ITT: Scourges of the roads

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You need a ride when you're too wasted to drive or have no car.

Worst fucking drivers on the road

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>there's a stock photo for this

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>Sounds like pure rice with the veesix

Being stuck behind one of these soylets is painful

Drive like inconsiderate douchebags in a rush

Drive like unaware soybois

ignorant middle aged bitch who pulls out in front of you going 10mph under the limit

Douchebag dicklet who tailgates whoever is in front of him, even cops and ambulances

Will run you and your family down on the sidewalk and still sue you for emotional damages

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*brakes at every turn*

Literally any crossover, minivan, SUV or 2500+ truck

*goes 5 under in a residential area*

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>doing speedlimit

Quick user, cop, or geezer?
Why not pass and find out..

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Geezer, cops speed.

>He was looking down at his computer
>Pepper your angus
>hope your window tints are halal, peasant.

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>uses turn lanes to pass

See that fucking shit at least once a week. Always a luxury SUV

>seeing one of these
>Knowing they are NOT going to use their turn signals

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Anyone else find modern headlights far too fucking bright? Sends me into a fucking rage every time some cunt in a crossover blinds me

>Big burger truck sits too high up to be bothered by headlights :DDDDDD

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The brown semi truck drivers here like to retrofit shitty hid's and led's. So now you have jiggly ass headlights murdering your eyes and you can't escape it even in a truck.

They're okay as long as they're aimed properly from the factory (fuck you Acura) and they have a proper cutoff and if fucking Ling keeps the high beams off.

fucking me. even when i adjust my rearview it leaks in the sides and ruins my night drive

fucking led bullshit.

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Fuck off.

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Install dimming mirrors theyre available as options for your car no? Then you can add them yourself

haven't seen a post on Veeky Forums I agreed with more than this in a long time

good job user. spot fucking on

>Passes you on the right doing 10 over

>gets on the on-ramp
>goes 30mph until they're 30 millimeters away from the actual highway
>tries to merge with traffic going 80mph
>almost causes an accident involving multiple deaths
I have to experience this shit every single time I go to the big city and it pisses me off to no end.

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>Drive for a living
>Can't drive

>Tfw always slow way down when blinded because don't feel safe driving blind
>Asshole with bright headlights finally gets a second lane and gets next to me
>Bitches at me, I explain to him his headlights are too bright and I slowed down because I was blinded
>Doesn't say shit and floors it when the light turns green
>Tries to brake check me but I drive way too slow
>Gets impatient and drives off

>Tailgates you with bright ass headlights
>Tries to cut you off but his humongous hunk of shit can't go fast or handle well
>Flies into a manlet induced impotent rage if you don't drive exactly how he wants
>Tries to fight you at a stop light but his fat girlfriend pulls him back
>Takes up two parking spaces at Arby's

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I always see these assholes driving fast in rain and especially in snow, like they think because it's a "muh off-road" vehicle (even though they're primarily designed for hauling loads) that it's going to do well in snowy conditions. Newsflash: fucking nothing does well on snow and icy roads. You just need to slow the fuck down to 15-25mph. Going fast in something with so much weight/momentum on ice is fucking retarded.

Maybe you should be on the right, dumbass?
You know the left-most lane(s) is for overtaking, not for sticking to the speed limit, right?

Former truck driver. These idiots have a death wish

It's even a peugeot, they nailed the brand in the photo

That's what friends are for.

Anyone with one of these stickers are invariably the worst of the worst when it comes to competent driving.

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