Auto Sticker General #344

Auto Sticker General #344
Will PH Ever Be Gone Edition

Previous thread: >List of Vendors and Social Media

>/osg/ FAQ

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers

>Currently looking for:
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, Veeky Forums club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Will PH ever be gone.
As much as we wish he would just go and stay go user, he just keeps coming back because he has nobody else to brag to (even though his sales numbers are still shit, kek).

Holy hell my car is the OP. Thanks so much user, you made my day.

so vendors, what's your best selling slap?

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Chad, of course.

None, because the only slap I actually distributed myself I gave out for free.
If I included my designs other vendors are selling, probably Dangerous When Wet.

Can you heatgun vinyl stickers to fit better on a non flat surface?

Can I say if all I did was design one. Even if it was kinda terrible.

No idea, but it's a novel idea. You should try it and return with results.

Does it get hot where you live? If so then it might form back to its original shape if it does. Try your best to cold stretch it as best you can.

Does the dude who runs nightfury usually take a long time to ship??

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How2make slaps? I've got some ideas for some premium motorcycle slappies

the color of the purple striping has absolutely no contrast against the purple blanket

also there's obviously the fact that it has JPEG artifacts everywhere. if you truly are going to vector it though then whatever.

I actually kinda like the idea and the text. space the text out across the overall slap so it's not all sitting in one corner. balance is key here, your eye should be drawn towards the middle not one side or the other.

tohru, still, unfortunately.

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Crippling depression, alcoholism, and a pirated copy of Photoshop CS4 is a good start.

the key to being a truly great artist.

Mt. Fuji Slap.

W2C more alcoholism and anime slaps?

Why not CS6

Is it safe to send your paypal transaction id to a vendor? I'm about to write them an email to try and see where my stickers are that I ordered 3 months ago. Sorry if it seems like a dumb question I've just never had to do this before

Yes, make sure to attach an image of your butthole as well or else they'll take another 3 months

Just send them your order number. They can find they that way.

Oh ok, I'll do that instead thanks

You should take that shit off your ep3 it makes it look even more shit

I'm waiting for the day this shitbox snaps me into a tree

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thanks township you mad lad, didn't think you'd end up printing my seinfeld shitpost

also reminder that we've had a small restock on cirno wings among other things

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I can't think of any clever alcohol slaps that aren't "Who?" characters.

Also, a moment of silence for the Jameson and Glenlivett that was poured down my toilet when the dorm RAs harassed my roommate while I was getting Taco Bell.

You will be missed.

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I'll never complete this set.

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I forgot I ordered this.
Thanks for the meme.

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No problem. Nice rubberdomes :^)

when will be back?

Tonight, hopefully but more realistically tomorrow.

I have well over 100+ unfulfilled orders from preorders, I need to triple check stocks and make sure my inventory is correct before I open up and accidentally oversell shit.

>make two stickers people want
>don't put them for sale
Why does township do this shit

a certain twelve year old rode his ass about using the font on posers club

my hidden slap got more interest than my release. baka

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I have photochop, where do ya'll get them printed? :3

ok, i am a Veeky Forums noob stumbled across a decal thread and found the wat-tech-inspection decal and thought it was funny so i ordered one.

I still don't understand the WAT racing meme tho i will have to lurk moar.

It doesn't really get brought up much anymore so I'll save you the hassle. WAT stands for WAT Automotive Technology. It's a recursive acronym.

So is it based off the WAT meme or is it poking fun at Veeky Forums driving old shitty cars with AM/FM cassette deck radios?

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>Jameson and Glenlivett that was poured down my toilet

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it's where whisky belongs

I bet even fireball is wasted on you.

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Do stickers get printed on inkjet or laser?

You stop that.
Cheap beer and expensive scotch.

The worst part of it all is the only bottle they didn't notice was the Evan Williams.

>all this trash I'll never drink
If I could donate to you guys I would

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I may actually buy a fistful off you before I go back to japan and give them out for free at the meets I visit. Ive got three left right now, one of each color, but I'll probably go big on the regular blue since that's the most popular one. Going to stickerbomb the fuck out of my rental's windows too, so I'll need to start buying shop name die cuts at some point in the future.

There's no whiskey and Scotch collection in my apartment because my roommate and I can finish a bottle in 2 episodes. I have half a bottle of toki right now though.

got my VIP stars order and forgot to post it

Thanks famalam

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I'd accept. The liver is evil and must be punished.

modest kek

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gib plz

>poking fun at Veeky Forums driving old shitty cars with AM/FM cassette deck radios?
It's a joke on WAT standing for Wat Automotive Technology.

