*blocks your path*
Uber self-driving car pedestrian fatality video has been released
Squishing j-walkers should be legal.
it is, in a way. The police are not charging the uber driver
a great example of people jumping to conclusions without evidence.
Even if an actual driver was behind the wheel, that bitch is dead.
>crossing a fast road
>dark clothing
>doesn't appear to be aware of the vehicle
>no reflectors on the bike
Wouldn't have made any difference if it was autonomous or a human operator, nothing to be done there.
the future of liability for road incidents will be interesting, considering how every car will be recording 24/7. I'd imagine that the uber team had much more detailed data from the accident, but just chose to share the standard camera view
Dont these cars have a heat radar to detect living thing even in complete darkness.
>not posting the interior view of the weird ass looking driver oh-shitting in the last few frames
No side reflectors on the bike, dark poorly lit street, Jay walker didn't even try to get out of the way or cross the street quickly and expected the "driver" to slow down.
I probably would have hit her as well and felt just as emotionless about it as the machine. Her stupidity so her fault.
exterior + interior
>Mill avenue
It was cool when I was a freshman and couldn't drink and now that I've graduated it's all undergrad and grad students pretending to have money
uber uses lidar, not radar. Can't see in the dark
you can see the car slightly swerve to try and avoid her. I wonder if the internal uber logs show the brakes go on. pic is the first frame when you can see her.... it's quite close
i thought this too
any nerds wanna weigh in here?
I mean, a better programmed system/more sensors could have easily detected her in advance. But having the system be "equivalent" with humans currently is a good starting point I suppose
i've had a few close calls with deer at night and managed to swerve to avoid them, if the 'driver' was in control i expect they would've swerved enough to clip the back wheel of the bicycle but not kill her.
that depends if your brain decided to swerve to the left vs the right though
also the only light shining on her is from the headlights, those street lamps are just out of range from where she was walking
when the turbo kicks in
how many modern cars can beat those stopping distances?
>only going 40mph
La creatura was on his phone the whole time. Had he been paying attention he would've attempted to slow down
>operator fully in control
Why didn't this roastie get squashed?
not many; that chart is for modern cars in general
how the fuq did that thing stop?
no human could have reacted in time for that, fuckin bitch was invisible till the last second
broad daylight
roastie running away from truck
truck driver probably had more reason to be cautious because a bus that's stopped means people are getting out
Human driver.
that's a brave motherfucker in the lead car
a human would have instinctively swerved left
(the lady was 100% at fault, but it could have been avoided had a human been at the wheel)
we say that, but history shows that most drivers (and yes, likely even you) would still have a very high chance of collision.
looks hard to avoid based on visible light, but I thought uber used lidar on their self-driving vehicles
that's an automated system lad, not exactly the best example for a human driving an SUV at night. Look, we all think we're great drivers here, but even I admit that a situation like the one in the webm would be one that would be difficult- not impossible -to avoid
human driver + trucks designed to stop faster with loads in the back.
correct, lidar is horrible for nighttime compared to lidar however
I think they sort of are to a degree, you can't go looking for them to mow down but if it's clear you couldn't have reacted in time or you tried but still hit them you probably won't face criminal liability, but if they survive they might sue you. Don't know if they'll win.
Each system seems to have different methods, as I recall Subaru uses optical cameras so that wouldn't have seen it any faster. I think Tesla uses radar, do some use infrared?
>uber uses lidar, not radar. Can't see in the dark
Lidar projects an infrared laser beam out and measures it's return time. Dark/light makes no difference.
human reaction time to a surprise event like that is 1.5 seconds.
I can only assume the laser must be focused mostly straight forward then maybe if it couldn't catch the person walking in from the side, or maybe it did but wasn't sure anyways, such a system would probably go crazy with a narrow road with heavy foot traffic perhaps, trying to determine if any of the sidewalk walkers are about to walk into the street.
>calling a child a roastie
i hope you die a painful death you pedo fuck
I almost hit a ped only one time, guy was black, wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, shuffling across an unlit road at 2AM without looking.
Nearly gave me a fucking heart attack, it’s like some people want to be hit by a car
5 second between "detection" and impact and it's on a crappy webm of a video camera
the actual driver on this vehicle should be charged
it's under 1.5 sec dude
Driver is a hero in this case. Stay butthurt faggot.
That wasn't the automated system, the hazard lights didn't come on.
The pedestrian isn't even looking for oncoming traffic, it's not exactly hard to see a pair of headlights coming at you. I see plenty of jaywalkers here in Vegas, but they're always watching traffic and crossing only when there's a clear path.
