>First they came for the guns, and I said nothing, because I was not a /k/ommando
First they came for the guns, and I said nothing, because I was not a /k/ommando
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here we go.
>wasting your time reading buzzfeed
We've already had plenty of threads on this.
I don't care if their ban both of them tbqh
Ban cities.
post more of that car
>6,000 Americans were killed by cars while walking city streets last year
only 6k . good job america
honestly if were gonna worry about such low numbers we might as well ban cows for killing 22 people each year
>Opinion article from buzzfeed
He post pics of it in multiple threads everyday. It gets really old after a few years.
I mean, sure. If you coupled it with usable public transportation that would make a lot of sense and free up a lot of space to get rid of roads in major cities with high enough densities to handle it. One of the biggest problems with american infrastructure in general is urban sprawl, affecting everything from the price of food to the disillusion of the middle class.
after /b/ and /pol/ created a story and got buzzfeed to publish it, I don't think that they have any audience left other than far left nutjobs.
>tfw your car has thirty magazine clips AND the shoulder thing that goes up
they actually do this in city centres in some european cities (only on certain days of the week) and it works pretty well
t. went there
Ive only had the car for a year user
Ban everything in the cities, including being white. Then just wall them off and let the shitskins live out the apocalypse scenario they so desire.
They're trying to do this bullshit at my college. They want to make it a "walking campus" like some fruity east coast old money school but we're on an old military base in CA. This place was built for vehicles and closing all the interior roads and making people walk to far away parking lots in the ass end of nowhere in sand dunes and oaks and shrubs is only going to make our already huge girls-getting-raped-on-dark-paths problem even fucking worse.
to be fair, European cities were not designed for cars and thus having cars in them can create some major congestion.
American cities were designed for cars (one can argue that the very cities themselves were designed around the road layout). This makes banning cars in cities not only unnecessary but would also render decades of city planning moot just to satisfy some leftwing minority screechy bitches
>girls get raped on his fucking school
>thinks he can make fun of rapefugees
its like the left is incapable of thinking their ideas all the way to the logical conclusion and then they cry when the inevitable happens.
>"it's the lefty boogeyman!!"
yet funnily enough both types of cities can be badly congested even though only one of them was designed for cars
funny how that works huh
Now hooning bans I can agree with.
>ban cars from big cities
I would be okay with this. Big cities are already shitholes, so why not make it even more worse?
interestingly enough, if one group of people do the same shit over and over then eventually you have to accept is the truth about that group.
Or you can wait till your preferred news media tells you what to believe, your choice.
clearly you think cities like los angeles represent the vast majority of US cities. Most north american cities do not experience congestion in any meaningful way when compared to trying to cram cars onto streets barely designed for horses like in europe.
That's the joke dumdum
Found the issue
Maybe if you're in old colonial America but I've been to Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Houston and London.
There's no comparison.
>>Furst they came for the guns
No, they didn't. We're just trying to get in place common sense gun legislation that should've been in place decades ago.
Now fuck off Alex Jones
>(and that’s a good thing)
This is what they said after the 1938 restrictions
Then 1968...
And again in 1986
And yet again in 1993
But swear to God this time guys, this is it. Just do the 2018 restrictions and we'll stop after the 6th time!
They've been putting in place regulations since the 30s my dude. It's like someone taking a slice of your pie a bunch of times, and when you decide you're keeping your slice they cry and get buttmad that you won't share.
Who the hell wants to drive inside a city? I agree cars should be banned from city centers, cities should be for people, not cars, leave the cars to the rural and suburban retards. Cities could be comfy if they were designed around people designed around cars, like old European cities used to be, instead of being large depressing grids filled with smog
But seriously nobody benefits from driving around a city, it's slow, boring and crowded. Driving should be the long roads through towns and between cities, not inside them
Driving is great in European cities. You have old world architecture, and beautiful people everywhere to look at when you're stuck in traffic. The roads are smooth and without imperfections for the most part, so even with congestion it's not as stressful as you'd imagine.
this is where it begins but where does it end? What defines a city? what should the criteria be for an area that bans cars? what should be the criteria for an area that allows cars? what if a city expands? should the areas be rewritten? will cities decide that upkeep of roads in the drivable areas are better spent appeasing the whiny minority in the city?
There is no such thing as "common sense" when it comes to gun laws in the US because it has been made into a political ideological cornerstone. Those who want to take all the guns and give them to the government, and those who want to keep the guns to give the government something to think about when over reaching their authority.
