Describe the person driving this car

Describe the person driving this car

Attached: Truck-Nuttz[1].jpg (1024x789, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:,-149.9055409,3a,75y,347.37h,79.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGojwxyuYWaocQT7okGVRnw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


White dad. Has 2 kids. Fun to talk to.

white, father, mid-40s to early-50s, watches NFL, owns a dog.

sounds like a typical american desu.

Mid 40s. Wears flatbilled hats associated with dirtbike companies and Oakley sunglasses. Works some sort of construction as a journeyman. Has a fat wife and two shit head kids

didn't see the fucking testicles.

Attached: 1200px-Trucknuts[1].jpg (1200x1600, 238K)

Albertans (read muhequalisationpayments)

not the flamboyant faggot, Im talking about the self conscious faggot who has to bee all masculine because he is scared someone might think he is gay

Obnoxious, insecure fag who fetishises the military but never served who parks like a cunt, has seen Buckcherry live and has a skull tattoo somewhere on his forearm.


You left out long curly hair but it'll do

Gender identity issues.

Average canadian dad

Lol 100%

I don't see a car in that picture.

What else is there to do in anchorage aside from race trucks?

how do you know that image is from anchorage,-149.9055409,3a,75y,347.37h,79.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGojwxyuYWaocQT7okGVRnw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

You posted my truck, asshole

Attached: amerimutt.jpg (1206x591, 146K)


I welded these to my windshield and now I have reduced visibility

Road raging high-functioning alcoholic

Most of those types drive diesel trucks


Oh please. You'd get your ass laughed off the worksite with that. You need a 12'' lift on the stock tire size and 5 rigid bars to get bro points in Burta.

Attached: 6eZc0i4.jpg (2880x1234, 311K)

>has seen Buckcherry live
I have some friends who have toured with Buckcherry and I know for a fact they (my friends) don't give a shit about the terrible radio rock they make because it got them signed, keeps the bills paid, and sent them to fucking europe and japan for tours

Coors Lite

I can't blame people for getting these big trucks in places like Alberta. If I lived in a shitty, cold, and depressing place like Alberta I'd like to have a large comfortable truck to distract me from the living hell of -40 for 9 months out of the year. The landscape in that photo is incredibly depressing.

This is like 30 minutes from that picture. Winter sports are fucking sick and the cold keeps you healthy and fit. Some parts are pretty flat.

Attached: jeepfail.jpg (1650x1100, 202K)

Poser who tries to be a man's man but never will make it and never will admit to it.

Let's face it, a half ton truck is a grocery getter that maybe pulls a boat twice a year. And since he has testies hanging off of it means he thinks it's badass.

But it's a pretty lame DD pallet hauling type truck

How is Ted using his 911 GT3 to drive the speed limit to work and the country club any different?

Why Ted?

Fuck-Huge ePeen

Unless Ted is putting cherry bombs and a giant spoiler on its different. Ted probably just wants a fun half decent DD. A half ton truck with balls hanging down just screams try hard that has no clue.
Keep that half ton truck stock, take the balls off, and be realistic and honest with what you drive. Half ton trucks have their place and are decent vehicles, but they are a oversized ranger. Not badass rigs

voted most likely to touch kids back in high school yearbook