Have some of you people literally never driven in a city environment before? You are fucking DELUSIONAL if you honesty think it was as dark on that street as the dash camera makes it seem, especially with that many street lights on it. Yes the roastie should not have crossed the street, but the blame is on the driver as well as Uber. In fact I think this is exactly why they hired a literal felon to begin with because they KNOW their self driving cars are shit and hope to avoid blame/responsibility for if/when this happens. Keep in mind uber is a horribly managed company that nickles and dimes every single chance they get from top to bottom. If it had been a fully aware person driving that car they would've, at a minimum, hit the brakes and/or turned the wheel in an attempt to avoid this woman. But since the fat cunt wasn't paying attention at all the car plows straight into the woman at full speed without stopping at all. No one involved is free of blame.
It does seem like they chose a particularly low quality video to share on purpose. 25fps 636x360 doesn’t make any sense…. I guarantee that the uber engineers know that the sensors detected the woman in advance
It's pretty obvious from the video there was some kind of hardware or software error here. It looks like the car does not attempt to slow down whatsoever. I agree that the quality of the video is highly suspect. It could be there's another video that shows whether or not the car attempted to stop and whether it kept going at the same speed. And they may have purposely edited that part outs to make it seem like the driver was more at fault than she actually is here. That wouldn't surprise me either because like I said, Uber is a shit company all around. At this point they're in full damage control and are trying to avoid liability as much as possible to keep their self driving cars on the road. Why else put such a poorly qualified person in that car?
come now, if your job was to sit in a self driving car for hours a day you'd get complacent too. But yes, something fishy is going on
I would guess the dashcam is only there for redundancy in data logging, they're more interested in the system's records. How expensive would it be to have high quality video recording at all times for however many vehicles they plan to deploy?
The video shows what anyone would expect it to show, a suicidal pedestrian crossing out of the light of streetlights, and not looking for oncoming traffic themselves.
Do you intentionally jaywalk while not looking in the direction of potentially oncoming vehicles? Hell do you even cross a crosswalk without making sure some dumbass isn't about to blow through the intersection anyways?
>60-0 in 180 ft
Street legal racecars should be the only kind of car allowed on our roads
Without reaction time a viper acr stop in 87 ft with reaction time it would be in 147ft think about the children.
assuming that the camera film at 24 fps there is way a camera would pickup the pedestrian unless the iso is so high that the noise would hide everything anyway.
If my job is literally to just sit there and observe and make sure the car is functioning as it is intended, then no I would not be "complacent" or glued to my phone. This is exactly why I don't support self driving cars and never will because of stuff like this. There are enough people who do everything but pay attention to the fucking road and now we have this massive push for self driving cars and features. All because a huge portion of the population can't put the fucking phone down for two minutes to watch what the fuck they're doing, as if cars were tanks or there aren't idiots crossing the street like this woman did. With self driving cars, this is only going to make this problem worse except now you're gonna have morons on their phones, sleeping, smoking weed and/or drinking, watching porn, having sex, all while behind the wheel.
it wouldn't be expensive at all. self driving cars already generate terabytes of data per hour of driving, a couple hd cameras wouldn't make a dent in the data collection that these prototypes do
Fun, but uncomfortable, and probably inefficient.
Though I wonder if they could engineer self driving cars to be more able to deal with crazy situations since they should have better reaction times so long as the sensors pick up an issue.
You say that as if they weren't already doing that shit now. Would you prefer the same number of crashes and fatalities we have now with human stupidity, or a far lesser number because of automation? But you'll only be focusing on the few incidents instead?
Do you not remember affluenza boy?
I'm saying I don't support it BECAUSE people do all that shit already. My main point is that it's only going to get worse from here. If the mexicunt had been paying attention and slammed on the brakes, this woman would most likely have been hit but survived. That car legit plows her at 40mph without skipping a beat. I don't know why you think putting blind faith into a fucking computer and self driven car, especially from UBER of all fucking people, is a grand idea.
So a system that will factually make the statistics better is in your mind worse because people will continue to do what they are already doing. Do you just shit out your ideas without thinking about them?
How many human driver caused crashes do you think just happened in the time since this crash? How many were because a person was texting, or drunk, or simply didn't see something in the road?
And you think not having machines that are always watching the road that can get actual upgrades is somehow worse than affluenza boy and such?
Fuck children are retarded. Natural selection at fucking work. The kid deserved to die desu
>So a system that will factually make the statistics better
How is it factual? I'm looking at a video of a "self driving" car plowing somebody down without even trying to mitigate it. I'll believe it when I see it, thanks.