If there was a common sense to be had, it would have been had a long time ago. People need to get over the "taking guns" idea and think more about how to live with the idea that they exist.
Okay I don't think they should be outright "banned", but cities should at least be restructured so there are more car free areas. Areas with high pedestrian throughput like downtown/shopping/restaurant areas are good candidates for this. Industrial areas are at the opposite end.
And I think there should be a bigger focus on efficient public transportation and bicycles for cities. I like cars but living in a city I only see the downsides of mixing millions of pedestrians and cars in a relatively cramped area.
how can the government take your guns when you have guns to stop them
Bigger guns
>boohoo pedestrians will steal my road funds
>bans cars
>businesses die in a week due to logistical nightmare
Why the fuck do we let people with arts degrees express opinions?
Even acknowledging these retards is validating their opinions. Stop sharing it and noone gives a fuck.
If the government wants to take your guns, there's not a goddamned thing you can do to stop them. Many right wing retards fail to consider this
Gizmodo claims that's bullshit. All these sneaky fuckers look after each other
>Most north american cities do not experience congestion
their populations aren't big enough because those cities are irrelevant
its a miracle that europeans could even make cars fit in their cities at all
This guy thinks conservatives want to ban guns and cars, what a retarded cunt
cold dead hands
>80% don’t even know we have any gun laws
This is like the 50th thread on this article since it came out
>went to school in Texas
>massive university bisected by railroad and highway
>driveable campus roads continue to decrease every year
>massive traffic problem as cars encircle entire campus and massive backups in the narrow paths to the parking garages
Provide better alternatives first. Public transport right now sucks massive balls.
Yes, I believe the police should only have guns. In addition to keeping them out of potential white shooters, it also allows them to shoot at dindu nuffins at traffic stops. Luckily, I live in a gated community so I only have to pretend to be outraged on Twitter when something like that happens.
Veeky Forums and /k/ bromance relationship when
>If the government wants to take your guns, there's not a goddamned thing you can do to stop them.
You can shoot at them enough to the point where the measures they have to take will cost more than the fight is worth.
I mean, no one but mouth breathing hillbilly militias think we can actually win in the battlefield sense, but if the government actually needs to bring tanks, air power and artillery into its own cities, it has finished being a legitimate government.
Having an armed populace and the threat of that becoming a necessity is the whole point.
Patriots more like
this is fantasy
simply criminalizing gun ownership would be enough to cave most gun owners
how are you going to feed your family if you can't get a job?
is a gun really more important to you that?
i'd guess in 90% of cases the answer is no, despite the tough guy talk and rhetoric
Cars have been cucked by the IHS, EPA, high cost of fuel, rising prices in the used car market and rising insurance costs for like at least 10 years now
Plus when you gunfags run out of ammo for your arguments you frequently spout ban assault cars and site deaths by motoring accidents
Fuck outta here back to your hugbox
Texas A&M? The traffics 100x worse now, dude. Texas and University both get backed up every fuckin' day from noon till 9pm.
>I live in a gated community so I only have to pretend to be outraged on Twitter when something like that happens.
>he thinks he's safe in his gated community
Being able to be in charge of my own person and actually be able to defend myself, my loved ones and my property absolutely come before anything else. Otherwise I'm a sitting duck for whatever twisted plans the government or any other type of thug wants to subject me to. Anyone who doesn't violently resist gun control of any type to their grave is a fool who has no grasp of human history and doesn't deserve to have rights.
In your entire life no one will ever bother you. You watch too much Steven Crowder/Ben Sharpiro/Milo/Tomi Lahren.
You're going to die from diabetes at age 50 without anyone ever intruding in your home you pathetic loser.
Cool story bro.
The federal government can take your livelihood and liberty from you whenever it wants.
You might wanna turn that gun on yourself while you've still got the chance.
see I wasn't even part of this discussion but when I see people like you responding like this, I know whoever you're replying to is ABSOLUTELY correct because otherwise you wouldn't be throwing an online tantrum and saying childish bullshit.
how fucking pathetic do you have to be to lose an argument and then resort to "You're going to die from diabetes at age 50" just to salvage whatever dignity you started off with? suck it up and move on
>how fucking pathetic do you have to be to lose an argument and then resort to "You're going to die from diabetes at age 50"
You have a better chance of dying due to diabetes than "antifa soldiers" or "BLM thugz" coming in your house and "terrorizing" you.
Keep drinking the hard Right's kool aid. You are no better than the people on the hard Left who pull the same antics.
