Got the MX5 RF (at a good vendor discount new).
6000km in decided I need a different car.
What do ?
Any creative ideas?
Got the MX5 RF (at a good vendor discount new).
6000km in decided I need a different car.
What do ?
Any creative ideas?
Sell it?
Why do you need a different car? Did you just walk in the dealership and buy it without thinking ahead?
have you thought of selling it?
>Any creative ideas?
Kys. Slowly.
Nah, starting a family and i got a roadster... my mentality changed a lot in half a year that i had it
how much should i discount it ?
None. Ask for what you paid and settle for a grand or two under that.
Why didn't you just get a used miat?
Like a 1st or 2nd or 3rd gen?
Maybe he didn't want a slow old piece of shit.
Depreciation literally doesn't exist. It's a Jewish scam. A car doesn't actually become less valuable when you drive it off the lot. The engine is barely past the break in stage. If anything that actually makes it more valuable than when it was new.
So he got a slow new piece of shit instead?
Buy a shitbox for the family, old SUV or panther body. Don't sell your baby because you'll resent your family as a result.
Take a Tiki-torch on your way out.
Your mentality will still change. How long have you had this family? How long have you wanted a roadster?
>muh Jewish scam
Yeah, I'm sure you'll someday find a fellow retard who will pay $1-2k under MSRP for a used car.
Depreciation isn't as bad as the retards on this site think it is. Sell it for less than you paid, not MSRP. A 1 year old car is not that less expensive than a new one after incentives are include. Sell it through a private sale not a dealer.
You'll likely be out 1-2K+ initial purchase tax. That said, it means you could keep it and just get a cheap beater. I wouldn't for my family though. Safety matters.
Having a family is a huge decision, did you just suddenly meet a grill or something?
we've been engaged for two weeks now :) I have wanted MX5 for umh better part of 10 years.
no but she did get suddenly pregnant :)
You can get a sedan or mini-van for under $2000.
I would never sell my cars for my child.
>mama miata
>sell my cars for my child
they're different?
Perhaps find a trade OP?
I was looking forward to that option but no idea where to go look for a trade.
Dealers or free market ?
That's also an option.
Oh, so it's a bait thread. Have a (you) on the house