[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

Jeremy McGrath 90's aesthetic edition

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>Motorcycle Pics & Webms
>Motorcycle Dating Advice
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>Motorcycle Penis Rating

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Tfw no grom simulator:

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Suzuki #1!

ya'll mind if I smoke?

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Funny joke


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You don't get to speak

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Based JFK

If you're baiku doesn't have a 5/5 you should probably kill yourself

Thinking of changing my urban use Honda for pic related. Roads here are way too much fucked and it rains a lot. Thoughts?

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My bike didn't even make the list

How many CCs to guarantee outrun police?


Cool list
5/5 here

Super Duke?

Were do u live?

Plus turbocharger

Depends on the state. Washington is a no-chase state so as long as you can hit like 100mph or something then you can get away from the cops.

Brazil, pls no bully


What's your go to overnight gear for strapping to the bike?

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A credit card and a motel reservation

Laws don't matter, it's the police's job to kill you.

t. Jamal

I just bought one of these, no regrets, great bike

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Hue hue hue
Don't your Moto cops ride those?

riding in the amazons must be pretty hectic, plus all those jungle people chasing you with guns.

Nevermind my bike would be too old for this list.

Brazilian police forces uses pic related

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Reng Deng Motherfucker


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MCN's Performance Index only includes model years 2000 and up. Far left column is model year for each bike (month/year).

This is the master list, current as of July 2017. I will be making a few more lists from this master list filtering for specific performance indicators. Next list will be all bikes with a 1/4 mile time of 12 seconds or less.

This bike is known as "Black widow" where i live, because of the many people it killed.


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Although I admit my frame of reference is limited, I find my ride is quite comfy. It's around the 3 hour line that it starts to get stiff, so I take a small break around there to deal with it. Needs a nicer seat and its g2g.
Nice bike.

>inb4 hate
I just thought this was a cool pic. Post aesthetic pics of your baikus
Also fuck the 4Mb image size limit

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>Bought FZ07 last year
>Kinda wish I got a NC700X instead

Automatic transmission and that bigass truck sounding good right about now for my ride to san diego.

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non bike boy here

>2018 bike model a (0 miles) - $7000
>2013 bike model a (1000 miles) - $3000

Why do the prices look like this? Is mileage not a thing for bikes?

NC has a very low rev limiter, it feels alien if you're used to 7k+ red line

I was about the mention that. Feels like a waste desu

>5 stars

>suzuki got more 5-stars than Kawasaki or honda

Really makes you think.

Better than the Tuono LMAO

they blew up after the perfomance test probably

SV650 = 2.5 stars
DRZ400SM = 3 stars

I feel bad for everyone DBT meme'd into buying the SV650 as a first bike. At least DRZ riders dug their own latrine pit to jump in.

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You are thinking of the KTMs

it's clearly white

>Forecast: Rain 100% chance, atmospheric river, flash floods warnings
>drive to work
> Stuck in traffic and no rain or hardly even misting...

> Forecast: Rain
> Ride to work
> Stay virtually dry through 10 minutes of rain, followed by a break
>Don't regret my decision one bit, and enjoy a street free, traffic free ( lane splitting) commute
>Life is good

the model sold here is black
the name is also different

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i use pic related. works perfectly

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>lane splitting to work
>get behind some "police", probably LAPD or most likely campus police
>they are literally going 10 mph because their fat ass bikes can't fit and they are pussies
> Switch lanes, and lane split in the 2nd lane past them
> *Troll face*
> Continue to work at a reasonable pace

I generally hate when other motorcyclist pass on the 2nd lane, because then cars are trying to get out of your way, but there is someone on each side of them, or they might not see you and make room for the other guy. However, some guys are just oblivious, or try to play traffic cop. I move out of the way. If someone wants to lane split at 100 mph and kill themselves, so be it.

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What's the most soulless bike? Which bike would a normie that cares absolutely nothing about riding and just wants to get to work ride?

Any Honda


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I don't like your bike and your picture is underexposed but I like the scenery.

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Filtered for 1/4 mile times of 12 seconds or less.
Let the dick measuring begin.

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Do R80GS's hold up as a decent dual sport/adventure bike today? I'm considering getting one and thrashing some trails and touring with it.
>Inb4 "soycuck hipster" replies
I would rather kms than bastardise it into a cafe racer.

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Just get a KTM

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>mfw the Ducati Scrambler 803 could beat the mighty Triumph Rocket III in a drag race.

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GS500, obviously.

Check again.
Rocket is 11.57s quarter mile and scrambler is 11.91

I already got a dr650 so not really looking for anything modern tbqh. I'm looking specifically for an older Dakar style bike I can screw around with and possibly restore.

You might be on the money with your choice then. Don't bastardize it.

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Yo, I've seen you at deals gap before I think. You've got a friend with a red SuperHawk right?

Any commuter bike that is under "adventure category" even though it's never going to touch a dirt trail.

>2001 Kawasaki KE100 for $700 in functional shape
Should I pull the trigger?


Yeah. He didn't have the superchicken at deals gap though, I also have not taken this bike to deals gap. My last couple trips have been on a Yamaha WR450f. May be someone else you are thinking of.

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Wierd, I saw a 690 with a 996 last time I was there.
What state do you live in?

Anyone here going to the Circuit of the Americas next month?

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Boys I am very hungry and it is 3am, should I go grab some CookOut, or make some soup or something

Only the greatest state in the USA: Tennessee. Where are you at? Going out east to the mountains many times this year so we may see each other again.

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Is that not close enough to fall into the hands of rider skill?

Didn't end well for JFK after saying that, did it?

I'm from Raleigh. Maybe I seen you guys somewhere else around the blue ridge, but I've definitely seen you out before. I'll follow if I ever do again for sure

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You could make that case for most bikes though. There's a lot of technique in drag racing

Please respond

You should eat your own hand

Going back to the dragon on the 8th through the 10th of next month with some self proclaimed fast riders, weather permitting

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I'm going next weekend but I think I'm gonna miss deals gap and instead run a bunch of stuff to the north. 226a etcetc

Maybe a better question would be 'would a ~0.3 second difference in 1/4 mile times between two bikes produce unpredictable results assuming the same rider is testing both?'

REI 1 man tent, cot, light weight camping chair, mini sleeping bag. All fits in my small backpack for now, till I put some form of panniers on the bike,

I made myself some poutine - got any local places? Or can you scrape the components together?

Miss me with that gay shit I'm eating quesadillas, a burger, fries, and tendies from CookOut
You took too long

I'm assuming they're doing multiple runs when testing


What bikes do you fags have in your garage?

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i ate instant noodles and now i have a terrible tummy ache
dont fall for the noodles meme anons

This. Carbs in all forms are the devil

Find these, not the shitty cheapo ones

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Soup my man soup and bread.

Thanks for the hint i'll look for it
usually i just pick the cheapest-meat flavoured one

Instant noodles are for poorfags, you should have eaten some proper food.

Don't talk to me or my son ever again

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Maruchan ramen is great quick snack to have around

Its poison, shitty processes flour and weird flavored dust. I aint eating that shit.

Nothing wrong with some junk food now and again

>400cal a pack

Damn I wish I was a tallboi