What the fuck was his problem?
Jack the Ripper
He just tried to purge degeneracy from streets.
He was a jewish butcher.
He just wanted to get rid of the whores. is that so much to ask?
Can you cancerous ugly autistic permavirgins go back to your containment board?
What is your explanation of his motives, fellow (((redditor)))?
Insanity, possibly caused by syphilis, that he blamed whores for.
He was a mentally ill jew who earned a living as a butcher and killed prostitutes. Maybe he didn't have any moives at all he was sick
He was a cuck
Probably some nu-male who fell for the jewish degeneracy
Preach it, brother.
He predicted he was going to be a cute loli in anime
If i could kill people, get away with it and go down in the history books unknown i would fucking do it
I can think of worse reasons to murder people
Prostitutes have always been common targets of violence because they can be easily led to discreet locations, they typically have few social connections, cops don't really care about them much etc. People target hobos for similar reasons. Also, they're almost entirely women, making them physically weak and an obvious target for deranged psychopaths that get off to killing. The vast majority of serial killers have sexual motives.
Capitalism if Bertolt Brecht's play is anything to go by.
Can you autistic fucks learn not to get offended by posts and jokes that have been common on this site for years?
Bitches and whores, man's oldest foe
le upvote xd
>not upboat
It means language and math in case you're brain-dead
Has anyone on Veeky Forums read From Hell? How does the freemason/british architectural history stack up to rl?
no u