I'm at the point where I call my car my baby in public now...

I'm at the point where I call my car my baby in public now. I never thought I'd get that deep into a 100hp econobox but it happened, Veeky Forums

I've developed a fucking relationship with a car.

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I caught myself about to ask her if she enjoyed the oil change and alignment, Veeky Forums

What the fuck is happening to me? I need a gf

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Nobody gives a fuck

be nice

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Veeky Forums bullies too much

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Just post it.

stop fucking pressuring me normie

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Shit thread then.

Thanks for the bumps fag

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i do the same thing with my GTR dude. it's my girlfriend replacement. Except its cheaper. and its always there for me. When its broke, i can fix it. And it will never say "we are going too fast" or "im not ready for this right now."

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Thanks for sharing user.

Enjoy her.

I haven't gotten to that point yet, but I have started to respond to my car when the blind spot monitor beeps, like "yes yes, I see it."



Coming back to Veeky Forums makes me relive 2014 again. Thank you for the dated memes and memories.


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[spoiler]Sometimes I wish I could be a lady so I could offer myself up to you guys. I see this too much and I want you guys to be and feel loved...[/spoiler]

my cars have made me a lot happier than women ever have to be honest, even when accounting the amount of money I've sunk into both

i'm at the point where i'd like nothing more than to get rid of both my cars and never have to deal with their bullshit again. my only hobby is garbage.

>I've taken to "headpatting" my car after touge runs
>who am I quoting
>please send help

>he speed rapes his car
why do the fast cars always go for assholes

Lmao. No you don't. Cars>gfs

My old hand me down car gave me a diamond ring.
I'm not joking.

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I have a GF. It doesn't get any better.

Last night I appoligised to my NA because I wasn't driving her due to insurance fuckery. It's bad man.

It's ok man, I love shitboxes. Honestly I like clapped out civics that the owner babies more than supercars driven by Saudis once a year. The car has character.

Holy shit I do this too. Every time I chop someone in my shitbox corolla, I give it a pat on the head. Fuck I meant top of the dash.

>car's not running well
>promise him he's gonna be running again
>literally talk to him when working with him
>talk about the old times when I had an actual gf
>I've had a car rust down with me before
>tell him that I'll always be there

People like you are why I'm not even going to try going down that path. I'll stick to my hobbies

This right here is the most disgusting shit I've ever read on the Internet.

>not marrying your car

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the fuck you mean

Drivers dont need girlfriends...

She sounds nice. Whats her name?

This exchange made me laugh really hard at work

He found a ring in it you tard


nice postings

did you say yes?

Her name's Daisy.

I would give her a more common female name but that would hurt me too much and she's not a roastie so she can't be named Stacey or Ashley.

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She sounds slow and skinnyfat

Slow, yes. She's only a 100hp econobox like I said in OP. You cannot shame her

That's ok, I get into arguments with my nav system like it's my fucking wife.

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You're welcome.

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You're not alone OP...
I call mine Tris and talk to it alot, it gets uncomfortable for me when I have to give a ride to someone, so I have to touch the seat someone is going to sit on every time before hand and say I'm sorry for doing this.
I wish I could stop giving ride to people anymore, because I feel they don't even respect the car just because its a 90's car and feel like they just use it to get rides because they're all poorfags anyas, even though It takes me everywhere I ask for a little gas and barely any maintenance.

In future, I want to become a better person that will refuse anyone and everyone for a drive.

car is a mate, females in any form tend to leech while mates help you

This is the old Veeky Forums I know and love!

Veeky Forums loves shitboxes dude, it'll be fine.

That's no diamond.

nigga just ask them for money

>tfw no qt 0-60mp/h in

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I did, some told me I should pay them to ride in it, despite all of them being poorfags and none have a drivers licence let alone a car.

> (You)
>some told me I should pay them to ride in it
brother are you by any chance driving ramdoms? if they'd be friends they'd either appreciate your car or at least not talk shit about it if they have no other alternative car to get driven in
like hell, my friends hit another dudes nose bloody because he farted in a car where they were passengers in
you don't disrespect your mates rides

I don't drive just anybody, but I don't give the title to anyone in this world.
They are just spineless sleazebags and opportunists. When a BMW speeds by 200km/h they ask me why can't this shit go any faster, not even realizing its just a tiny 1.3.

None of them know anything about cars or have driven one, so it kind of infuriates me all the time. Once a dude couldn't get his PC to another town with a bus for some reason so he asked me for a ride, and asked me to pay the fuel for the trip (300km). I asked him why doesn't he get a car, and he told me its expensive and for fools since if he needs to carry anything big he can just ask someone who has a car.

It doesn't happen to me anymore since I've started plain insulting people, just to give them idea that I say no.
I stopped hanging around with people because my car seemed to filter them out for me.

Its just a simple Corolla but I love it to death and it may seem autistic, but it has been there for me a lot.