>a human would have instinctively swerved left
a smart human that has a logical brain and has thought about having to swerve would instinctively sweve to the left. some retard roastie with 70iq would've just panicked and screamed and done nothing
the issue is that it incentivises people paying even less attention to the road than they already are(n't). A human even only barely paying attention could have done SOMETHING, but as we see here a distracted one will do nothing
And what statistics do you have that points to self driven cars being safer? You're saying it like it's an absolute fact. Do you think every car company is Telsa? Again, why do you have such blind faith in computers and corporations, especially when the latter has been shown over and over again to nickle and dime at every corner. I really do want to understand this because I don't understand how someone can have this mentality like you
This accident would have made no difference on such data as a human driver would likely have had the same outcome since the jaywalker was at fault.
Whereas how many drunks, texters, sleepy, or sick drivers would be stopped from killing people because a car would stop in less stupid situations? Again, affluenza boy, would you prefer a car that would have kept him in lane, or braked completely when it noticed it was aiming towards a car and people off the road.
Yeah if you're a woman or over 80.
Hardly need statistics when you could just look up stupid driver compilations on youtube. The only thing auto driving tech needs to do at the moment is slam the brakes when it sees something in front of it, right now we've had few instances of a failure, whereas there have been many tests and even real examples of cars avoiding collisions youtu.be
The data is probably fairly sparse right now, since they've only begun to deploy more onto the streets actively, and the most obvious thing to point out: they will improve. Whereas do you think stupid drivers will ever learn?
So you're only argument here is that we need more self driven cars because people get into accidents now. Yeah makes sense
You're an idiot and I'm done here
Yes, my argument is exactly my argument, how long did it take you to figure that shit out stupid?
The lidar is that spinning thing on top of most of these cars. It can see to the sides as well as forward.
In theory, lidar shouldn't be fooled as much as visual recognition camera systems are. Since it builds a 3D map of it's surroundings and, after correcting for the car's motion, can detect objects approaching the car pretty reliably. Unless the AI software is crap and doesn't know what to do in these cases.
It's either that is a super dark area of street or what you see in the camera is a lot darker compared to what you would have seen with your own eyes. I probably would have seen the pedestrian while the computer couldn't because it was so dark for it.
This was in Ecuador wasn't it
Theoretically if a spinning laser type sensor doesn't have a high frequency or something there could be quite a few blind spots that could be about the size of a human I suppose, but I'm not too familiar with how precise it is or anything.
It's the silly waving your hand in front of a screen trick, you see a few distinct shadows roughly at the refresh rate of the monitor, but in between those shadows it appears visually empty.
I would prefer anyone convicted of distracted/drunk driving be perma banned from having a license and be executed if their distracted driving caused an accident or if they are caught driving after having their license permabanned
No it was in some European country.
>has a bike but decides to walk??
>no reflectors on bike
>no bright safety clothing
>walking on a high speed traffic street
>Even if the driver was paying attention it would still be a collision because of the above and bad visibility
What's the point of autopilot if you still have to pay attention i want to relaxed and do other shit besides driving
Take the bus then nigger
I don't like other people nigger i want my own space transportation pod
Stupid should hurt.
what the fuck is that thing?
Wow that bike rider is such an entitled little cunt. Walking across a street with fast moving traffic and not even checking to see if there are cars coming. One less ignorant bike rider
volvo brakes
die Abscheulichkeit...
Clearly the car couldn't stop in time since it was carrying such a heavy load.
La Creatura...
La Cosa Que No Debería Ser...
>filled with smells (and sometimes fluid) from other people
>have to stand depending on the hour
>sit in hard plastic seats designed for 400lb landwhales
Public transportation is shit. If I have money, I want the comfortable alternative.
>The only thing auto driving tech needs to do at the moment is slam the brakes when it sees something in front of it
yet it didn't do that here, isn't that the whole point of automated cars?
some people DO want to be hit by a car, so they can live on your money for the rest of their lives
The point is to replace people that don't want to drive. The side benefit is they will be better than most drivers.
How many drunks, texters, sleepy, people with medical conditions, etc are on the road killing all sorts of pedestrians or other drivers right now?
If the only way to cause the system to fail is to deliberately walk in front of it in the dark it's already better than the majority of idiot drivers on the road.
Back in my day we used to call these newfangled self-driving cars taxis
is that a tranny?? wtf is this goblino
>school buses in yuropooria don't have stop signs
Its almost a nightly occurrence in my town fucking niggers walk the streets in full black hoodies and pants. I am almost on top of them by the time i can see them and react
>knows car is coming
>doesn’t try to hurry
>outside of crosswalk
>wearing black at night
>carrying the bicycle
>not wearing any lights or reflective s
Yep, this was definitely Arizona