What do you do more often:

What do you do more often:
Have sex or refuel your car?

Explain yourself!

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Sex because my car is actually fuel efficient

I'm a virgin so take a guess

Refuel because I dont have access to vaginas

Never had sex, 34 year old wizard. However when it comes to fueling up my car I'm a Chad.


virgin and bus rider so....?

>virgin and a bus rider
not quite

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I am in a relationship and we live together...
But still I have to refuel my car more often than we get to have a sexy time

15mpg and no gf for 8 years, literally cannot aford a gf in my life

what car

Sex, my cars get fuel once a month.

Refuel my car.

Havent had sex in 4 months and with my schedule I don't think I'll be having sex anytime soon. Seriously considering getting a whore.

Sex. I'm married and commute by train. Car is for weekends.

refuel since i havent had any time for romance between job and romance

Refuel every week. I think I had sex with my wife about a month ago. I'm not very interested now since she started getting too settled, started acting older than she is, and fucked up her career. Feels bad, man.

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Marriage, not even once

GF and I of 3 years broke up last night. Hadn’t had sex in a year prior to that.

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I never have sex due to social anxiety, I never have top refuel because same reason.

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Sex everyday and i dont drive that much.

Gas every 2 weeks. About 600miles to a tank.
Sex every 2-4weeks.

So sadly gas.

I'm married and haven't refueled my car in a month.
Take a guess.

>started acting older than she is

Gas: rarely ever
Sex: never ever

I should just commit sudoku

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me too
and a tank still lasts me a month or more because im borderline hikikomori

What about having sex with your Trap while refueling your car?
Feminin Benis the best!

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Sex most days, I live with my girlfriend.
Car is nonexistent but my bike like 3 times a week because it has a 9 litre tank and the woman's car maybe once a fortnight because if we go anywhere together it's in her car.

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I've had sex 0 times and refulled hundreds of times

Pretty much even
Gas every 2 days
Sex every 2-3 days

Sex most days with live in. We have 3 cars with terrible to o.k. Mileage. Still get more sex.

boyfriend lives 2 hours away and i can't form meaningful emotional connections so i'm never interested in sex.

car, by a huge margin.

Sex most days with live in. We have 3 cars with terrible to o.k. Mileage. Still get more sex.

Once a week for both, more or less. 2003 Subaru Forester, GF who looks like a lesbian but isn't. It's really funny getting all sorts of weird looks from people whenever she drives it around.