> News - Flight has won the Flight vs. Invisibility Splatfest! - The Forge Splattershot Pro, the first weapon with the Bubble Blower Special, has been released! - Update to v1.3.0 will be on Friday, September 8th! Content yet to be revealed.
>no triples on brand influenced gear >no triples on ability drink-boosted gear >you will never get a natural triple What are the best and worst gear to use Ability Drinks on? I'm still stuck with 1 slot gear in the mean time.
Ayden Jackson
i like you
Nicholas Rodriguez
guys what time is a good bed time for woomies
Easton Green
reminder that this is NOT your special safe place for OCs and roleplaying
Aaron Bell
Henry Powell
Everyone post your woomies! Cutest one wins!
Fuck off
Zachary Moore
11:42pm EST
Jaxon Carter
Finally, I was starting to think you didn't like this game anymore
Julian Parker
I do__ like you
Landon Gomez
Liam Thompson
>he is still mad and STILL posting about this
Jeremiah Phillips
I fucking hate this game
Sebastian Brown
Dylan Rodriguez
YOU fuck off. And you too while I'm at it.
Noah Lee
what is the appropriate response to this?
Caleb Roberts
Jack Moore
I don't think Special Woomy would like hearing you use mean words like that
Luis James
How do drink tickets work in Salmon Run? I seem to get the same 4 every time
Nicholas Hughes
>he STILL thinks it's one person
Evan Long
It's up to chance on what you get.
Justin Ortiz
Don't post my woomy
Brody Brown
Time to get those run speed chunks.
Gavin Wood
It's fucking time we purge all these stupid OC's. Drawfags catered too much.
Ayden Moore
Brody Harris
>decided to check how many Ink Resist drinks I have so that we could trade >turns out I have none also And all I've pretty much been using is Ink Saver Main.
Jaxson Nguyen
We know its still you faggot.
You even outed yourself with this shitty post. Cry more.
Ethan Bell
>all capsules have a 50% to give you gold t-thanks Mr Grizz
Landon Johnson
relief because now you have no good reason to have to wear those unfresh as fuck things
Tyler Smith
So apparently dataminers found some unused text for Spyke to sell microtransactions in Splatoon 2:
"Now who're you, then? You a cop? Nah, you're too fresh to be a cop. But you know what would make you EVEN fresher? The ability to dab in-game. That's where 'ol Spyke comes in. You give me $0.99 of your parent's money, and I'll let you dab in-game 100 times. Press Left on the D-pad to dab with your left arm, or press Right on the D-pad to dab with your right arm. - Spyke when first talking to a player above Level 4
>"Wot's this rubbish, then? You can't pay for any dabs if you're offline. Get on the Internet if you want me to take you seriously, mate!" -Spyke when the player is not connected to the internet.
>"YOU WOT, MATE?!" - Spyke when the player does not have enough money to pay for 100 dabs.
"S'all yours love." - Spyke after you pay to dab 100 times in game for $0.99.
Jack Cooper
Never let it be said that he doesn't pay you.
Noah Thompson
>unfresh as fuck things delete this!
Sebastian Price
>not just saving up 30 chunks and fill the last slot instead of wasting time grinding it all over again to be disappointed yet again Did you forget how rolling with Spyke was like?
Gabriel Morris
you can trade drinks??
Thomas King
Don't reply to retarded samefag boogeyman posters.
Grayson Rogers
Tyler Wood
no point in dabbing unless I also get a noid costume along with it
Dylan Mitchell
Well guys, it was a nice SR. We have a mandatory evacuation where I live right now, so it's been nice. See you guys in a few!
Luke Ramirez
Whatever you wanna believe my dude
Robert Phillips
I'm pretty sure thats what he meant senpai
Cooper Price
Sell Chunks as my nintendo rewards.
Nathaniel Hughes
That's what I meant. I didn't mean scrub/ reroll for perfect, I meant to get the 30 chunks needed for the last slot.
