How many more car manufacturers need to be found cheating emissions tests before governments admit that their tests are utterly meaningless and legislation is ruining car performance?

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rip supra

You're not going to be able to own assault cars anymore, it's 2018!

Deal with it.

>companies cheat laws
You can go back to gas chamber tier emissions in your own shithole of a country for all I care, but not in my country and on my watch.

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kys faggot

Exactly this.

>los Angeles is an overpopulated shithole
>this should somehow affect me and the cars I buy in my small country

The problem is that this stupid legislation detriments everyone else all over the world.

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is that the successor to Bailey Jay?

Muh dick

nah they didn’t find anything.
bmw is legit unlike VW

>German police raid private offices.

It's getting a bit cliche now, Germany.

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God dammit does she have a penis?

I hate that I even have to ask this

What do you think?

>implying raiding offices isn't commonplace around the globe for serious business infractions

Sue Lightning btw



Any turbo car is cheating but at least a petrol turbo car are just going to be costlier at the pump and kill some polar bears

Please explain further.

he's spouting boomer nonsense. just cause a woman has her thighs close together doesn't mean she's concealing a meat torpedo.

Look at how she holds her legs together.


>caring more about car performance than being able to breathe
nigga you might be taking this shit a bit too far

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>implying the EU won't harass the manufactures until they're under such a legal burden they have to go full electric
>implying that isn't what's happening right now
Fourth Reich.

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I'd still dick Bailey. Even if she is thicc now.

Bailey is finally getting to where she should have been body wise like 8 years ago.

I would raid her orifices, if you know what i mean

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They didn't find anything though.
Wasn't BMW like the only German manufacturer not caught of emissions cheating because their cars are rated at higher emission levels than others or some shit?

This. And you can make a car only so efficient every year. Today's vehicles are a fuck ton more efficient than ones 50 years ago. If you give the engineers time, shit will be efficient in the end anyway. What's the damn rush?

But nope, that's not good enough says the libshits making all these unrealistic legislations and deadlines. They don't have and never will have an understanding of engineering because they are low IQ retards that are only good at screaming bullshit.

Basically, diesel a shit. Europe pushed it hard because their polticians were retards that glossed over all the scientific literature regarding climate change and thought carbon dioxide = a greenhouse gas = bad = we need to do as much as possible (without hurting profits for the businesses who support us - preferably increasing them) to reduce carbon dioxide.

The end result is a system established on constantly reducing carbon dioxide emissions in a way that incentivizes the purchase of new cars.

Little did they know, diesel burns dirty.

Trannies have a variety of poses they use to look more female. Knees knocked together to widen the hips, waist bent into whatever they're laying into to make it look narrower and the hips even wider, back arched to make the butt stick out. And then the dick tucking. Normal slutty women love to show off their thigh gap. Trannies try to hide their dick, also because having their thighs close together is part of the knock-kneed leg position that makes their hips look feminine.

Trannies are things that look okay in photos and like gay men in person

Who is that semen demon

>defending california emissions, a legistate made to sell more new cars and nothing more

What happened to the freedoms of america you keep parroting, could it be you live in a totalitarian shithole where nothing fun but muh gm is allowed

Diesel should be reserved for people/industries that need it like semi trucks pulling 50,000 pounds worth of cargo. Your average citizen getting in his car and going to work doesn't need that much power.

And yes, the carbon dioxide debate. Those leftists are killing the planet with their ways and don't even realize it. If you lower CO2 to hell, the plants are gonna die and we're all fucked. Then they will still blame us for polluting the planet.

It's not so much what they're lowering, it's what they're not giving a fuck about

>passenger car emissions
Eh, cap and trade. As long as you guys try!
>overseas shipping
Hey, it's not our air. That's how air works right? Also, the boat guys told us they were all starving third worlders who couldn't afford anything cleaner than bunker fuel. And they gave us this chart that says they produce very little Co2 per tonne moved...they're saving the planet! *coughs from breathing sulfuric smog*
>air freight and passenger flights
Also pretty sure we don't breathe that air so it's totally okay. They gave us a similar chart about Co2. Co2 is bad, okay? *brushes lead off shoulder*

And do not get me or anyone who gives a damn started on mining.

Like the oil sands that make your shitty plastic dash.
Or the massive strip mines that your tie rod ends, body panels, etc came out of.

>the culture of cars is destroying the planet... with Co2!
>producing new cars is the solution.
>*bulldozes natural landscape, digs mile deep hole, promises to clean up pools of toxic sludge, "accidentally" has them leak into the ground*

>How many more car manufacturers need to be found cheating emissions tests before governments admit that their tests are utterly meaningless and legislation is ruining car performance?
emissions are dogshit tho

Car makers love this eco shit because it makes people buy new cars when their old ones are still perfectly fine:
>Switch to modern government certified clean diesel
Yeah no, our tests were bullshit. Actually those diesels are still not clean enough. Buy a new car!
>Switch from diesel to petrol
Sorry, just found out petrol is not clean enough. Buy a new car!
>Switch to hybrid
Sorry, it just occurred to us that is still basically petrol. Buy a new car!
>Switch to EV
Sorry, just noticing those batteries are a bitch to recycle. Buy a new car!
>Switch to hydrogen
Sorry, your car does not conform with the latest autonomous driving protocol anymore
Buy a new car!
Buy a new car!

Well, it stands at, VW, Ford, GM, Jeep, Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi.

>I'm sorry, I thought this was AMERICA

Nobody would care if you only polluted your own ass. But since it effects everyone and manufacturers won't do it on their own (as evidenced by the fact they fucking didn't until the government made them), Big Daddy Fed and Big Uncle California have to step in and force them.

>If you lower CO2 to hell, the plants are gonna die
NOx is plant food too (look up Nitrogen cycle). Fortunately, lightning produces far more NOx than humans could ever hope to.

NOx as an emissions issue was invented by California anti muscle car groups to kill off high compression engines.

What's the guys name?
Steve or Henry?

Can't we just stop pretending as if there are non-cheating companies?
>hurr muh confessions muh raids

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>lightning produces nitrogen, heard it on alex jones
>NOx emissions are a plot by anti musssle car gommiefornians
>they tryna take our cars but also sell more of them so they can also take those

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Yeah except NOx actually reacts with water to nitric acid and similar compounds. Nitric acid causes, when inhaled, a reflex that has asthmatic symptoms.
I also wish some feelgood group would start sperging about ethanol in fuel that, before fermentation, could've been used to feed african kids. That way we could stop the 5-10% ethanol in fuel meme. The subsidized money could then be poured into synfuel research

till white collars start facing serious time in a real prison, abuse of financial and environmental regulatory law will continue to continue.
and im talking about real prison, not that pussyass yuro hotel style prison system.

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specimen that produces her own semen

itt. Autistic car guys spew literal garbage and ignorance about emissions

Muh performance

Yeah it's cool to hate things that actively keep our air clean, that's some real pussy environmentalist shit

Guess I should stick with japanese cars like I have been then? Who would have guessed?

emissions don't matter for enthusiast cars, but they do for the everyday driver

enthusiast cars are sold in such a low quantity that they should be exempt from emissions requirements

They effectively are. You think a Ferrari or a Corvette (just as an example) has problems with a restrictive emissions system? Fuck no, they have the money to put high-flows on. Emissions are only restrictive when they're cheap.

Fucking this. Grey cost of a car is enormous compared to the small savings that can be made by using modern engine tech.

Basically the best car in terms of emissions is the one that never gets replaced and always repaired and kept in good condition. 80s and 90s jap ecoboxes kept alive perpetually is better than replacing the car every 5 years.

This guy fucks