Is Mozart's Lacrimosa the greatest single piece of music ever written in history?
Is Mozart's Lacrimosa the greatest single piece of music ever written in history?
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No Bach is the best.
>hey guys, I said ...history...
>that means I have special powers to post literally anything on Veeky Forums despite there already being a specialist board for my interest
Pity this actually works on the fucktarded janny that/his/ seems to have some of the time.
This. Bach is your favorite composer's favorite composer and for good reason.
Veeky Forums is /b/ for pseudo-intellectuals
Even if it's not /mu/ it's still shitposting, user.
Veeky Forums is /b/ for pseuds.
Veeky Forums is /k/ for Veeky Forums.
what the fuck is /k/ for Veeky Forums
But Mozart was also a shitposter.
>no tchaikovsky
I'm insulted to be on the same board.
I'm insulted by your very existence though, irregardless of the fact of you having entry level musical knowledge or not.
it's a meme you dip
The answer is the Tristan and Isolde or the St. Matthew Passion tbph
Real question, no memes. Can someone recommend me anything that sounds like this?
I don't know very much about classical music and I'd like to expand my repertoire because I like it a lot.
Bach is the best in my opinion and Jesu, Bleibet Mein Freude is my favorite piece. I learned to play piano specifically so I could play this song.
No, it's actually either KV. 453 or K. 466
Mozart is the greatest composer to ever live.
Sounds like a halo piece.
Look into Martin O'Donnell's work.
Shut it Wolfgang.
I'm not Mozart, he's dead. I'm just stating the objective fact that he's a master of all genres and styles and a truly profoundly transcendent composer that writes such profoundly proficient music that most do not even realize how complex and innovative it is.
There's no way I could still be alive anyway.
>I'm not Mozart, he's dead.
Stop with this meme.
The entire Requiem UP TO the Lacrimosa is incredible. Everything after that movement was finished by some student of his. But seriously, everything before and up to the Lacrimosa is astonishingly amazing.
The Kyrie is honestly my favorite part.
Not my fault he accused me of being Mozart, it seems like you autistic retards can't get it through your skulls that there's no way I could still be alive.
Veeky Forums
I see clearly what you are doing there, Wolfie!
Look humans just don't live to be that old, if he was still alive, I'd be 260 years old!
Cello Suite 1 is the bee's knees.
wew, what a bunch of old farts, what are you, like 330?
It's time to get with the times gramps
>skip ahead 10 times
>its the same thing each time
I really like Dvorak and Mussorgsky. Brahms, too.
it's not. the differences are rather subtle though, but too bad you're a pleb
>6min piece
>skip ahead
you need some adderall
Not even the best by Mozart but a great piece.
Rhapsody in Blue is literally the best thing ever written, and I will ignore anyone who disagrees.
It changes almost constantly, though.
Shit, how has no one posted about my nigga, Igor Stravinsky?
I'm rather fond of this piece by Thomas Tallis
Needs more airhorns.
Lel mozart only wrote like the first 8 measures of that piece
Who likes Tchaikovsky Marche Slave. It's got a wicked melody to it, and goes up and down and all over the place...Very cool!
Yup, I've got that in my playlist. Give Prokofiev's Dance of the Knights a try.
Beethoven is not only the greatest composer, but the greatest artist that ever lived. His best work may be the 9th.
Cherubini's Requiem in C Minor is fantastic. I feel like it gets hardly any recognition lately.
good taste
This whole Mozart is still alive meme is literally the stupidest, most illogical conspiracy theory there's been since the jews made up the holocaust.
First off, there is literally no way a human could live for that long.
And even if there was, if I would go to the lengths of faking my own death, leaving my poor little Constanze and little Franz and Karl Thomas to fend for themselves and then keeping it hidden for more than 200 years, why would I throw it all away just to shitpost on a Yemenite salmon fishing forum? Scheiße!
Why? Because Herr Mozart was a satanous little devil's spawn that cared for no one but himself and the opinion of sycophants.
If you were alive, it'd be to cultivate Mozart's undeserved fame at the expense of better man and better musicians.
no it's this
My dear signore Salieri, in our interactions I have been nothing but courteous to you.
Your attempts at blocking the performance of my, I mean his music and trashing of german language opera is simply uncouth and rude of you. I feel that you may have developed a personal vendetta simply because you feel threatened by the Kaiser's recognition of my genius. Though my dear signore, there was never any need to worry, after all there can only be one Mozart, just the same as there can only be one Salieri.
I'm not such a fan of that one desu.
It irritates me, but it's hard to say why..
I guess its been memified by capitalists on adverts n shit.
What ads? I'm curious about who would use that piece for advertising and why.
Do you dislike Holsts' "The Planets" too? Or Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture?
Shout out also to the start of the Requiem, hype as fuck
Nah I love the planets. The meme one is Mars, but they have lots of different movements for the other planets.
The overture is overplayed, nor is it easy listening. I personally need to be in the mood to hear that one.
What about you?
Yesss Big up Requiem.
I really really like the bits in Morning Mood when the strings go low or whatever the technical term is. Proper chills.
Like in this bit
Listening to Edward Grieg's concerto in A minor op.16 right now.
A friend turned me on to some of Shostakovich's work too.
Heisoku no Kakudai's opening is good too.
It's off Neon Genesis Evangelion's OST.
"Both of you, dance like you want to win" always gets me going.
What else...this isn't really classical, but Credens Justinian is really interesting to me. Uses a made up blend of Japanese, Italian, and Latin called "Kajiurago".
Yuki Kajiura, the singer and language maker, wanted a language that simply sounded nice to sing.
>be a butcher.
>also delivering meat 2 days per week in schools/barracks in rural areas of south/central europa with truck
>last week
>start at 3 am
>charge the truck
>cold as fuck
>splendid night full of stars plus moonlight
>perfect silence
> 4am, turn on the truck
>this starts to play at the radio
>also, full bach till 9 am
Sometimes everything goes better than I expect
Nothing like a blanket of stars to remind you of the vast expansion of the universe. Really cool and serene!