Which Video Game/Movie Car Would You Have IRL?

saw this E46 M3 from Need For Speed Most Wanted and it got me thinking

>LINK youtu.be/Ip4qBzd-JF0

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Other urls found in this thread:


id have the delorean that takes me back in time so I could fuck your mom, get her pregnant and abort your retarded ass lmao

>give a CONVERTIBLE m3 that paintjob
>keep the stock bodykit

This is beyond retarded.


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>This is beyond retarded.
Then why don't you show us how it should've been done?

+1 The thread asks which car you'd like to have....

Do you have an answer?

Warthog from Halo would be my choice for sure. Fuel cells in each wheel, 4 wheel steering, convertible, and for sure a one of a kind.

Nice samefag ;^)

it should have been done like this you tasteless cuck



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I dont give a quarter of a fuck about no m3 even if they are the worlds fastest and bestest fucking cars which they aint

Every fucking car meet here is filled with germantrash from golfs to bimmers, I see so many of those same fucking cars im sick of them
gimme some japshit, they are stupid rare here that even an mr2 gets you looks everywhere you go while nobody bats an eye at an m3

..sooo you'd base your choice on attention instead of what you liked to drive best?

I picked the car based on what drives the best and doesnt compromize it with useless shit like comfort or luxury or practicality
And it happens to be japanese

MR2s aren't anything special, they definitely aren't 100% driver's cars.

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>no bodykit
>no spoiler
>a fucking convertible
At least post the guy who did it properly

>no side exhaust

>not the #13 Racing or yellow Xevious

and? its still closer than what you/OP posted you dumb faggot

Damn that guy was literally a Chad

>not the '99 Assoluto Bisonte

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>not side piped

Lol bus riding neet

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The correct answer

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Lol saw that in person up in chicago so ricey, The fake side exhaust looked so retarded, for some strange reason they even put a mirror under that spot to confirm the rice.

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Do you even Assoluto Fatalita
>I like your style kid

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Mine from NFS2015.

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Jesus fuck kid, your Vert m3 looks like trash. Atleast make it tasteful or as true to the original if you are going to copy the paint. Stop same fagging this hard.

>Pic Related, my old M3

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What an absolute retard is the person who put that god fucking awful song.

>guy talks
>suddenly the music comes outta nowhere and gets you deaf as fuck
Dumb fucking retard.

wheres the side pipes?

gee it couldn't ahve been the person who owns the car could it?

fuck the gay ass song and fuck you. the point is the car is pretty well replicated. suck my uncircumcised dick from the back.