ITT we all say NICE things about each other’s cars

ITT we all say NICE things about each other’s cars

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its sensible

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Doesn't look like it has ever been on fire.

don't even know what that is.

looks good. nice colours.

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>don't even know what that is.
It is what is going to become the Crosstek/XV in the next gen, a lifted Impreza.

yeah k, thought it looked like the old liberties with that two tone get up.

>say NICE
can you even get that car out on a tray?

Do you mean track? And idk it’s just my daily driver, I’d never take it on the track you nigger.

This is my actual car, the op was just off the google

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I like the color atleast
>pls no bulli

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Yor an curvy boi

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This is a reliable DD while being special enough for you to have feelings to it. Great, user.

I like that it seems to be not trashed, for me it's kinda classical already, you can be proud of youself if you're wrenching it.

You def know something 90% of drivers wont feel never. Also, C L E A N, bonus points.

IMHO the rims do match the body colour and yes, it's not an usual shitbox, while nowhere near as expesive to maintain as rotarys and tarbos.

I heard people obsessed with it, have your bonus points for "tasetful mods".

A real car for a real human bean. Srsly, its the pinnacle of usefullness and up-to-date Jeep.

Op here. Thanks user. I didn’t get the wrx because in my price range I couldn’t get an unmolested one... this was the best option for a Subaru I want to drive.

I can't say anything nice about a soybaru

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Jealousy is completely natural, no need to feel ashamed

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spoken like a true soybaru owner

one day I'm going to key the fuck out of one of those shit boxes in the parking lot with sjw and hillary stickers

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>rages at people for being "sjw" and driving "soybarus"
>is a petty little faggot who keys cars
Nothing surprising

soyyies are the best cars to key because the owners don't believe in racist white police and they are too low t to confront you.

You're a coward.

mean words

typical soyyie owner, nothing to see here

I guess as long as you're comfortable with being a coward.

Nice dubs

Really funny that this is a stereotype...I voted for trump. And who the fuck puts stickers on their cars?

>voting for a yid makes you not a soylet

> being this retarded

has Veeky Forums always been this bad?

last good mustang

>voted for trump
>bought a rice wagon in cuckshed blue


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I'm impressed that you managed to make a time machine out of a tractor. 11/10

> being this mad

Subaru’s are pretty cheap if you want to get one, no need to be this jealous

I really don't mind the styling. I dig the taillights.

I really like MR2s.

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>hard mode

I’m down for that AWD and trunk space
Love the two-tone... I think I want 2nd/3rd gen as my next car.

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I think you are overestimating this user's age.

i like the retro style you add to your pics
i like the blue. i bet you wouldn't wave back at me though
clean as frick
those back tires are cool as hell
hey subaru bro :)

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Recent purchase, I already replaced the trashed tires

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Fun car. Although I don't know why you'd buy a post-facelift one, nor why you'd buy one in California.


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Was in the market for a new car I could learn RWD on while fixing my old ass RSX in the meantime. It handles my LA commute, and I take it out to a canyon every other week. I was considering a Z, but it’s not going to take the ~80 mile daily commute as well. It’s also a lease so in about two and a half years I’ll have more than enough saved for a project car while the RSX will be good to go. I also liked the Miata RF, but figured I’d rather go MR-S down the line. For those that don’t know, having a cheap daily will allow you to claim your faster shitbox as a weekend car and save a ton on insurance.

To it’s credit, it’s been what I expected and Toyota is really chill about fixing extra stuff like alignment for free when I brought it in for its only check-in at six months. And I actually like the redesign update, so there’s your answer user bro.

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hello fucker 10/10 beater as always

very neat beater
ineficient so cool

i like the my car thing my friend

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Nothing is superior to my 1998 chevy malibu LS, You and your fucking shitboxes are fucking pathetic scum of the street. Come at me and my car and i'll shut you down you fucking pathetic cunts. i run 3 second 0-60's and get all the fucking pussy in the world. Fuck Lamborghana's and Your fucking Bugana's you disgusting fucking filth lovers. Suck my dick.

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>5.0 blocks ur path

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You could probably win a drag race against me while going in reverse.

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Come see when you grow up kids

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What brand is this


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i like how you turned the roof racks into spoilers so youd get more downforce on your way to walmart


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It sounds sexy and is a far nicer ride than the RX7
Cute and tiny, I like the smol tyres too
Damn that’s a sexy car, I really like the design for some reason
Maybe just the perspective but it looks like it’s got a Jew nose for a front. Made me kek

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Modding officially kicks off on May 1st, starting with a tune at MRT in Sydney

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True whoever’s car is that you’re right. The 170 hp engine REALLY makes use of those “spoilers”....that isn’t my car though, I posted later what mine looks like.. that’s just a stock photo

uwu my friend

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Say sth nice, she got hurt bad.

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Quads of grief.

That's what's great about it. I have the Jewfro to match the car.

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Is that a Delta?

Skoda Felicia

>Is that a Delta?

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Mark "Velodrome? I Thought You Said Thunderdome" Cavendish

No bully pls

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>RIP Skida Chadicia
Now Im stuck driving this hunk of shite virgin3kgt

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1992 Subaru Loyale wagon in stick with selectable 4wd

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I see you have the natural weight reduction mod installed.

An optional extra I couldn’t help but pass up, whole thing cost me $200 so I can’t be to mad

99 Civic Autotragic with significant frame damage if you look closely enough.

Best $500 I've spent 2 years ago.

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Totally solid purchase,looks like a good car and a great deal

I like the lights

Rims look in superb condition

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How much did that cost you? I was going to buy one but spending $20k on a car to thrash it around didnt seem like a good idea

It's not the fast one so I don't want to spend money on it for anything other than maintenance. :(

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Amazing car that climbs a vertical hill.

Amazing traction. One of the best handling cars I've ever driven.


the rear camber makes it look like a stancefag that hasn't come out of the closet yet.


e46 qt :3

Those rocks look like something out of a Bethesda game.