we gon be kangz and shit come the 29th

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Here we are homeboi, holdin dis bagz for the white men.

Paperbag holder standing by

>profiting a grand even after the huge drop
>not sure if I should just sell or wait and see what happens
I'll wait at least until the first of next month I guess based entirely on anons post. If it doesn't go up I don't care enough to wait until the november ethereum presentation to sell.

I got 2.00 eth am I fucked

Its ok senpai they will be worh 2 million one day

>eth beliver
>nigger picture

makes all sense as generally people who don't realize that ETH is oversold have a low IQ just like niggers

I have 5.7 ETH, pissed that I can't buy more

>not buying DOPEcoin


Omg noone cares about dopecoin stop trying to make it a thing

You spelled "believer" as "beliver" top kek

They call it dopecoin because you have to be a dope to buy it

i have 3.8
let's hold hands in the rocketship's bay

you're funny

the 30th is the next btc etf denial for the unaware

Ideally the shock will cause people to exit btc and get into ethereum instead.
It probably won't have as big as an effect as the first etf rejection but hopefully I can ride the eth increase get out then while btc is still bottoming get into it as the confidence in btc is regained yet again. Get two birds stoned at once.

been holdin 54 since 18. Feels good so far and im on the consensus that is by the 3th or the first of april it aint passed 55 i will sell.

Lol i bought 7 just with bitgay profits get on my level goy

It's true. Go pack another bowl Cheech.

donst know the trick to misspel something while stating a fact and if they don't try to argue for the fact I just stated but focus on the misspelling

this means you agree with the premise of my statement




Who honestly doesn't think it's going to be denied?

Are you an idiot ,everyone knows it's going to fail now