Who the fuck wants a 30+ min car review?

Who the fuck wants a 30+ min car review?

does this literal autist can not make a compelling 10-12 min video?

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>Who the fuck wants a 30+ min car review?
Someone who's actually interested in learning about the car

>it has 10 cup holders!
>wow what a nice badge look!

>30+ min
>27 minutes 47 seconds

Are you retarded?

Read the brochure.

i never watch that dudes content, but decided to give said video a try ‘cause BMW. it was not that bad.

But I said I want to learn about the car, not read promotional faff.

his videos on old supercars are most interesting

Then a Doug Demuro video isn't for you.

It's hard to define what's going to be compelling to people- for example, this is only 8 minutes, but to someone who doesn't like old Mopar, they'll be bored very fast. To someone who enjoys fixing and restoring old cars, it'll be very interesting even though I don't actually begin any work in the first episode. To someone who is sort of interested in fixing cars and making them run, but only in general, they'll probably be bored.
What do you think? Did I do okay for my first time?



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My friend has an old Audi that has sat for a decade and we are considering maybe trying to get it up as well, so you are right, I did find it interesting.

It's called going in depth. Sorry your ADHD can't handle it.

check tires, even if they are intact they probably aren't safe for road use anymore (dry rot)
check all hoses that carry fluids
check wiring in case mice ate it
replace battery or have it fixed if you know how or know someone who can (normal batteries are very repairable)
drain oil and replace
uhhh not sure what else you would need to do.
i do suggest you document it with video just because why not

Nah, nah, don't worry, we know what do to.
The guy lifted up his current Daily last Summer, I am lifting up a car with my Dad and the friends who are interested are car guys too.
We checked the car out, basically needs all the things you said plus going over the interior.
Its just interesting to see the parallels, like as you mentioned about the engine bay.
I thought the Extra space was to fit an V8 in the Audi, but even then there is room to move about

Ah okay I'm glad you liked it. Isn't it nice to find a car that gives you room to work?
Don't tell anyone but I'm going to buy a 1GZ-FE JDM motor and put it in the Duster. It's a V12 made by toyota, what could go wrong...

Nice, good luck with that. And yes, the room is refreshing to have.
It helps also that it is an older Audi with a normal engine layout.
Hopefully we go through with it and we have a fun summer

>Watch one Doug video
>nothing but Doug video suggestions ever since
It's been two fucking months

don't worry! after i find him and eat his organs and absorb his powers, you will only see my video suggestions

>new doug video
>new savagegeese video
Today is a good day to be a car guy

Fucking this. Also I keep seeing that cunt with a pizza delivery car literally making the soy face in my recommended videos and I've never even clicked on one.

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When I had my part-time job during college I drove practically every car that was available. Ofcourse, the handling was always nice to experience on cars you haven't driven before, but what gave me pleasure in a job was finding out the "quirks" of a car.

It could be anything, from Volvo's insane city colission system that made you headbutt the steering wheel at every barrier to the iconic Saab cupholders.

You are not really gonna transfer the feeling of driving the car through a video, why not make it interesting with all the weird stuff that the car has implemented?

>faggot can't handle KINO quirks

didn't watch the video cuz no interest but still liked and shared to social media because I gotta support my br/o/thers

>2017: jalopnik is sending shills here to promote Doug
>2018: we fight back by building up our own group of auto youtubers who carjack their market share and lead the word into a golden age of vehicle knowledge

>what is rounding
Did you even go to school you literal retard

I like it. Only millennials who lack attention span hate long videos.

Hah, you'd love Savagegeese

>Looking to spend $180,000 on a car
>No interested in it enough to spend 30 minutes watching a video about it.

I dunno seems reasonable.

That's not rounding.

>You round 27:42 up to more than 30

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Great, now explain why you bitched about >30

Yes it is

No it's not, it's fucking retarded. You purposefully misled the reader by inflating the numbers.

Somebody willing to put down 180K would want to know what they're getting, busrider.

lol what? 27.47 rounds up to 30 not fucking 30+
and you're calling that guy a retard?

Because worthy cars earn their respect. Still waiting from McLaren F1 though.

doug decomfy = Jay Leno > everyone else

What's with all this Doug bashing lately? He does a good job introducing the car and giving you a general idea of what it can do. Doug isn't a car specialist nor is he a mechanic. Sometimes I swear you guys except too much from him. As far as interesting car reviewers go, Doug is the best.

they think doug is paying people to post doug videos on here

Costs $340k dollarydoos cunts

What the fuck ?



$455k Dollarydoos

>implying jalopnik isn't

I'm not OP you tard. And you weren't talking about 30+, you were talking about 30

Read both our posts again, but very carefully this time.


>Who the fuck wants a 30+ min car review?
I do.

You watch if you like or else go watch something else.

stop replying to bait you autists

Hoovie > Doug anyway

>being this autistic

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You forgot the part where he specified 30, not 30+

sorry i was taking about 30+ as was everyone else you fucking tard

this user is 2 subscribers away from 100, let's make it happen

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sorry, didn't get the offroad lawnmower started in time to shoot video (darkness fell) but i DID find my piss trap!

helpful hint Veeky Forums: fill your unused gas or diesel cans with piss, and float a little bit of fuel on top. then you can store them outside without fear!

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Honestly, Doug lost me once his videos got past 15 minutes and he started with that gay DougScore shit. I liked watching his videos but I ain't got time fo dat, which is 25-35 mins vids.

I showed my German wife his review about the Trabant and she thought he was obnoxious as hell.

>doug demuro shuffle
Holy fuck my sides

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They get paid more the longer people watch. If you haven't noticed, he has also started talking slower ever since this was implemented.


fuck that shit my goal is to keep all my videos under 5 minutes in the future, if you need more time than that then just write a fucking article and include the link