Jose Martin
>blue capsule >it's clearly purple ???
Isaiah Carter
I never liked most of the jackets since they make squids look fat.
Logan Ward
why the goddamn FUCK do we not get to have singleplayer sparkly ink in multiplayer?
Aaron Flores
You should go to an eye doctor
Oliver Parker
It's just one faggot trying to force the samefag meme, he should really take a trip so we can filter his garbage posts
Blake Diaz
Naw, I'm just shitposting. Would be cool though.
Christian Bell
>Someone took the time to write all of this out You got a good chuckle out of me, good job
Gabriel Gray
>when you rage at your team so hard in rainmaker that you somehow win by 2 points in the end
Blake Clark
I have to agree with the guy that it's purple. The only blue part is the area near the center.
Hudson Jackson
>sandal >run faster
Gabriel Nelson
love you all youre mean
Michael Russell
>This assblasted /v/irgin is still posting why are you even here?
Ian Cruz
you need to be fast
Adrian Turner
>retard who roleplays about slut woomy >calls others virgins
Samuel Barnes
I suspect the discords don't like him neither, so he is stuck here.
Reminder that the old squinobi are unfresh. Gramps and co. need to make like trees and leaf.
Ryder Myers
>still this mad >still replying about this >mentioning slut woomy out of nowhere even though she hasn't been talked about in literal days
Did she cuck you or something? Why so mad? (^:
Matthew Sullivan
>drink trading >"I"ll give you 500 cold-blooded drinks for 1 of your ink resistance"
Landon Murphy
Guys my woomy is sick what should I do
Connor Watson
Hell I'll fuckin do that. That's 500 more 1.5x modifiers for the next Splatfest Tee, which is proportionally Ink Resistance Up anyway.
Liam Butler
Adrian Davis
Ill sell you medicine for two ink saver main drinks.
Jeremiah Watson
Sebastian Flores
how do I get my woomy to lose weight?
Ian Smith
Stay safe, user
Xavier Cox
good try
Christian Bailey
Oh, neat.
Angel Nelson
>samefags for days crying about how people are enjoying their squids >accuses others of samefagging
lol, nobody wants to hear you piss and moan about this,just give up already
Christopher Collins
If repeatedly replying to mock someone makes them angry, then you are the angriest squid in the thread. Practice what you preach, you're not staying fresh right now.
Jaxson Scott
Core is blue, outside "surface" is purple.
Aiden Gray
>purple BTFO blue >blues suddenly gain votes out of nowhere >mfw bluefag botting votes and desperately getting his friends to spamvote blue
Jordan Green
I have time to draw a couple of woomies, post them
Ryan Wood
Insult her and call her fat everyday.
Grayson Russell
Anyone still need to do some Salmon Runs? Freelancing has been pulling teeth since this is Moron Bay.
Then the one competent team I had featured a quad crew wipe on the elevator because of a perfect Stinger cross stream
Angel Taylor
Austin Hughes
Is this shit seriously just wallpapers or do you ever get gear from it?
Jeremiah Sanchez
Hey I made one single shitpost back at him, he's the one melting down over nothing
I have no interest in replying to him again anyways
Michael Perez
this angry, judgemental fucker
Alexander Wright
>things that never happened: the post
Carson Peterson
I'm up for it
Jack Taylor
Ian Gonzalez
Jason Bell
Xavier Edwards
Guys my woomy is gay what do I do
Jayden Ortiz
>actually bothering to phonepost to avoid post timer Pretty fucking pathetic. Just stop already, you're an embarrassment.
Parker Howard
Gib him the succ
Austin Nelson
take away her clothes and throw her into the middle of a Salmon Run
Zachary Thompson
Kill it
Ayden Morris
Room is up
Carter Sanders
I just copied some of Spyke's quotes from Splatoon 1 and replaced buying gear with buying dabs
Alexander Bell
Hudson Edwards
Ryder Rodriguez
shirts came in today The design is a little big for my taste but they look good, fit good, and feel good