>that baggy jacket

Attached: 58429AD3-9F55-4345-BF7F-C42BF28D6D20.jpg (1023x682, 142K)

Both are

there was literally nothing wrong with calle calle

you need to calm down, sir

>not having a $1200 jacket sold with the first gen r1

Don't need to sidetrack and better for forests

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

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>aside from price

Is the difference really that major? I've never snowmobiled but is it a common problem that you need to be thinner?

Maybe he will grow into it.

Yea that jacket you bought at goodwill looks great with your $120 helmet


>california wildfire.png

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God dammit how do I do this

ay, thanks for the tribute
right in the feels

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You'll see your bike again one day.

When was the last time Kit Kat posted? Are we finally free?


a hasbike can hope

I saw him last week

If you're on a mountain, which you almost always are, then yes.
Any time you go sideways the whole sled wants to lean with the same degree of the slope so on a steep hill you need to stand on one side and yank the whole thing over while you putter along.

>I will see you again
>but not yet...

Attached: smilingnegroid.jpg (330x142, 16K)

Isn't he the one posting the cherry(red) Shadow 1100? If so, he posted a few days ago without the trips.

Oh, well, whatever.

Post actual garages, including cars and anything else motorized. Working on my family garage (fuck you I'm not moving out till I get married) right now.

I figured it out


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I think he's the one that's free.

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Gute Scheiße is the literal translation of good shit
sometimes people say Gute Scheiße but it means something different here, different from "good shit" you use for something good, it's used ironically to describe something bad, a situation or something

he either used it wrong or pronounced it wrong

>(fuck you I'm not moving out till I get married)
The bachelor lifestyle is the purest form of masculine existence, you are missing out my friend.

I shit in the shower and push it down with my toes

dat feel!

You're not talking about the 750 getting posted are you?

lol. what the fuck was his plan?
also, recommend me a good, reliable 450, boys

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but of course his use of Gute Scheiße in this post was very acceptable for something good since everyone here knows it's just the literal translation and he meant good shit

Dirt riders that don't know to cover the front brake in these situations deserve that pain

I lived alone when I was in college even though I was near enough to commute, and I regret all the money I spent on rent every day. I'm glad you enjoy yourself, but for me I don't think it was worth it.

i screamed "YEAH BITCH" on a very busy apartment complex.

>that engine purring to life feel

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M-me? N-no way, haha! You must have confused the two or something.

Seriously, though, they look the same. And by that I mean both look like a non-600 (non chain-driven) Shadow.

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░░░░ ░░░░░░░▀█▄█▄███▀░░░ ▀█▄█▄███

MFW riding season is officially starting

Daytona user?

Thank you for your contribution, user.

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GS500E poorfag

Understandable, this also may have been before the internet and everything when the average German wouldn't be as familiar English slang like that, especially since I think 'good shit' was something mostly said by Americans. idk its off topic but i was curious

The 750 just started showing up, but I don't think kitkat owns it. I think it's just a newfag or long time lurker that can finally post bike.

I welcome pics either way.

post garage

Attached: anons family garage.png (800x600, 441K)

Prettty sure its xt250 user

One good vehicle there.
And only one

definitely the golf cart

Don't h8 because you can't afford. I can't afford either, the only thing there that's mine is the Ninja.

why tf is the GSXR1000 abs $14k and the GSXR1000r $17 while the hayabusa is 14.5
wtf is up with these suzukis

>getting married
>wanting to get shackled to a woman who will eventually take all your money and freedom

Setting yourself up for failure.

Ah. Xtanon. I thought something looked familiar about those pictures, the angles or something.


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I wanna fuck her girlpucci

Dude didnt you hear?
GsXr1000 is only a $7000 bike and not a super sport anymore

You are a retard if you still didn't figure out he didn't mention the gsxr as the 7k bike.

Wait is blind-in-one-eye Superduke man kill?

thats what i was hoping for. wanted to cop one on the cheap. but they're not as cheap as i thought. I I was going to attempted to swallow my pride and get a 750 but its hardly worth it.
I just dont know why the GSXRR is 3k more than the GSXR

Posting garage

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that's always weird
no one believes you when you say you wouldn't buy a shitty overpriced sportscar because they think just because it's a shitty overpriced and looks """"cool""" everyone wants one
no I wouldn't touch any of the cars in that pic
maybe if I get them for free? only maybe
would just resell it for the money

Nope, but I did get my dose of pizza.

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ew. i want working on getting somewhere around this

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He didn't say gsxr you complete retard
Go back and read it

That's fair, I can't shit on you for your subjective opinion man. Personally I find the subaru (my brother's car that he left behind) really pleasant to drive, especially in the snowy months, the cadillacs are super comfy and handle well, the golf cart is primo on a big shooting range, and of course I love my motorcycle. To each his own. I've never actually driven the Ferrari, but my father takes my mother on weekend drives whenever the weather is nice and they love it.

Not really finding that on suzukicycles.com

I just bought a super duke. How was super duke user’s bike stolen? Can Trump handle the illegal problem?!?!

Anyone else keep getting hit with this rain and snow bullshit? I had 1 nice riding day so far and its back to more snow.

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That's nice too

Nice man, I'd clean up if I were you though.

>Lake Side Pizza
That wouldn't happen to be near Vancouver would it?
I think I remember that area.

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