If you're in the Phoenix area I'll give you a cock hat for the platnium label and the talisker.

Store is open now with updated products. Big Bill Hell's is up, the preorders are there too.

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>monoeye gundam

You must be a fucking riot at parties.

If anyone has photos of my sticks on their they'd like to send me I'll give them a super awesome Discount code.

also saturday the st. paddies discount UNLUCKY ends so jump on that discounts dick and ride it like a disco ball.

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Just got my order, thanks man.

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glad you appreciate my dude. can i room at your place next winter?

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i've bought two of them and both peeled in less than a week, could be people replacing them waifu
four eyes has a hentai and Hennessy sticker

maybe, if I can find my own place by then.

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Hey I'm not the one putting weeb shit stickers on my civic

Thanks for the Chad peek Zoku. I'll upload pics when I stick it on my virgin scoot.

No problem. Be careful not to drown in all the pussy it attracts.

do peeks need to be in a peeking position? Is it blasphemous to stick them in the middle of a plane?

yes. dont stick them just in the middle of a window, it'll look dumb

Thinking of putting it on the leg guard. So upper left of the white part if your looking at it directly.

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Still waiting on my hoon key tag from fucking february 14th. I know it was a pre order but lots have gotten already. Any news?

I didn't think I was your first purchase on these. Thanks brĂ¼der, I'm glad I'm not the only one with bad handwriting by the way.

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>Buying from Hoon.
There's your problem user.
If you really don't want to wait, chargeback using PayPal.
The guy deserves it anyway, kek.


I don't mind waiting I just wanted to know what was up, I just saw he can't even send resends now. I guess I have no choice but to wait it out..

Dye sublimation.

>Any news?
hoon is b&. go ask him on his instagram or something.

my blessed be thy ride sticker finally made its way on the op, naisu

you got scammed my man.

It's looking sexy. Needs more memes though

I put a new sticker on my car and it's off-center with the rest by about half an inch and it's not coming off what do I do?

put on more stickers to cover it up

Use a razor blade to wedge between the glass and your waifu sticker. But be slow and careful, you don't want to scratch your glass.

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As long as it's on the edge of something it should look fine

Who makes the no slip grip club stickers?

Why can't see do any resends? Is it because he blew all his money on a terrible car investment?

W2C Seinfeld.

Oh boy here i go shilling again.

New stock added to the store!
As always use code GWNOSG gor 10% off on your purchase.

Limited stock so when its gone its gone.

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He under ordered apparently. Also stole someone's picture from here, I bet without permission.

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>i've ordered 1000 pc
im sure
>ohhhh boo hoo i sell sooooo much
this is the kind of insufferable humblebrag bullshit that makes people want to punch you in the face.

if he really knew how to run a business he wouldn't 'oversell' at all. how fucking difficult is it to order as many as you have pre-orders + a buffer, and sell only as many as you have - a buffer?

Hoon went to college for business. Hes one step behind the retards that go for art degrees.

shout out to the shops with fast shipping

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you mean he's an underclassman finance degree
that'd be like "hey guys P=NP because i said so i went to college for computational mathematics"

apparently he hasn't taken the courses on economics yet because he still doesnt seem to truly understand the concept of a lease yet entirely

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Thanks Waifu.

I tried...

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Technically inkjet, but not something like a desktop printer. From what I understand, to print on vinyl, a solvent must be used to break down the material and then ink is injected and another solution sets the ink. I think it also needs heat during the process.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but that's my basic understanding and why the printers and ink are so prohibitively expensive.

showing Target some love here... local pride is good, guys! They are a company that is based in my state

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It's called dye sublimation. The actual mechanics of the printing are the same (ink is deposited via pressure jet [hence inkjet]) but like you said a solvent is used to 'open up' the material and then after the curing process the ink is practically a part of the vinyl. It's the same process used to create high-quality keyboard keycaps. The actual printers/printhead/inkjets themselves are way way higher quality/resolution than in a household inkjet printer, though.

Is that hail Satan a font or handwritten?

nothing to awoo at here

R8 my window, lads.

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Shit. This is what I was thinking. There's peek appropriate placements in the other parts but I wanted it on the front of the bike.

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Looks like that's the way the cookie will crumble.

Might be a little biased