League of Legends general - /lolg/

New Star Guardians soon!

OT: eyosongive.us

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why doesnt worlds have a losers bracket in current year?
It would be much more exciting especially with the korean dominance, and it prevents teams from being out for having a bad day or something.

ardent censer supports made me gay

Best boy
Best girl
Best star guardians
Best couple

worlds is for winners

comfy bfs~

xth for Syndra

>Jhin gets to 6 Item Lategame
>each auto attack takes 50% of someones HP

name a more satisfying 6 item champion in LoL

PROTIP: you can't

You fucked up

Name 4 more satisfying champs

>take everyone with me

>pick jhin
>enemy gets 3 tanks who build 250 armor each
>6 items, still need 10-12 autoattacks to kill one of them in a fight
i like this meta

MF, 3 lethality items, cleaver, ldr, and IE

cont. from previous thread, ekko can't go back in time to help jinx.
why not?
because if he goes back in time, helps her and she doesn't go insane, then why did he go back to help her in the first place? her insanity was the reason he went back anyway, if he helped her, then he'd have no reason to go back in time in the future

This nigga gets it.

Pretty sure Ekkos time travel doesn't suffer from paradoxes, he just can't go back because hes meme machine wasn't active at the time

Why is taliyah grimacing

>have karthus on team
>he ends 2/12/3
>spam all chats "death is only the beginning" every time he dies
>some other spanish shit that none one can understand
>goes on about some champion named O'connell the entire fucking game

Help her?
Is there a reason why Jinx became insane?

>get beat by early thread again


her bot lane is having a hard time

Fuck you faggots now I ship Jinx and Ekko.


6 Item LeBlanc ( Q> R Q one shots or 1.6k damage off one E)

6 Item Zed with Infinity Edge and PD. Deathmark into One crit is death. You no longer have to pull off those silly double shuriken combos to get kills

6 Item Kha'Zix when a single auto>Q deals 2k damage

6 Item Maestro Yi with Crit and you one shot the ADC with Alpha into Auto

Ban all SG users.

i wish i was a girl

Stop trying to force a meme

me too thanks
at least I'm on titty skittles

Who is it?

>bot doesnt give pull
>get invaded and die because health disadvantage
>score is 17-4 with 2 towers down 15 minutes in
>"surrender vote failed"

there are a couple of probable reasons like sump consumption or witnessing too many brutal killings and being abandon by her family and friends. so either way jinx's descent into madness couldn't be stop with a time machine but with a good home and love/nurturing. Maybe Ekko couldn't provide everything or maybe that he tried to save her and it ended up doing more harm than good.

Maybe he thought she is happier this way using violence and chaos to escape the reality of her problems.

I wish someone would treat me like a girl in bed.

Conqueror Karma skin.

ekko, obviously. See the white hair?

Why didn't you carry harder?

>7 more hours until SG

Why release content in the evening?

pff my memes so in some loser copied it just with his champions

Sex with trannies leads to suicide.

The shell means nothing

good luck with your transition user


going blue kayn should be a bannable offense


>i- image limit reached
>g- give use new bread
Pointless images already

Hey /lolg/, which pro/former pro player posted on the realasians or similar subreddit and told the chick in the photo that he forgot the towel in pic? I remembered a friend told me the story and showed me the link and couldn't remember who it was.

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.


I only post the most important of images


images arent a finite resource user

>this is balanced

whats the highest stack amout you have ever reached in ranked games?

mine is 422

shit egirl lf buds hmu cute anime babe on na

d5 0lp last season plat 2 neg win rate this season yeah you're a girl

can people stop treating bronze like a mental disabillity please ffs

just because I'm bronze doesn't mean I can't work how to click right click with kayle or other "easy" champions

bronze really isn't that bad unless ur low bronze v most people could get out with a bit of luck and there isn't much seperatly a bad luck streak from gold players

most games in bronze are decided by pure chance with one lane going 0/15 and being utterly uncarryable even if u win your own lane

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>baddies can't 1v9 their way outta bronze/silver

How does this make you feel?

how are the last two champs
havent played this garbage since the birdfuckers were revealed

I want to go exploring in Lulu.

this isn't even good pasta why does it resonate so much with you.

I only play girl champs

>35 year old bronzer can't get out because it's the team not him

kayn is the new bronzord
ornn is extremely weak because hes made with counterplay in mind so everything he does takes ages

hello important question for you /lolg/
What time today do you think riot will enable the SG skins that they've had finished for almost 2 weeks

>he has played this game for multiple seasons and still in bronze

I wonder how Jinx feels about being a cuckquean.

>not good pasta
>has yet to not get at least 4 (you)s and ive posted it like 10 times

they pretty much always everytime every release this stuff after 6 gmt

I always respond to it to bait this exact same response


whats the point of that anyway
why post something retarded for (you)s
Do you really need attention that badly

When will riot confirm GravesxTF canon??? What will happen to tango skins??? Graves tango when???

That title belongs to Xayah.

Source please?

>game company owned by chinks
>homosexuality in their games


xD haha upvoted

Think it's from a Pateron.

What's with Draven players and their autism to put a reference to axe catching in their name
>dont drop axes
>never drop axes
>axe catcher
>2 axes
Is it worse than "EXILEBLADE111BROKENXX"?


do u want to be a girl too

Star guardian Syndra should have been the legendary.

We already had a "Normal" star guardian legendary in Jinx, we should have had a fallen or broken one in Syndra but no, gotta get them Jewbucks.


I have SG and DT Looloo, and got WW in my Hextech shit. Should I buy it?

It doesn't sound as weabshit as that so yes it's better.

man that new series coulda been god tier if they didn't do that fucking HORRIBLE cg shit

dude anime xd
dude sailor moon xd
dude winx club xd
dude money xd

Normal as in a normal star guardian, someone good fighting for justice and all that yatta yatta.

Jinx is surprisingly normal in that skin user. Compared to her usual self anyway.

Ahri just feels like, another version of that.


riot basically confirmed the never delve into non hetero sexualities because some countries cant handle it see: RUSSIA

If it was allowed then Vi,Cait and Diana autist would have a field day.

but on a slightly unrelated note

>LoL cant any sort of Gay pride event or faggotry

>meanwhile in other games youtu.be/ArqD1S5b6sg

Why are they hitting their swords against each other? Doesn't everyone know a sword fight is mostly just people punching and kneeing each other until theyre tired enough that you can actually cut them down?
No one strikes their sword against someone else's sword, nor does anybody ever block with their fucking sword. It's a hair-thick 2 pound piece of iron its not meant to block

>not getting it

>Star guardian Syndra should have been the legendary.
Is it because of her voice?

> Playing Trynd, Yi, Taliyah, Vayne, Taric (me)
> Against Galio, Sejuani, Morgana, Twitch, Tahm Kench
> We get called dishonorable cowards for splitpushing
It still gets me that people get mad about that. Why would we ever want to teamfight against that comp? That Twitch has an absurd amount of peel.



>Ahri Animated Trailer
What a waste to not show off the others in motion, especially when all but MF are more grand. She has the legendary which is fine, but why such a lopsided trailer in the first place?


Because it's the legendary skin trailer

Downvote it.

>rainbows an exclusive symbol of anything

>all this shitty cuckold porn regarding Rakan when he's clearly an alpha male who would turn Xayah into a cuckquean instead

People have bad tastes.