Name one thing he did wrong
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Absolutely nothing :^)
He didn't finish off Red niggers and signed peace treaty from the point of a loser.
Fuck him. It costed Poland another partition 19 years later.
What else could he have done? He had little to no support from other countries. Poland barely managed to rout the Reds at Warsaw.
It wasn't like Ukraine and Lithuania were helping at all. They just wanted their independence. They weren't willing to restore the commonwealth.
Battle of Niemen completely trashed Red army.
>muh commonwealth
Who cares. Poland could enslav(e) those fucks, like germans did to Poles for centuries. There is no need for unions.
Everything after 1926
You can trace most of problems in the 1939 to him
>He didn't finish off Red niggers and signed peace treaty from the point of a loser.
The Reds were literally the only Russian faction willing to recognize Poland. The White retards refused and considered Poland a rebellious province that ought to be bring back to the fold of Mother Russia.
Blame the Whites not Poles for failing to finish off the Bolsheviks.
what costed Poland the partition was the lack of support from the allies for Piłsudski's preventive war against Germany in the 30s
>implying Polacks couldn't crush outdated white niggers once they're done with reds
Poland was too small to permanently occupy Russia. Plain and simple. Piłsudski wasn't an autist and knew that Poland needs some sort of deal with whatever government Russia will have. The problem was, that as deplorable as they were, the Bolsheviks actually wanted to talk and were amendable to the idea of indepent Poland. Other factions weren't.
There's also the problem of Western support. France supported Poland as an Eastern counterweight to Germany (Britain was ambivalent). Sort of semi-Russia, only weaker. If Russia had a non-communist government, then in France's interest would be supporting the idea of Russia having border with Germany. Simply because Russia was far stronger than Poland if Russia got her shit together.
Had Poland deposed the Bolsheviks, it would have to deal with a hostile Russian government supported by France.
But the reds were the ones in a position to invade Poland. Which they did and nearly won.
It's called the miracle at the Vistula for a reason.
>But the reds were the ones in a position to invade Poland. Which they did and nearly won.
And at the same time, the only ones willing to talk. The Whites were openly hostile even to emissaries that Poles sent to them.
>It's called the miracle at the Vistula for a reason.
It's called such because of Pilsudski's enemies in Poland. They claimed that because Pilsudski was such a disaster, Poland was saved by a miracle. The name stuck because of how neat it sounded.
>Poland was too small to permanently occupy Russia
Says who?
Germany managed to occupy entire Europe.
There wasn't just the military perspective to consider. The provisional Sejm was very relectant to take on any land with non-Polish citizens, as they were well aware of the issues that could come with a multicultural state, particularity if the new minorities were Russians. This opposition to big expansion was spearheaded primarily by the National Democratic party and their leader Roman Dmowski, who was nearly as popular as Pilsudski himself was and held a lot of political sway. Pilsudski was lucky to have secured as much land in the peace as he did; any more would have really pissed off the national democrats.
>It's called such because of Pilsudski's enemies in Poland. They claimed that because Pilsudski was such a disaster, Poland was saved by a miracle.
To be fair, it really was a miracle. The Polish plans for the battle were actually intercepted by the Soviets, but luckily the Russians thought it was a ruse and discarded the plans. Pilsudski himself wasn't even present for most of the battle, he was 20 miles south of Warsaw waiting for a Russian movement that never came. By the time he got up to Warsaw itself, the russians were already sqaurely defeated.
Thread theme:
Not permanently and never during peacetime.
>The Reds were literally the only Russian faction willing to recognize Poland. The White retards refused and considered Poland a rebellious province that ought to be bring back to the fold of Mother Russia.
That isn't true. Both Kolchak and Denikin were largely sympathetic to Poles, but were unable to give any promises about future borders without referring to the constituant assembly. The White army leaders were army men and considered it dishonorable to engage in politics, and were pretty strictly legalist. It can also be seen in their inability to institute a land reform.
Kolchak claimed he had Polish ancestors while Denikin was half-Polish.
>inb4 they just said it to make the Poles trust them.
Both were pretty much politically illiterate. Kolchak probably literally had asperger syndrome.
Wrangel was willing to fully recognize Poland in 1920, but it was too late by then.
Germany didn't regain their independence after 120 years of slavery, didn't have to rely on soldiers that literally just fought in the 4-year long, bloodiest conflict to date, often on opposing sides, and their equipment wasn't stolen, bought quasi-legally or hand-me-down used stuff.
>Kolchak claimed he had polish ancestors
I can't find anything on that.
Destroyed Polish democracy.