I put too much oil in my Subaru and on the highway my gas pedal lost throttle (but not pressure)

I put too much oil in my Subaru and on the highway my gas pedal lost throttle (but not pressure).

There was smoke but my engine still able to turn on but would turn off shortly.

Do you think I have a blown engine or a gasket/seal issue?

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Headgasket time

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Well I'll take a head gasket over a blown engine any day. Would removing the oil and refilling the right amount allow the car to run? Just looking to sell it off.


Soy or oyster

I really, really really like this picture

Probably a blown head gasket. Honestly, over filling the oil most likely has nothing to do with it and is just a coincidence. Subaru engines aren't known for having issues, even with extensive over filling.

If you're attempting to hide the fact that the car has a blown head gasket to sell it off to someone and make it someone else's problem, you're literally scum and don't deserve to be alive.
Also, you can't fucking hide a blown head gasket. Anyone who knows anything about cars at all is going to notice the car isn't running right and it's blowing smoke.

check the radiator cap for oil in the coolant. if so, head gasket babyyy. just got done fixing my car for the same issue today.

I just put a piece of paper towel into my coolant and it came out full blue. Do you think the seal is good but it just leaked because of pressure somehow or do you think there's a crack in the actual engine block?

not really sure, if its the seal then i dont think it could leak and then just be fine. If its the engine block that fucking sucks and im not sure what to do about it. if you are concerned about the seal then i would drain the radiator and see what comes out. if you see oil, then its most likely the seal. also, the oil will look like greyish sludge. if the coolant looks fine when you drain it then RIP 15$ to buy more coolant but at least you can scratch that off your list.

The oil did look like greyish sludge I didn't know if it was because it was sitting or if the new oil I put in might have mixed with any residual oil from before the incident.

It's a headgasket

if the oil is the grey sludge then its mixing with the coolant and its most likely head gasket. Its a pain in the ass but its fixable.

as a side note, is it an impreza? ive heard before that some of the early 2000s imprezas got a factory recall for head gaskets. If thats true you should hit them up for that.

It's a 2011 forester. Just hit 188k km


If I got a head gasket sealer can I drive my car far enough to get my oil changed?


I used a 10ml syringe and extracted some coolant from the radiator but didn't see any oil mixed into the coolant. My coolant was low when I checked the reservoir.

Would my car have lost throttle due to overheating from the thermostat or could it be something else?

Bumping for advice

Brrrrrap bump

Do you mind if I borrow this sequence of posts to collect (You)s in the future?

So I could give you advice, but you asked if you could hide a headgasket failure in order to dump it on someone else. You can go fuck yourself.

This is kind of funny for me, because I know what probably went wrong. Hope you sleep well tonight. Douchebag.

You probably just fouled the plugs. Look at them first before you go condemn the head gasket.

From your response I can deduce its not a head gasket issue.

From my research I've realized it's a small issue

Tomorrow it'll be fixed =)

lol poobaru


Check the coolant and look for oil

I checked the coolant. No oil in it.

You need to recalibrate your oil pressure sensor. It is messing with your ECU.

Unscrew it from the engine, cover it with plastic wrap, and then drive the car for a few miles. You can then screw it back in. This should solve your problem.


This is a joke right lol


overfilling engine oil doesnt really add pressure. what happens is the oil can foam at the crank from being overfilled and then you get air pockets in the bearing to crankshaft/bearing to camshaft surfaces and get dry running which causes scratching and scuffing

how much over full? half a litre or less in an engine that takes 4L+ of oil isnt a big deal usually. just drain it

Drain some oil and post it you stupid fucking dumbass.

Why are you fucking retards so fucking stupid and ask for help and don’t provide anything other than andecdotal information?
>inb4 bait thread
This goes to everyone on Veeky Forums

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Sauce on this pic tho

that much ass on an asian girl should be illegal

Mhmmm panties

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It was an obvious troll. Driving with that sensor removed would cause all the oil to spray out.

It would solve the issue, but it would also create a mess and possibly seize the engine.

>not posting the whole set

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>that poo poo stain
Muh dick

You sound like a cunt

You did not even say what Subaru you have.

I'm guessing something with a turbo.

Your turbo is fucked mate.

Good luck

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I'm not OP, and you can tell because I deliver.

>This is the only way she knows how to take photos
Is it autism, guys?

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>headline: asian posting gains traction on local automotive board

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All yours my friend.

check engine light on? could be in “limp mode” to prevent destroying itself. try disconnecting the battery and pumping the brake a few times to reset the ecu

my soybaru timing belt jump 2 teeth and engine was weak af till they figured what was wrong. luckily didn’t hit the valves

thanks lori

sauce me on thw spagett

>Just looking to sell it off.

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Depends on how it blew. If it blew between an oil and coolant jacket, you really can't hide that. But mine blew right under the exhaust valves to a coolant jacket, so it was pushing a bit of exhaust gas through the cooling system. The only symptom was after an extended drive (20+ miles or so) the temperature gauge would start to creep up from exhaust replacing the coolant in the engine, and the coolant all being in the now tippy toppy full overflow tank. Even a good mechanic might not have noticed on a short test drive.

Blue coolant eh...?

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That makes it even better.

>tfw put too much oil in my Ford ranger
>driving couple days later
>zero oil pressure

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>this thread

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So I literally just put too much oil. The pressure was released from the filter which caused the oil to spew everywhere. The spilled oil and the heat of my engine made me believe it was the head gasket. Gasket is fine.

What isn't ok is that eventho my engine runs. There's a LOUD knocking sound coming from the engine. The once quiet knock is 10x louder and if I press on the gas I can practically hear chunks of metal banging into things in my cylinder heads.

So although my car is driveable its unbareably loud and will most likely break on me.

I'm going to swap the whole engine out. I'm due for a timing belt/water pump/spark plug and tranny (original pic isnt a trap tsk tsk) oil. It'll run me 2900 for the engine swap and all liquids filled

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Thanks for the help tho guys. Sauce is kuroda mayuka

I want to breath in those sushi braps

It'll be aight


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