Yet we've had our hands full with cavemen who found AKs for about 30 years now.
>be rural/suburban deplorable retard
>somehow care about what happens in the civilizated parts of the country
Why are you on an automotive enthusiast board then dipshit
If we don't act and put these terrorists in their place then being more likely to die fat the hands of a far left group than diabetes will definitely become a reality. Complicit cucks like you are responsible for this outcome because of your refusal to acknowledge how dangerous these people are and that you're not fighting back against them. The only reason I personally haven't acted yet is because I presently don't have the strength in numbers, but you'd be surprised how quickly groups dedicated to countering the people and ideas that will kill us and destroy western civilization are forming. Our day is approaching faster with every passing minute and you'll either be redpilled enough over time to see these people for what they really are or be eliminated with them.
He likely unironically believes that people will be able to keep their cars for use on racetracks and other things once they're banned from the road. Despite the fact that most European countries are taking measures to ban all ICEs from within their borders in very short time frames and it's not long before this spreads to other countries
>Reddit spacing
You have to go back
>Complicit cucks like you are responsible for this outcome because of your refusal to acknowledge how dangerous these people are and that you're not fighting back against them.
You're god damn right. People like Dylan Roof, Adam Lanza, and Nikolas Cruz need to be dealt with accordingly!
Their kind are truly horrendous and need to be put to death.
I live in an European city.
Do you know how fucking useless it is for me to have a car? I mean I live next to a highway exit which I use to get to work and back home, but within my city my car is useless
i don't know how reddit spaces their text because i've never been on there.
but you do. So that says something about this lil conversation.
>no one is gonna take ur guns
>let's give the gov't more power!
>u won't do shit when they take your guns!
Keep pushing, faggots
it's a paragraph break you retard
Cruz was a mutt who couldn't handle his shit genes and chimped out
Roof and Lanza were week, violent-minded autists who shouldn't have been allowed the freedom they were due to their mental inferiority and instability and ideally shouldn't have been born at all if the medical industry wasn't fucked
havent laughed this hard at bait in a while lmao
This thread is exactly why I don't go to /k/ anymore.
You aren't missed faggot
And you're not welcome here so be like your mom and eat my ass then fuck off.
Stop, go back to your safe space bud.
I lived in a middle class, no niggers community and had 2 Mexicans break into my home Christmas 2013
I don't know what would have happened if I didn't have them at rifle point till the police came
They later informed me they found rope and a couple knives on them
Please get guns guys protect your family please
You shouldn't have to tell anyone in this thread twice. If they truly value their integrity and safety they'd have armed themselves already
What the fuck are you going to do about it?
>le go back 2 ur safe space
>le niggers
buddy, people like you are the reason why gun rights taking away little by little. You know you can be a proponent for the 2nd amendment and not be a racist prick right? But no go ahead mouth off. I hope the government takes your weapons and spits on your face while they do so.
>Getting asshurt at the word nigger
>on a mongolian fingerpainting board
shoo shoo tumblr foo
"common sense"
fuck that, there's no sound logic or sense to that shit
You're a mouthbreathing retard. When the fucking aussies banned guns a shit ton of gun owners didn't turn their shit in. America criminalizing a majority of guns wouldn't do shit except push people to join militias and deserters in the military, police etc.
>Abloo bloo bloo, mean words! you are forever a piece of shit!
Glad to know not all roos are cucks. Everything that comes out of that country is fucking unbelievable
They're still panicking and doing buy backs to this day.
> Everyone lives in the city
Okay but what if someone downs airforce one over one of them? Kurt Russell too old for that shit
This is happening in NYC, 59th st. bridge is getti g tolls, munimeter on resedential streets, no parking signs popping everywhere, and using police to enforce it. Bicycle lanes all the way out to flushing, and no one fucking uses them.
These tactics are not only a way to deter people from coming into the city, but to also put people down in a depressed state by frustrating them over and over with high traffic situations. Eventually 2 hours in and 2 hours back home take their toll. 4 hours go to commuting, and you get charged ontop of that, and then you havent even added in a cars maintenance for those miles.
Btw (((they))) do this shit on purpose,, my client who is one of (((them))) told me they want 0 cars in NYC, and they only want construction workers getting in for work.
Most did, that was my point.
Where are the Australian militias fighting for gun rights?
in europe yes
Fuck off you yank poofter cunts
that's... not true at all
hey obamaleaf i see you diversifying your shitposting profile!
you're not a secret resisting badass, you're just a retarded tnifoil wearing faggot.
Kek the post got deleted