[Dail Bike Thread /dbt/]

4strokes are big gay edition

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Tfw no grom simulator:

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Too many croozers, post real bikes

Attached: dr.jpg (4032x2268, 2.44M)

You first

Gotcha covered

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Two steps ahead of you, bro

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Pls go back to your reservation and stay there

t. Yurocuck

Attached: 20170905_155520.png (463x673, 128K)

Thats so sweet of you :)

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Attached: still no grom.png (497x685, 157K)

>all these shit bikes
Wew lordy

Nice (no)bike

>Not posting yours
Haha ok there guy

Not enough of an attention whore like you fags.
Call me what you want
No care

ok lil lady

Not missing out, they're awful for anything but being meme bikes.

>t. Nobike

Gross fat slow
Same as above
Shitzuki frame snapper
Poser try hard
Teenager shitbike
Back to gross fat slow
Shitzuki slow oil burner
Back to gross fat slow
Rollin fire ball (if it ever runs) for niggers
Good bike

>Not owning a bike
Wow man I'm sorry!

> called in sick
> play NFS underground 2 all day
no regrets

daily blog thread

>Told not to come in
>Need to money for more shitbikes

Why are you so negative, they're all good bikes

Thank you for your opinion :)

Attached: TreesNshit..jpg (1058x1375, 1.56M)

> get told not to go to work
I wish

Because it's the internet. Lots of edgy teens with the "stop liking what I don't like" mentality

I'm flat broke!

>t. Nobike

The suzukis and cruiser are objectively not good bikes

Lol the Suzuki meme really ought to stop. The dr and drz are excellent adv/dual sport bikes if you can find them cheap btw

T. Rides a ninja 250

Literally nothing wrong with having a beater bike to do hoodrat shit

Attached: 20180109_210313.jpg (780x1076, 638K)

Both get btfo by 250s.
Both are prone to major failures
Both are poorly built

No thanks bud
I absolutely would if i were a beginner

>being called scum on furrchan
Muh feelings!

Attached: Lucipurr.jpg (1440x1920, 244K)

Two of those are untrue, and if you think power is that important in an Enduro bike you're retarded

>both get btfo by 250s
Nice meme
Post bike, inb4 its the guy who owns the garbage suspension reddit bike and snapped frames: the bike

>Admitting you're from reddit
What beard oil do u use

Cum and 10w40

>cruisers are objectively not good

Attached: maxresdefault2.jpg (570x382, 66K)

>has no defense
>p-post bike

In what way does it get btfo? Maybe rebuild times, rofl. I'd rather ride my bike than rebuild the top end every 20 hours

>Both get btfo by 250s
Are you talking about WR250s?


Do ugly bikes do it for you?

Attached: image.jpg (1709x1275, 559K)

Or what about pretty bikes?

Attached: image.jpg (659x444, 155K)

These are both ugly

What about different pretty bikes?

Attached: image.jpg (720x510, 120K)

Petition to ban soyboy bikes from chan
>Ninja 250
>Ninja 300
>Any Scrambler
>Any BMW

All in favor say fuck me senpai

Ill show you true beauty

Attached: 20180307_084305.jpg (720x445, 224K)

The post
Wow bud

>any honda

>Any suzuki

The boner for cheap Ninja 250s isn't understandable to me, they're such massive pieces of shit, they were some of the worst bikes to come out of Kawasaki and now all of them have the added benefit of being old, rusted out pieces of shit.

Beauty and technology

Attached: image.jpg (640x480, 83K)

I disagree. I almist exclusively ride literbikes, but I love the little Ninja 250s. Simple. Reliable, fun to ride, and you rev them to 14k on every shift. Just gotta maintain the little shits.

Speaking my language

Attached: 20170302_113304.png (720x542, 624K)

>in supermarket
>3yo kid is in awe of my gear and helmet
>he wants to see my motorcycle
>they actually wait infront of the store for me to finish shopping because the kid wants to see me ride the motorcycle
>he likes it
I'm ashamed I forgot to offer his mother to let him sit on the bike, he probably would have loved it, but I had to get home and then get to work like the good wageslave I am

daily reminder to always be nice to kids, they love motorcycles

what's the power to weight ratio on that thing?

But I like the Ninja 250.

Attached: IMG_2378.jpg (3192x1794, 3.52M)

Ill sign a petition for you to stop being a whiny fag.


Attached: laughing at you2.png (262x269, 26K)

Power to weight ratio = fatal

A bike almost exclusively owned by novices is likely to be neglected in terms of maintenance.
I like them.

Brandfag shitposters are unironically worse than ef

>knowing nothing about bikes
Sad really

Go away ef


fuck me senpai

Neglect or not, it was a shit bike no matter who owned it.

Post that boipucci bby

Panigale Grom

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Africa twin scoot

Attached: Scoot.jpg (800x600, 91K)

I'd rather walk.

I disagree. Ive personally seen and ridden plenty of nice Ninja 250s

GSXR 600 Ruckus

Attached: image.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

gotta go sanc fast

>that car tire

At least the frame wont snap

Extreme contact patch

i wanna CUM

Attached: Bakuon325.png (677x766, 606K)


no u

i just did
now u

ill see you on the other side
but not yet

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Just shut up and fuck already

Attached: image.jpg (1280x876, 147K)

onsa pls bmy gf

onsa PLS

What qualifies the grom as a small bike, not a big scooter? What exactly is the dividing line? Just seating position? Wheel size?

>not having bike friends
Why even ride?


Engine is in frame, not connected to wheel
Has manually shifted transmission
Has clutch

>riding with idiots
May as well kys

>being friends with idiots

>being likeable enough to have friends
Lol what are you, a fag?

>not having a bike with a built in torch
W h y e v e n r i d e ?
